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I still don't think Let it Go won just to give the guy the EGOT. Let it Go is the only song that every person recognizes and knows. Whether it is the best is an opinion, but it is undoubtably the most popular and it helps advance the plot of Frozen instead of just "being there" like the other nominees.

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Moving to something other than the song, what did you think about the winners overall?

I can't say much as I'd only seen a couple of the films with the most nominations.

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The awards were pretty much all predictable, but I was hoping Gravity would take best picture. I think in ten years, the only nominated films people will still be watching are Frozen and Gravity. Oh, and Ellen did a great job hosting.

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Agreed with Best Picture - 12 Years a Slave was the greatest achievement of the year.


Gravity was one of the technically dynamic movies ever made and Cuaron and all the tech people deserved all those awards. But the screenplay was mediocre at best and the story was a bit thin. That's not to say it isn't a great movie, but its more about atmosphere and tension than it is about acting (although Bullock does a fine job) and deeper meaning. It has the theme of mourning (her daughter/Clooney's character), but its kind of a weak theme. We the viewers do''t really get that involved with her past and how she lost her daughter, its really only mentioned.


12 Years brings to life a book about something few people think about: people who were born free, but were captured and forced to become slaves as adults. And the actors all did amazing work with very difficult material and made you feel what they were feeling. I really thought McConaughey was fantastic in Dallas Buyers Club, but I believe what Chiwetel Ejiofor accomplished in 12 Years was an all-time performance. And newcomer Lupita Nyong'o was amazing as the slave girl in her first ever movie role. Even the slavers featured some gut-wrenching performances, namely Michael Fassbender, but also Sarah Paulsen, Paul Dano, and others.


I thought 12 Years a Slave was in an objective sense, the best American movie since There Will Be Blood and No Country For Old Men, which both come from that great film year of 2007...

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I was happy with all the winners this year.


I was surprised 12 years a slave won best picture it really was a fantastic move though. I did think best picture would go to Dallas buyers club also a great movie. I am a bit surprised the wolf of wall street left with nothing.


And I loved gravity, I knew it would dominate the technical and Director awards. But nothing like best picture or actress.

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Idina looked fantastic, but she sounded a bit strained (so did Bette Midler for that matter). I think the orchestra might have been a bit too loud.


that might be why the U2 performance just blew me away (no real use of the Orchestra). . . AMAZING:


I agree totally with this. First, I hope someone clued Travolta in, and he later apologized profusely to Idina for his mistake (hey ya never know). Bought her drinks or something. And she probably had to jet back to New York, for If/Then readying to open.


Second, they truncated "Let it Go"! So I didn't get/feel the buildup as nicely as it goes, in it's original form. And I missed the total song. Did they truncate 'Full Moon" from Her? Didn't sound like it.


Third, that it sounded to me like idina was literally shouting over the orchestra. And that last note did wobble,

and she even slipped a wee bit on that last iconic line. But I have no argument with the way she powered through it. And considering she just heard her name said WRONG, and she was to remember/sing a shortened version of this song, Power To The Lady! And we were thrilled when she got a standing O.


The backdrop was lovely.


U2 just blew me away how strong and focused this number was. I had heard some of it before, but not in it's entirely. Wow. It was amazing to watch and hear this.


And Ellen did fine. I think the group twitter thing was outrageous. And I think somebody, maybe Mr.Spacey, should have gotten Ms.Liza up on their shoulders for that group pic. Poor Liza. Got stuck in the back, behind everybody. )o:


I enjoyed the show, for the most part. Did notice the speeches were not out-vamped like they usually get after 30 seconds, lol. And yeah, really long, most of them. Enjoyed the Lopez' the best.

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Wow, A Good Day To Die Hard is, um, not good.




Yeah, it seemed to not fit in at all with the franchise.


Saw 300 the other day. Not as good as the first one, but some relatively good over the top action. I didn't realize that timeline wise, it starts at the same time as the original 300 so I was glad that I watched the first one before seeing the new one in theaters.

Edited by jray21
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^^ Wow, that's a mini-marathon, indeed!


Of the four of them, which one did you like best? Worst? Meh?


Most surprising was definitely Monuments Men, expected it worse from various reviews but I kinda liked it.

Non-Stop was just a nice action flick

300: 2 was just an action gorefest, nice fight sequences and CGI but less than 300 they could have done much more.

Robocop was definitely less than the original but if you don't compare them it's an OK action movie.

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Checked out Need For Speed instead of watching the Grand Prix today. Some great action scenes in there, and I hear it was all practical effects (no CGI), which is pretty impressive. The story is... um, not important. Very fun film.

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Just watched non stop. Pretty much what I expected: no work of art but good fun to watch. I find it funny how now Liam Neeson only seems top play this type of character (or mostly does)

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Saw Tyler Perry's The Single Moms Club yesterday. I enjoyed it a lot. I think Wendi Mclendon-Covery did a really good job in this. I have only seen her perform in more funny roles - Bridesmaids and Reno 911 - so to see her do a dramatic role and mostly pull it off was interesting.

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