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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Thanks for the pics. Didn't realize it was that brown. On the bright side, at least they know now to have a back up filtration system in place in case of failure to prevent this from happening. Before WOC was installed, I don't ever recall seeing the water take on that color. Quite a stroke of bad luck to have issues with both the WOC and the water filters happen at the same time.

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^The waves have been off for a few years now. Whats interesting is that they fixed the machines during the WoC build. Seems like they should have spent money refurbing the filters and installing an actual drain into the lagoon.


That said, I am looking forward to visiting the parks on Saturday...yes, even Disney Construction Adventure

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The magic orbs probably weren't working because the water is brown and the orbs are now too. I noticed this last weekend and they were even worse when we were at the park on Saturday. Imagine this gross water splashing on you.


They stopped working before the water got bad, its a structural issue with a bracket on the top of the lifting arm.


Interesting pictures Gregg. You can certainly see a sort of 'sheen' on the top of the water that does lend some truth to the rumors that oil and hydraulic fluid and crap is leaking.


I think the "sheen" is from the flamethrowers. When they don't ignite, they just spew fuel into the air which rains back down into the water, I haven't heard anywhere that there are leaks.


The water is so nasty, I really hope it gets back to blue soon.

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^Yeah, the water's disgustingness is probably from the fire that get's spewed out every night. I know that on Firefall at CGA, the pond that lights on fire always looks grimy and pretty disgusting.


What I don't understand is how Disney is able to keep the Rivers of America so clean and presentable, what with Fantasmic lighting the river on fire almost every night, yet Paradise Pier looks so horrible. Hopefully they can find the problem soon and fix it.

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It might have something to do with that the fire on the river is burning off all the fuel on the water,


But isn't that how Firefall works? Where they just release the fuel on the water then ignited. Along with rivers of america there is also the crystal clear water for Waterworld at USH. Which I think uses both those fire systems.

Edited by gforce532
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The reason the water is so gross is that the waves are not moving the water around anymore, thus, we have a stagnant puddle of gasoline water.


I do hope they bring back the wave effect, Cali Screamin' launched looked MUCH better with the waves. Now those rocks look out of place just sitting there...



Nope, the wave machine has been off for years and the lagoon has never looked like an oil spill.

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The reason the water is so gross is that the waves are not moving the water around anymore, thus, we have a stagnant puddle of gasoline water.


I do hope they bring back the wave effect, Cali Screamin' launched looked MUCH better with the waves. Now those rocks look out of place just sitting there...



Nope, the wave machine has been off for years and the lagoon has never looked like an oil spill.


I thought they fixed the wave machine during the WoC construction? Someone said that a few pages back. I really wish they'd turn it back on, because 1) It really adds to the atmosphere and 2) It probably would help with the water, along with fixes to the filtration system (if there is something wrong - and it looks like there is) because it wouldn't be so stagnant. But who knows.

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They put dye in the rivers of America, so it's hard to compare the two.


I thought that someone said that the reason why the water was so dark right now on world of color, was because the filtration system was broken and being worked on.


It was (or is) broken but its being worked on, they know there is a problem.


Something tells me they can't do the waves when the WOC platforms are up. And since the one platform is never down, that means no waves.


The main reason ive heard the waves aren't turned on anymore is because almost all the World of Color infrastructure runs directly in front of the wave machine down Screamin's launch under the water. They don't want the waves messing with all the cables down there. I wish they could just encase it right there so we can have the waves back, cause it did add a lot of movement to the bay. But you are also right in that the waves would have been turned off when the platforms go up.

Edited by COASTER FREAK 11
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