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Hersheypark Announces Fahrenheit!

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Since I live pretty close I'll try to get more pictures and I'm at Hershey at least once a month due to my Diabetes, no not for chocolate, for the doctors if you didn't know they have some of the best doctors in Pennsylvania.



Oh the irony X_X

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Yeah, that is what I meant. Thanks for telling me. Hersheypark seems to make its height limits as low as they can safely make them. The Pirate used to be "under 36" ", but that changed this past year to 42"-48". But at every park I've been to that has a Huss Pirate boat, they all seem to have a different requirement. For example, Cedar Point's is 39", Great Escapes is 48", and La Ronde's has a 52" requirement, which seems excessive.

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It does feel like they riped the whole drop right off a Euro-Fighter though!


I can see where you are getting that idea from and I agree, but there will be three cars on each train. This will make riding in the back a MUCH different experience. I can't wait to try out the back seat for that airtime!

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It does feel like they riped the whole drop right off a Euro-Fighter though!


I can see where you are getting that idea from and I agree, but there will be three cars on each train. This will make riding in the back a MUCH different experience. I can't wait to try out the back seat for that airtime!


If it's anything like Maverick's first hill, you will NOT be disappointed.

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It will be interesting to see how this one turns out, another variation on this theme that opened last year that no one seems to mention is Wicked at Lagoon, that one looks impressive - I wish Fahrenheit launched up the hill like Wicked does.

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(1/28/08) Screamscape sources tell us that Hersheypark is looking into adding some kind of Virtual Queue system to the park in the near future. I’ve no idea if they are just doing their own thing or planning on using an existing system like Lo-Q’s Q-Bot. We’ve also heard that we should keep our eyes peeled at the Hersheypark website for a new webcam that is expected to be mounted to Tidal Force to follow the construction of Fahrenheit.


I've been wait for awhile for the park to have a queue system; looks like it might be soon.

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^I'm taking a good guess on Memorial Day Weekend (May 24).


I emailed the park a few weeks ago asking they why they don't have a photo gallery or some type of way to keep track of progress. Could my email talked them into this?

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^I'm taking a good guess on Memorial Day Weekend (May 24).


I emailed the park a few weeks ago asking they why they don't have a photo gallery or some type of way to keep track of progress. Could my email talked them into this?


It wouldn't surprise me if you and others were part of the reason for the webcam. Since they did that promotion leading up to the coaster announcement, we know they have some interest in the coaster community and what they think.

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I really hope Hershey doesn't get virtual que system. I really am not a fan of those things. They just make you wait longer in line if you don't have the money for them.


Agreed 100%. The coaster is only going to have an optimal capacity of 850 an hour, which is never going to happen. Add a virtual que system and it's going to make the line ridiculous.


Even worse is a ride like Rollersoaker, capacity on that is about 350 an hour (3 cars dispatch every 2 minutes), that line will be 2+ hours with virtual que added.


Flashpass is one of the reasons I have avoided going to SF on a regular basis among other things (bad operations, high prices), and I hate the idea of this being added to other parks.

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Even worse is a ride like Rollersoaker, capacity on that is about 350 an hour (3 cars dispatch every 2 minutes), that line will be 2+ hours with virtual que added.


Roller Soaker already has an insanely long line. Is there really that much of a difference between 90 minutes and 2 hours? It sucks both ways. It's not like taking away virtual queuing systems is going to give parks reasonable waits on busy days. Look at how bad Cedar Point's waits can be.


Flash Passes are an absolute life saver for out of town guests with very limited time. How else could I ride every coaster at Great Adventure on a Sunday in July?

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I absolutely love SFGAdv's Flash Passes, but I definitely see the other side of this argument. I hope that Hershey keeps this relatively cheap if they decide to go through with it. It's just unfair to regulars to make them pay another admission (*cough*GreatAdventure*cough*) in order to get in a good amount of rides.

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