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Robb Alvey's 30lbs in 30 days!


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Anyway, keep up the good work. I'm so addicted to working out now it's not even funny. It's almost like caffeine to me, if I don't have it, I get grumpy.


Tell me about it. My alarm went off at 5am and I getting ready to head to the gym at 6am. Working out while everyone else is asleep... that's addictive.


But then I work towards goals; my first milestone is this week since I'm volunteering at these circuit parties this week. The event coordinator gave me tank tops to wear... all size small. Well I got in them last week. I got my abs flat again and I think I put on at least 10 lbs of muscle since the summer. I really don't look at the scale because it's not going to be accurate for me, since I'm trying to put on muscle weight. So my next goal is to work towards a six pack again before New Years where I will actually be doing some real partying.



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^ Awesome Terrance! You'll be dead sexy for the TPR trips next year!


Day 10 -


Drove Beth and Dallas back home yesterday, so at least that was 5 hours in the car where I wasn't tempted with any food!


We did a trip around Magic Mountain in the morning. We really did attempt to stop and get a snack at some point since we ended up not having time for breakfast, but we walked from X to Batman and didn't find one single food location open! If it wasn't for the fact that the coasters were really running well, I'd say it was a typical operations day for Magic, but the ride side of things really did have their act together. We didn't see a food location open until about 11:45, almost 2 hours after the park opened. Oh well....


Anyway, we did a McDonalds lunch where I had two of those grilled chicken snack wraps. I hadn't had them before and DAMN, those things were REALLY good!!! If you get them without cheese they are about 200 calories and 10 grams of fat. That's not terribly bad when you consider it's McDonlads!


Jahan came over last night and we worked out for about and hour since it had been 2 days since we were at the gym.


Onto today's random buisiness.....


Weight in - 251.5 Yay! Back to losing some weight!

Total weight loss: - 12.5 pounds!


So far so good!!!


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It's nice to hear Jahan is helping out. Working out with someone makes it so much easier. It's cool to have someone that can keep you on track, and make sure you keep going.


It's mutual. I sort of finally got fed up by the fact that it looks like I'm ready to get beaten up and have someone take my lunch money, so I'm in this primarily for the weight exercises. I help keep Robb motivated on the bikes and elliptical and he helps keep me motivated on the weights.


But I totally agree that simply having someone to talk to makes a "work out" into a "hang out".



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So that's 12.5 pounds in 10 days. Ahead of schedule (perhaps to accomodate for Thanksgiving Dinner?), you're doing really good!


I've never dieted so out of pure curiosity I wanna ask you Robb, which part is harder, the first half of the diet commitment, or the second half?


And I've been reading your updates but was wondering overall, whats 1 main thing you've done to change your habits to help you lose weight like this? Maybe its as simple as avoiding soda or committing to staying active every day, i'm just interested and I think it'd help others trying to get an idea of how to lose weight. Because I have NO clue! I'm one of those lucky ones with the high metabolism.


Keep it up Robb!

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:br what is thanksgiving gonna be like at the alvey household? you could try that tofuerky, its tofu obviously a fish, i think sole and something else. i read an article online about it. for people trying to keep the pounds down around the holiday's. i guess it's pretty popular.


Turkey breast without the skin on is pretty good for you! Too bad I hate it.


Go Robb!

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It's mutual. I sort of finally got fed up by the fact that it looks like I'm ready to get beaten up and have someone take my lunch money, so I'm in this primarily for the weight exercises. I help keep Robb motivated on the bikes and elliptical and he helps keep me motivated on the weights.


But I totally agree that simply having someone to talk to makes a "work out" into a "hang out".




When you two are done, will you come out here and "hang out?" I need to lose about ten pounds myself.

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Day 11 -


So yeah, the weight is coming off slower, but it's still coming off! Which is a good thing. The harest part now is to not get discouraged. You eat less, you work out more, and at the start it goes really quick, but .5 a day can get a little hard. You just think "I'm doing all this extra work and effort, and that's it?"


But over time it will be well worth it!


Yesterday was pretty normal - Power Bar for breakfast. Elissa made pasta for lunch, and some rice for dinner. It was totally a carbs day!


But I still dropped down to 251. I'll be really happy when I'm below 250. That's kind of the next milestone for me.....




Today's weight in: 251

Total weight loss so far: 13 pounds in 11 days.


Maybe tomorrow you'll get more pics other than feet. Who wants to see a pic of Jahan and I at the gym?


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Ok so now to answer some random questions.


How tall am I? Right at 6 feet.


What is Thanksgiving like in the Alvey household? Pretty much non-existant! Elissa doesn't eat anything from the "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner and I pretty much only eat the turkey, and *maybe* some stuffing. Everything else is pretty nasty, IMO. Just never been into it.


The last few years we've had Thanksgiving dinner we've had Italian, Indian, or cruise ship food! I don't think I've had a 'traditional' Thanksgiving meal since I was 17 years old and living at home!


What's harder the first half or second? The second by far. Progress slows down and you have to work harder to make sure you continue losing weight.


I'm one of those really slow metabolism people. Seriously, if I eat a big meal at all, it takes me 2 days to feel like I'm back to normal again.


I will say though that all my shirts fit better, so I'm seeing an improvement already!


Anyway, I think that's it!



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I sort of finally got fed up by the fact that it looks like I'm ready to get beaten up and have someone take my lunch money


Eh, you get used to it over time, Jahan. I'm 5' 11" and about to turn 33 years old, and I weigh 175 pounds. I wear the same size pants and shirts I wore when I was 16 years old. My wife could probably take me.

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My wife could probably take me.


I wish I could! You deserve it sometimes and I think it would be fun


Don't get discouraged Robb, .5 lbs. is allot for one day. Some days you'll get there and some days you won't. Keep up the good work and thank you for letting me know about the Crystal Light! I love it and I have cut out all the pop (or soda) from my day!

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Ok so now to answer some random questions.


How tall am I? Right at 6 feet.


What is Thanksgiving like in the Alvey household? Pretty much non-existant! Elissa doesn't eat anything from the "traditional" Thanksgiving dinner and I pretty much only eat the turkey, and *maybe* some stuffing. Everything else is pretty nasty, IMO. Just never been into it.


The last few years we've had Thanksgiving dinner we've had Italian, Indian, or cruise ship food! I don't think I've had a 'traditional' Thanksgiving meal since I was 17 years old and living at home!


What's harder the first half or second? The second by far. Progress slows down and you have to work harder to make sure you continue losing weight.


I'm one of those really slow metabolism people. Seriously, if I eat a big meal at all, it takes me 2 days to feel like I'm back to normal again.


I will say though that all my shirts fit better, so I'm seeing an improvement already!


Anyway, I think that's it!




I'm with you on Thanksgiving. I can actually lose a pound or two because I don't eat that much since I hate half of the stuff we have.


I wish I could have McDonald's instead, haha, but I guess that's not traditional enough...


Great job on the weight lost.

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^Is it just ironic that your username is "thefitness?"


When it comes to Thanksgiving, it's always tradition for my family. But instead of just one family making the entire dinner, everyone makes something else and brings it, like a pot luck.

Looks like tomorrow I'm gonna gain about 100 pounds.

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