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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^The trims on Raging Bull definitely kill the ride. And I can only imagine how insanely awesome Goliath at SFOG would be if it's trims were turned off.


Despite this though, I don't think Behemoth was designed to have trims slow it down. I really think they are just an "in case." We'll see though.

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^Every B&M that I've been on that has trim brakes, have not been used.


Now of course I don't know about everyone else, maybe they've ridden a B&M where the trims do kill the ride.


As Scott mentioned, Raging Bull is the example of bad trims. (I'm not sure of another B&M that has the uphill trims)


The trims on Bull grab hard as you're going uphill, making the train crawl over a airtime hill that should be awesome. When you hit it most of the people on the train let out an "Awwww... ".


That's what most of us are worried about. These trims on Behemoth are the same sort of uphill trims used on Raging Bull.


So hopefully they aren't used, or used lightly. If they're set to grab hard, then that will hinder the ride.


But this is something we don't really know until we ride it.

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^Every B&M that I've been on that has trim brakes, have not been used.


Now of course I don't know about everyone else, maybe they've ridden a B&M where the trims do kill the ride.


As Scott mentioned, Raging Bull is the example of bad trims. (I'm not sure of another B&M that has the uphill trims)


Silver Star also has uphill brakes

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^Apollo's Chariot also has uphill trims, but they really don't affect the ride that much. There is still nice air on the top of the hill.


Nitro has trims in the valley's before and after the third hill, but these trims only "kiss" the train. You can not tell a difference in speed. This is what I am hoping Behemoth's trims will be like if they are used.

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With Behemoth's close proximity to the water park, one can't help but think back to Steel Dragon 2000...


Speaking of B&Ms with trims, I can't think of one I've ridden that the trims ruined it. The trims on Mantis's first hill actually SAVE that ride, I think the forces would be very harsh without them.

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With Behemoth's close proximity to the water park, one can't help but think back to Steel Dragon 2000...


It's close, but does not pass over any part of the water park. The closest it comes is when it passes about 50 feet behind the back of the wave pool during the 2nd hill portion.


The entire ride is outside the park.


One of the parks' wooden coasters Minebuster goes directly through the water park. In fact they even reprofiled some of it's hills to fit in passenger bridges to/from the two sections of the water park.

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^ Please don't remind us of the butchering of Minebuster. It used to be a really decent ride (or atleast seemed that way the first year or two I rode it...pre me being a coaster enthusiast) but now I just avoid it.


The trims on Raging Bull DEFINITELY killed the ride. IF the trims are used to the same extent on Behemoth that they were on Bull then this ride will be quite the let down. I won't pass any judgement on it though until I've gotten the chance to ride it.

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^ It was very smooth last year. I believe they retracked that second half of the outwards portion. (the part which was so brutal the year before).


Now it's smooth, but going. Roughness I can handle. It was them flattening the two wicked air time hills that killed it.


Well, that and when they removed the buzz bars for those typical orange lap bars. Buzz bars can make an average ride crazy.

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News report on my favourite ride of all time, Behemoth.


So your favorite ride of all time is a ride which hasn't even run yet?


Don't set your expectations so high that it has no chance of matching them.

The only roller coasters I have been on are at CW. Obviously Behemoth is going to be the best.......


PS: For people that may possibly be having trouble with the video, I'm uploading it to an alternative source. Link will be posted soon.


EDIT: Here's the alternative video link: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=qaHyl5NLLaU

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Haha, that reporter sounded like a typical member of the GP during the animations (calling the camelback the lift hill and subsequent decline the 75-degree drop, the "big slow down", etc). Not that I expected him to be as knowledgeable as the members on here, but it still makes me smile when an "Average Joe" takes me on a run-through of a coaster.


Impressive, that B&M constructer has pieced together 14 other coasters...I can't help but wonder which ones and if this is indeed his largest undertaking yet...

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Yeah I know. As far as I know, signs at the park are still not changed. This probably led them to believe that it's still under Paramount power.


They could remove all sings and people are going to still think it's Paramount. Hell, people STILL believe that the park is moving to Woodstock.


One of my co-workers a couple weeks ago asked me if I knew anything about the Transformers roller coaster that Paramount was building.

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Yeah I know. As far as I know, signs at the park are still not changed. This probably led them to believe that it's still under Paramount power.


They could remove all sings and people are going to still think it's Paramount. Hell, people STILL believe that the park is moving to Woodstock.


One of my co-workers a couple weeks ago asked me if I knew anything about the Transformers roller coaster that Paramount was building.

LOL! It's alright if they remove the signs. But if they don't, people will still think it's Paramount and it will just take longer for people to realize and get used to the fact that the name has changed. People who think that they're going to lift up an entire theme park and relocate it, are plain stupid.

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