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Great review! We saw it yesterday in IMAX 3D, and the visuals are incredible. It stands alone, but also ties in nicely with the rest of the Marvel universe. I read a few of the Doctor Strange comics when I was a kid, so I enjoyed the Easter eggs and nods to the comics. It's a fun story, and I don't want to say too much about it, but anyone who's on the fence about this, go see it. You don't have to know anything about Marvel to enjoy it, and indeed it will make you rethink what you thought Marvel was all about.

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Seeing Dr. Strange tomorrow afternoon in ~3D IMAX~

I'm sure it will "perk me up", after the hour long drive *

to the closest theatre with such a system...





(*We tend to sleep in till noon, being retired and all.)

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^ We saw it. It was great. Loved all the subtle (most times) humor through it.

Looking forward to more movies with Cumberbatch in them.


NOTE: Stay through most of the credits. EXTRA SPECIAL SCENE later on. Also funny.


9/10 Popcorn Boxes


We also picked up a bag of this awesome popcorn! It's chocolate-drizzled caramel corn. Yummy!

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So anyone caught the trailer for the new Beauty and the Beast movie?

The movie looks great, but I must say that the music from 0:46 totally gave me the chills!! (in a good way) That wasn't unexpected though, as "Tale as old as time" is IMO one of the most beautiful movie songs ever made.


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If there is anyone here who actually likes good movies (I still haven't seen Dr. Strange, which looks good), see Arrival. But only if you are not 15 or think that Suicide Squad was good. Because it involves actual thinking. Which could be a drawback....

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If there is anyone here who actually likes good movies (I still haven't seen Dr. Strange, which looks good), see Arrival. But only if you are not 15 or think that Suicide Squad was good. Because it involves actual thinking. Which could be a drawback....

I just saw Arrival and I loved it. I thought Suicide Squad was good too, though, and I'm 13...

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Just got back from seeing Moana, and holy crap, was it good. The animation is absolutely stunning (especially in 3D), the music is beautiful, and there's even some heavy-emotional moments (in pure Disney fashion, of course) that almost made me cry. Easily one of the best Disney has ever done, 9/10! Finally, a movie that deserves the hype it gets!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We saw Arrival yesterday. An amazing film. And Amy Adams deserves an Oscar Nom for this role.

And the Director, who is from Montreal I believe, should get a nom for this, as well. Maybe even the

entire film itself get Nommed LOL!


That said, the most freeky thing about the whole movie, is that we weren't watching it in IMAX, or

with 3D glasses on, either. Just a normal movie screen. With great sound of course.


But - it felt so wierd for a moment that I didn't have the glasses on! It's really four out of five movies

we're seeing nowadays, that 3D (and those glasses) has become a lot of 'the norm' in movie making.


So "Arrival" proved a wonderful film can still be done, even on a big budge, but without the 3D visual tricks.


For us both, 9/10 Popcorn Boxes. (And the ending is quite something, once you put it all together.)

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Arrival was ok. In fact, I quite loved it right up until like the last 20 minutes. Without spoiling anything I will just say that for me personally I don't like it when movies feel the need to explain everything in the end. Nothing in mainstream movies is left open-ended these days.

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We got to see Moana this past week.


Good movie. I wasn't blown away by it as much as I thought I'd be.

But - the water animation was amazing. To see how far they have

come with such things like 'water'.... wonderful. The songs were great,

but I felt there was one too many of them, though I can't say which

one could be left out, at this time.


Dwayne Johnson was fun as the demi-gawd, and the young actress playing

Moana was really good, especially in her singing! What - a - voice!


A good movie. Not fantastic or awesome, but good. And I will still give it

a high 8/10 Popcorn Boxes.


And speaking of CARS.... what a wild quick first trailer for the upcoming

CARS 3 next year. "From this moment, Everything Changes." Oh, I do

hope they're not going to do an "Enchanted" thing with this. Go live action,

I mean? Most likely not, but it still crossed my mind when I saw it. Hmmm.

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Also, can we take a moment to acknowledge the Cars 3 trailer? WHAT. THE. F**K. WAS. THAT.


I spit out my drink when I read this. Why on earth does that franchise get two sequels before the Incredibles even get one sequel? Especially when the first sequel is the single black mark on Pixar.

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Also, can we take a moment to acknowledge the Cars 3 trailer? WHAT. THE. F**K. WAS. THAT.


I spit out my drink when I read this. Why on earth does that franchise get two sequels before the Incredibles even get one sequel? Especially when the first sequel is the single black mark on Pixar.


I'm sorry, I love Pixar films and will happily acknowledge Cars 2 is the worst movie by far but I feel like there's been a few duds lately. I think after Toy Story 3, the only one I loved since then was Inside Out. Nearly all the others were meh at best I enjoyed Finding Dory but it definitely felt unnecessary and really didn't like Monsters University or Good Dinosaur (outside of beautiful effects if we ignore the dinosaurs). I didn't really like Brave as much as I thought I would either. I've never re-watched it whereas nearly all pre Cars 2 I've seen multiple times.

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Ohhhh myyyyy.


I do a usual annual check on how many movies and filmed events (live theatre usually) we do in a year.


Since "Moana" was our final film of the year - we never go to movie houses, once the kids are out of

school - and "STAR WARS: The Force Awakens" was our first film of 2016, here's the simple numbers:


IN 2015, we had seen a total of 33 movies/films/events. Yes, we do love to go to the movies. A lot.


This Year, it seems my seeing a good number of live theatre filmings, upped the number for the year. So....


2016 = 39!

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