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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - D23 announcement roundup for DL and DCA!

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I'm surprised that they're still able to run California Screamin' while they're taking down Maliboomer. When I heard that the ride was coming down, I figured Screamin' would close until Maliboomer's deconstruction finished. Still, it's a good thing that they're able to keep it up.

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I'm surprised that they're still able to run California Screamin' while they're taking down Maliboomer. When I heard that the ride was coming down, I figured Screamin' would close until Maliboomer's deconstruction finished. Still, it's a good thing that they're able to keep it up.


They are deconstructing it at night.

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I was at the park tonight (Sunday) and I can confirm the Maliboomer is officially gone. All that is left is some remaining scaffolding and the black tarp that surrounds it.


I would guess that in the next few days it will be nothing but a nice cement block. Perhaps the Disney landscaping department will throw some temporary trees up there for the time being.


Also, I had the chance to view the new elecTronica, and all I can say is Wow!!! Disney has done a great job on this night time show. If you get the chance it's definitely worth your time to go and see it. (It shows only on Fri/Sat/Sun nights from 6pm to closing) Walking down the main street was like walking through a scene in the Matrix. It's visually stunning, you literally see people bumping into each other because their so caught up in to what their watching.


FLYNN'S arcade was like a step into the past. I haven't had the chance to play 'Scramble' in a looooooooong time.


Overall a great job by Disney, it will certainly be getting some excellent word of mouth.

Edited by BelizeIt
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Great video! It's so cool to see all those old arcade games. I was just in my local arcade playing some of them (including Tron) the other night. I encourage everyone to get out and support your local arcades if you have one. Thanks for sharing that vid, and I really wish I could attend ElecTRONica. Can't wait for the movie!

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^^Nice job showing all of the arcade games they have at Flynns.


I sure Robb has played most if not all of them.(Being a teenager in the eighties) In fact I bet he's owned many of them. I recall an old photo from years back showing off his former huge collection of stand up arcade games.


Flynns was packed to capacity when I was there last Sunday, everyone was having a great time.

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Ditto on the nice video comments! Seeing all those titles, and thinking about what it used to be like in the arcades brought back some great memories!


I guess you can add a room full of classic arcade games to the growing list of things that are 10000x cheaper, and 10000x > World of Color.

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Hey all!


Got a chance to check out ElecTRONica last week and it really is cool! Definitely worth checking out. The only "complaint" i have is that the line for drinks moved SO slow! It took us about 30 minutes to get a "Glo-jito". So they need to add more bars or get faster bartenders. Other that that, it's very cool. It's obvious that Disney has invested heavily in it and it shows. Highlt recommended.


I just kept thinking "Wow... what if the movie bombs?" That would be tragic.


Everyone agreed that the highlight was "Laserman". I recorded his entire show. Here it is for those of you interested:


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Great video! It's so cool to see all those old arcade games. I was just in my local arcade playing some of them (including Tron) the other night. I encourage everyone to get out and support your local arcades if you have one. Thanks for sharing that vid, and I really wish I could attend ElecTRONica. Can't wait for the movie!

You have a local arcade?! *sighs due to not having one because it closed down because of lack of business*


^^Nice job showing all of the arcade games they have at Flynns.
Ditto on the nice video comments! Seeing all those titles, and thinking about what it used to be like in the arcades brought back some great memories!



I'll actually be uploading a few more soon. Laserman and a walk-thru. Nice video on Laserman, by the way!

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Another one of my ElecTRONica videos is up! (and for some reason it isn't HD... oh well.)


(the song is Around The World by Daft Punk, btw)



*EDIT: 2:24 A.M. (Yes, A.M. )*


I've finally gotten my Laserman video up. It's the last of my ElecTRONica videos (for now...). Enjoy!



Edited by gameplayer951
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