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Disneyland Resort (DL, DLR, DCA) Discussion Thread

p. 393 - 70th Anniversary events and lineup announced!

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Maybe I'm too young but I really don't get the whole Tron following... It was a cool movie for it's time I guess but still...


Nevertheless it's great to see World of Color being tweaked, even if that does mean adding a Tron segment. I think it's cool that the show can be constantly changing; something a lot of people don't like apparently. I think that in the long run it will serve it's purpose seeing as how even Disney geeks will probably get bored of watching the same show over and over again. Although some people might argue that it's a bit too soon to be changing the show, I don't really think so. Perhaps the idea that the show would be ever-changing was in the minds of the Imagineers from the beginning, or perhaps it won't even be changing at all.


-Brandon "I wonder what they'll do in December" Tisor

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Maybe I'm too young but I really don't get the whole Tron following... It was a cool movie for it's time I guess but still...


Nah, it's not that you're too young. I remember Tron back from when it first came out and I've never really cared for it much at all. Tron is just one of those things that you're into, or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the Tron fans, it just isn't my cup of tea.

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Something tells me they can't do the waves when the WOC platforms are up. And since the one platform is never down, that means no waves.


The main reason the waves aren't turned on anymore is because almost all the World of Color infrastructure runs directly in front of the wave machine down Screamin's launch under the water. They don't want the waves messing with all the cables down there. I wish they could just encase it right there so we can have the waves back, cause it did add a lot of movement to the bay. But you are also right in that the waves would have been turned off when the platforms go up.


The wave machines are only located near Screamin's launch and yes they were rehabbed during the lagoon drain. Those cables aren't just sitting on the bottom of the lagoon, they are in secured "trays". I have a feeling they may not want to turn on the waves until they are confident they are done with any troubles with the platform...not because of cables moving but rather that is an access point for the pontoons they use to get out to the middle of the bay.

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Would Disney be able to add Illuminations style fireworks to WoC (I.E. smaller ones)? I think that'd really make the show complete and more well rounded. It's still awesome though, and the Tron segment sounds so cool.


No. They tried this with Luminaria and it clogged the area with smoke.

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Maybe I'm too young but I really don't get the whole Tron following... It was a cool movie for it's time I guess but still...


Nah, it's not that you're too young. I remember Tron back from when it first came out and I've never really cared for it much at all. Tron is just one of those things that you're into, or not. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the Tron fans, it just isn't my cup of tea.


I remember seeing Tron twice in theaters, mainly because I was impressed with the visuals. As for the "story," well, not so impressed. (I did like the "Deadly Discs" game on my Intellivision, though--boy, that dates me!)

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Per the construction walls around it, the replacement is a "lush park" to stroll through. A park surrounded by screams from a roller coaster. Unless the park becomes a character meet and greet, I don't see a mad rush of people wanting to stroll through a park that is walled in by CA Screamin. Hopefully, before Carsland opens, they can figure out a good use of the space shortly. Personally, if Zephyr moved there, that would give another vantage point for WOC.

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I'm just hoping the park is a temporary placeholder for something better. I know there was a parachute ride in that spot on the model that they had in the Blue Sky Cellar. I don't think that it is in the plan anymore though.


I personally would like to see the area transformed into an entrance for another boardwalk themed dark ride. I don't know if there is enough real estate backstage to do that though.

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I'm just hoping the park is a temporary placeholder for something better. I know there was a parachute ride in that spot on the model that they had in the Blue Sky Cellar. I don't think that it is in the plan anymore though.


I personally would like to see the area transformed into an entrance for another boardwalk themed dark ride. I don't know if there is enough real estate backstage to do that though.


They wont leave it as a park forever. And with some moving around, which has already started (very slowly moving) there will be tons of room back there.

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I did like the "Deadly Discs" game on my Intellivision, though--boy, that dates me!


That was an excellent game.


The arcade game was awesome, also. I dropped quite a few rolls of quarters on that bad boy.


I'm fortunate that we still have a video game arcade here with both Tron games! It's a nostalgia trip every time I go in there.

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This was posted today on the Disney Parks blog!



TRON: Legacy Exclusive 3-D Sneak Peek marquee

First Look at ‘TRON: Legacy Exclusive 3-D Sneak Peek’ at ElecTRONica


Hi, I’m Robin Trowbridge, Entertainment Show Director at the Disneyland Resort. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be inviting you to “step into the grid” as I share some of the latest information about what’s happening at ElecTRONica!


As part of ElecTRONica, the new nighttime experience at Disney California Adventure park beginning October 8, we’re excited to share the new marquee for an exclusive 3D sneak peek of Disney’s upcoming film “TRON: Legacy.” Guests will be the first to “rez in” for a special look at the film before it even comes out in theaters on December 17. “TRON: Legacy Exclusive 3-D Sneak Peek” can only be experienced at Disney California Adventure park.


I hope to see you in the Park!


^ By the way, that is an upsetting sight. Although I'm glad that the ice cream place is getting a retheme!

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^^Do they have the black tarp to hide the scaffolding? Because it seems, to me at least, that it would look better just to have the scaffolds in plain sight.

Disney always does that with construction. Just like with Little Mermaid and Cars Land.


I just hope they replace it with something cool.

If by "cool" you mean "park"...

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The P.T. Flea Pin trading store (originally located in the Bountiful Valley Farm area) was moved last night to its new location along side Mulholland Madness. Its expected to now just be covered seating for the new eating area.


Photo courtesy of DLNT on Twitter.


Concept art showing the buildings new location.


And a new sign telling guests about ElecTRONica


Photo courtesy of Mouse Times


And here is the link to the site the bar-code takes you to: Link


And the finished Paradice Pier Ice Cream Co. that used to be Catch-a-Flave


Photo courtesy of DLNT on Twitter

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