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Djurs Sommerland Discussion Thread

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  knowit said:
Intamin hasn't abandoned the traditional lift. They give their customers what they want. The new coaster at Hershey is going to have a chain lift, albeit not traditional at 90 degrees, but a chain none the less
The one on Hershey is a chain lift due to the fact that the lift is vertical, which means that it needs a stronger lift chain since the whole weight of the train hangs from it. But on more "normal" coaster lifts I think that they have started to move from chains due to cable-lifts are less complicated.





New pictures of the last piece going on the ride: http://www.piratland.dk/?PageID=434&Gallery=Byggeriet

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  sam06pr said:
This place seems to have a lot of land where they can expand. This coaster looks awesome. Hopefully they can get more sexy rides like this one

Actually they'll build a whole new area around this coaster. In a press release it says:

Selv om Piraten er en af de største enkeltinvesteringer

i en dansk forlystelsespark nogensinde, er den blot første trin

i en storstilet udvidelse af Djurs Sommerland.

Over de næste år opbygges et helt nyt tematiseret område

i tilknytning til den nye rutschebane,

og planerne herom vil blive offentliggjort

på et senere tidspunkt.

And for those who don't understand Danish, it means:

Even though Piraten is one of the biggest

solo investments ever in a Danish theme park,

it's just the first step in a great expanding of

Djurs Sommerland.

Over the next years a whole new themed area will

be build in connection with the new roller coaster,

and the plans about this will be released later on

So I'm just waiting



  aflack said:
Anyone know when this ride is suppose to open, I'm planning a trip to Northern Denmark and would like to ride this and the new coaster at Farrup Sommerland?

I think it's supposed to open when the season begins, which is: 1st May.

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  Steffen_Dk said:
  sam06pr said:
This place seems to have a lot of land where they can expand. This coaster looks awesome. Hopefully they can get more sexy rides like this one

Actually they'll build a whole new area around this coaster. In a press release it says:

Selv om Piraten er en af de største enkeltinvesteringer

i en dansk forlystelsespark nogensinde, er den blot første trin

i en storstilet udvidelse af Djurs Sommerland.

Over de næste år opbygges et helt nyt tematiseret område

i tilknytning til den nye rutschebane,

og planerne herom vil blive offentliggjort

på et senere tidspunkt.

And for those who don't understand Danish, it means:

Even though Piraten is one of the biggest

solo investments ever in a Danish theme park,

it's just the first step in a great expanding of

Djurs Sommerland.

Over the next years a whole new themed area will

be build in connection with the new roller coaster,

and the plans about this will be released later on

So I'm just waiting



  aflack said:
Anyone know when this ride is suppose to open, I'm planning a trip to Northern Denmark and would like to ride this and the new coaster at Farrup Sommerland?

I think it's supposed to open when the season begins, which is: 1st May.


in swedish?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree, It looks amazing. But does anyone else think that it travels a little slow over some of the hills? I'm guessing part of that is A) Colder weather B) Empty train and C) One of the very first runs, but even then it seems slow to me. Am I crazy?

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