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New ProSlide Tonado - Tantrum

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During the IAAPA show ProSlide announced a new Tornado product called the Tantrum, which appears to essentially be a mini Tornado that can be used as part of an overall enclosed slide experience. If you want to add more than one Tantrum to the same slide, they call it a Tornado Alley. You can see a video of one in action posted to their website, just click on the Tantrum hyperlink under the Tornado section.


I love the tornado....so a fully enclosed version would be awesome! And there's more to the slide! Unlike the Tornados where the ride ends after the bowl, the ride continues through a dark tube! I bet these will become very popular in the Indoor and outdoor waterparks.

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^ That's exactly what the topic is about. Go watch the video in the original post, I think you'll see it's exactly what you're asking about.


yeah I wachted the video with just one eye, and the other one looking away :$ didn't pay real attention.


but if thats build anywhere then my next holiday is at that place


EDIT: OMFG!! i'm starting to go blind I geuss, the movie starts with an overview of the dream tornadoslide!

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That's a good idea, IMO!




I've always considered Tornado slides to be sort of "one trick ponyies" and have thought, no matter how many little turns and twists they do before the bowl, each slide is the same exact thing. They're great fun and a good slide element, but aren't in and of themselves worthy of much wait.


So to see them include the tornado principle into a full-length slide is great! I hope to see these emerge.



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That little hole on the bowl part should be closed up so its pitch black in there. I think that would make it a bit better.


That's what Rapids Waterpark did with Black Thunder - but I think they kept in that hole so it would be easier to film inside and actually see what's going on. Although Black Thunder is full sized and fully enclosed, it's post funnel section isn't nearly as large. But why they would have two tornadoes and two raft rides at the park, I don't know. It's like a park with two Intamin Accelerators. The rides are really good, but why have two?

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The actual "funnel" part(s) of these slides are substantially smaller than any previous-generation Tornado, which means that the structure to support them can be much less substantial. Note that there's only a ring around the funnel, rather than the full latticework structure completely engulfing all prior Tornado slides.


This means a far less costly installation, leaving more money in the budget to spend on more slide length... or more funnel sections! This concept has a lot of promise and I think we'll start seeing a bunch of them.

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It resembles Space River at Mt. Cascades. The chairlift, the ending and the setting all make me think it's Mt. Cascades.


I don't believe one of these was announced yet...The one is the video I'm pretty sure is at the Pro-Slide testing facility, where they try out all their latest ideas etc... Every person in the video that I saw, I know works for Pro-Slide. So I don't know that I'd get your hopes up.

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That looks very cool!


I'm a fan of the regular Tornados, and I think it would be interesting to have a small one as part of a larger slide. I really like riding the Pacific Spin models on Whirly Wheels, but the Cloverleaves looked better than the Whirly Wheels in the video.

----Antonio"Hope we get a Tornado Alley in California!"G.

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Thats an awesome concept, I liked when they had the four people tubes come down and fly up the walls and in one of them when exiting the tornado part a guy was almost flung out! I want to see this concept come to bowl slides now, like a Disco H2o with more than just a wimpy drop at the end! Now that would be awesome! Or a full sized Tornado slide with more too it at the end would be even cooler~@!


I can also eventually see along the line Tantrum slides to become racing slides, and they call it something like Twin Twisters.

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These guys do some really cool work. Humerously, the enclosed slides remind me of hamster habitrail tubes, especially the Tantrum.


Adrenaline_Rush: I want to see this concept come to bowl slides now, like a Disco H2o with more than just a wimpy drop at the end! Now that would be awesome! Or a full sized Tornado slide with more too it at the end would be even cooler


Good idea! That's going in TPR-Land.

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