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^Yeah I really don't have a lot of interest in it either, just noticed it was playing this weekend and was curious if it was any good or not. If it is I might check it out!


The rest of our season in Jax is pretty decent and probably a lot of the same stuff your are/will be getting in Orlando, Blue Man Group, War Horse, Memphis. and Million Dollar Quartet. I saw Memphis in New York a few years ago and thought it was just fantastic. Kind of a generic story that I feel like I've seen a few times before but the music was good, it had an awesome production, and overall was just a really fun show. There are also some rumors of a Memphis film adaption in the works, which I think could work really well. I've never seen Million Dollar Quartet but I've heard some great things about it. It sounds like it's definitely worth checking out if your into country/rock and roll music at all.

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Found this article at Broadway.com about the men in the company of

the Australian Production of KING KONG: The Musical. Seems the

guys decided to put together a 2014 calendar for sale.

And they included The Star in at least one of the photos.


Here' s the link to where you can get one of these calendars

for yourself, as a gift, or....?




Man, those arms! ...... And the gorilla's, too! (o;

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^ Hahaha that's what a lot of us are thinking - How could it be a musical?


Well, some day you may see it near you on the east coast:


Plans have been announced to bring the show to the United States, England, South Korea, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands, among other markets.


Now that I look into this a bit more, holy crap new technology massive puppet that requires 35 folks to move around the stage!


...he title role is the largest puppet ever created for the stage, and requires many on-stage and off-stage operators to control him for every show.[5] According to press notes, "A group of 35 on-stage and off-stage puppeteers work to manipulate the large-scale puppet. Several puppeteers are positioned on swinging trapezes and others launch themselves as counterweights off the puppet's shoulders to raise Kong's massive arms as he runs and swipes at planes during the performance"

Full Review - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Kong_%282013_musical%29

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  rosscoe said:
I would use the word Musical very lightly in terms of King Kong.


So....Sing lightly and carry a big Kong?


(It made sense to me, at the time.)


Oh, and for myself: The Book of Mormon > Avenue Q > Spamalot.

But that's how awesome they all are!

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  Nrthwnd said:

Oh, and for myself: The Book of Mormon > Avenue Q > Spamalot.

But that's how awesome they all are!


I'm sure that I will agree with you 100% once I finally see The Book of Mormon... had to sell my tickets last minute due to a conflict and was pretty bummed.

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I know this is a different kind of musical, but if you haven't seen Disney's "Frozen" yet, I highly recommend you get out to a theater to see it. Not only is it one of the best mainstream animated movies ever, but the music and some songs in particular are incredible. The main character is voiced by Idina Menzel, which should be enough to convince you that I'm telling the truth.

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  robbalvey said:
Here's something I didn't get about Wicked...


When you live in a world where talking goats can be college professors, why is a green girl that big of a deal?


I think the the real question is, why is Wicked such a big deal? ( That really doesn't need an answer! )


Saw Dirty Rotten Scoundrels in Sydney earlier this month, a very funny show, great cast, had a lot of fun, also saw Agatha Christie's A Murder Is Announced in Melbourne, another fun night night that kept you guessing to the very end.


Was hoping to catch Evita in LA, but sadly the work roster did not work out as planned, so catching it in Feb in Denver.

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Here's the whole 2012-2013 Broadway Musicals Season

as seen through my cast cd collection, lol!


Including the TONY Winner for it, KINKY BOOTS!


Happy Holidays Everybody!


Starting with "Bring It On" and ending with "Pippin" for this past season.

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From musical's i've seen i'd say Legally Blonde: The Musical was my favourite, followed by Wicked and Grease. There was recently a production in Australia of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang that was pretty damn awesome. From the previews i've seen of Newsies it looks good too, i'd love to see that and Matilda come to Australia though.

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Our annual Theatre In The Park here in Vancouver, just announced the

two show lineup (which will play in repertory next summer):


SHREK: The Musical




Legally Blonde:The Musical


Its sort of local trivia, that this is the first time that TiTP has repeated

a musical from the following year. Apparently LB was a GI-normous

success this past summer, and worth the repeat try.


I am curious as to how they are going to handle the two completely

different sets and lighting set-ups for these two productions.


Might have a go, and find out next summer.

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If a tour doesn't come through, I know one of the local

professional companies would do a great job with it.

They did Avenue Q this past summer and it

was hilarious! And I saw an excellent tour come through

here, AND in the first week of previews in LONDON for

it, back in 2006.


But "Mormon" will have to wait a bit, I suppose...


(^ Hope you enjoy it, when you see it.)

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Finally getting around to listening to my cd of the

original Broadway cast of First Date.


Am enjoying it so far, and somewhat sadly, as

this coming weekend is it's closing shows.


It sounds like a really good original musical that

will be closing too soon, before it's time.


In the mean time, there's this cd....


Buh bye "Chuck." And Krysta, a SMASHing good voice, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After years of loving the sound track I finally saw Wicked last night on Broadway! It was everything I hoped for and more. The current leads were both fantastic and I liked their takes on the characters instead of trying to live up to and completely copy Idina and Kristen. The two scenes i most anticipated were Popular and Defying gravity, both of which well exceeded my expectations and delighted me. All in all a solid show and I can see why people love it and the run continues on.


Ps - alcoholic drinks in souvenir cups that you can drink during the shows was a happy surprise

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