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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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From RCDB:

Norwegian Loop - This element was first introduced on the Speed Monster at TusenFryd (Vinterbro, Oslo Norway).


Looking at the element from the side it looks very much like a pretzel. It is also very similar to the "Pretzel Loop" element used on flying coasters. The difference is the "Norwegian Loop" has a ½ inline twist at the start of the element and another at the end. This makes two inversions and the Pretzel Loop" has only one.


Inversions: 2


Phantom's Revenge definitely has no inversions.


As far as a chosen few go, it was pretty much said that the 25 who were sent the puzzle pieces were those most actively involved in trying to solve the clues. Either e-mailing "nantimi" or talking it up on the various coaster sites. Everyone knew the sites were being watched. I wasn't expecting anything out of it, I just got wrapped up in it and I wasn't giving up until it was figured out. Beats a "name the coaster" contest (like they did with their last two coasters) anyday.


As far as this hyper that everyone would love to see-- where are they supposed to put it? What good is having a hyper if they have to rip out half dozen of their other coasters? I don't see going across HP Drive as some have suggested as being realistic (especially having to deal with PennDOT) or even possible-- I don't see the Hershey trust wanting the park coming over to that side of the highway.


I'd like to see the park expand into the existing parking lot someday, while adding more parking in the area they just purchased around the Giant Center. I think that's the only chance they have at expansion, especially for the Boardwalk. The only question is what happens with the stadium? They can't totally cut that off from parking and driveway access, and getting rid of it I think would cause too much of an uproar.


Does anyone know if Derry Township has any height restrictions? They already have the Kissing Tower, but the township may have put some more recent restrictions in place preventing future construction above a certain elevation.

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Is it just me, or does this seem a lot like Storm Runner?


It's just you. SR is totally different.


A: It launches

B: it has completely different inversions

C:It goes 70 MPH, Fahrenheit goes 58


The only thing that's the same is kinda the first drop, but it'll have a different feeling as Fahrenheit's is 97 degrees and non-launched whilst SR's is 90 degrees and launched.

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Here are a few images, courtesy of Google Earth, aerials of Hersheypark. If anyone can find where this hyper everyone wants can go within the current boundaries of the park (without ruining the view of or from an existing coaster), please point it out.




This image shows the soon to be removed Western Chute Out (the bluish feature toward the middle), and the future location of Fahrenheit. Any guess as to how the ride will be oriented? BTW, the top hat for SR is just out of the picture at the bottom center.



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In reality, there really is no place to fit a hyper. Although Hershey is known being able to fit a coaster in to some wacky places, (Great Bear, Storm Runner) placing a hyper coaster throughout the park would be a massive undertaking. I will say this though. The map of the entire park does not show a recently purchased golf course east of the park behind the Giant Center. I do believe they will expand the park out that way in the future, and a hyper or giga would certainly have plenty of room to frolic in the fields of Derry Township. Try posting a map of that area and ponder it. Let me know what you think

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In reality, there really is no place to fit a hyper. Although Hershey is known being able to fit a coaster in to some wacky places, (Great Bear, Storm Runner) placing a hyper coaster throughout the park would be a massive undertaking. I will say this though. The map of the entire park does not show a recently purchased golf course east of the park behind the Giant Center. I do believe they will expand the park out that way in the future, and a hyper or giga would certainly have plenty of room to frolic in the fields of Derry Township. Try posting a map of that area and ponder it. Let me know what you think

I really hate it when someone comes out and says "There is no room to fit such and such ride at such and such park, because they are instantly incorrect.


The one thing that EVERYONE here needs to learn is this -


"If a park wants to build it, they will find a place to fit it."


'Nuff said.


--Robb "If Hersheypark wanted to build 500 foot dueling hyper coasters, they would find a place." Alvey

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^ So true.


Everyone can't imagine a ride in a location until they see the specs for themeselves.


Also, Hersheypark could build dueling hypers, but most likey at the expense of one of their other rides.


When Blackpool baught Infuzion, nobody thought that they could rebuild it becaus of the harsh lack of space. The truth is, nobody could invision the log flume going away, but as soon as that was taken care of, the room for a coaster seemed to apear out of thin air.

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^ Same thing with Silver Bullet and Sierra Sidewinder. I don't anyone would have ever thought Knott's could fit one let alone TWO coasters in that area when they saw that plot of land prior to the removal of all those buildings, the lake, etc.


And even think back to when they put in GhostRider. Same situation.


Then there is Cliff's and adding New Mexico Rattler. If you had said Cliff's was going to get a full sized woodie smack in the MIDDLE of the park, people would have said "You're crazy, there is no room...."


I've heard the "There is no room..." argument so many times where a park will turn around and "find" room.



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Hershey has already squeezed in 2 big coasters. (SR & Bear)

Hershey could easily find space for a Hyper and IMO is what they should have built next year but this does look like an exciting ride.


I think it is amazing how they squeezed GB in that spot without any foundations in the creek.



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It's gonna be great to see what Fahrenheit is really like. I'm hoping the next coaster will be a 200+ Hyper. Hopefully it goes in Rhineland (Creekside Catering) to spread the crowds out. I few other rides would be nice in that area as well. Building rides on the other side of the creek in Rhineland would be a hopeful start in Hershey expanding its boundries towards the old golf courses.

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Ok rob, i certainly feel sorry that you "hate" when people make statements about certain parks on weather or not they can build hyper coasters. Ok, I guess ANY park could conceivably build one. But the fact is Hershey has a more family focused atmosphere than most parks. Most of their coasters (with the exception of GB, SR, Wild Mouse) can be ridden by most 8 year olds.

The point I was making---being an individual well versed on HersheyPark, Hershey the town and the school that benefits from it's success, I was merely posing the fact that these hypers are a large chunk of money. And one in Hershey park would cost much more money than the average park spends on a hyper. The terrain, taking into account all the rides, and the sheer size of the ride would be a tremendous under taking indeed. Analyizing terrain by satellite is VERY expensive, but would be a nessasary step in the building a hyper WITHIN the park.


I never said they wouldn't Build one. I said that they probably wouldn't build one within the confines of the park as we now see it. Hence the post on looking at the recently purchased chunk of land. Also, I just don't see them forking out the dough for a coaster of that magnitude for sometime.

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Wild Mouse at hershey park is reserved for the three highest ride height catagories. My son is 8 years old, but he's no shorty, though. He was not able to ride the ride until this year because he was too short

Look at the hersheypark website for the ride height catagories. My son has been riding the looper and comet for 2 years. I know that sounds backwards, but thats just how they have it set yup

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I was responding to a comment someone posted saying that the park could have built a hyper next year by fitting the hills in a strip of land along the edge of the park. My comment was that right now, there is hardly any unused land along the CURRENT edge of the park. Nothing else is going along Route 743, especially a hyper. Even placing a hyper on the Hersheypark Drive side of the park would dwarf LR and Wildcat (like Thunderhawk next to Steel Force), which I think would take away from both of those coasters.


I don't know what the park has planned for the remainder of the golf course property they purchased. A large portion of it has already been used for additional parking and entrance lanes near the Giant Center. In several years, they may begin using parts of it for a park expansion, or expand the park into the existing parking lots around the stadium and former arena. Those plans may include a hyper, they may not. Don't forget they also have to accommodate expansion of the Boardwalk in the next few years.


I'd rather have them take their time and plan and build it correctly, rather than just throw a hyper anywhere just to put one in or because enthusiasts want one NOW.

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