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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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The tower fluctuates between yellow, orange and red. The gondola is still the normal range of colours & patterns.


Full Leviathan update here (transfer track & maintenance bays have been installed):




About WindSeeker, are you sure that wasn't from last week? If you look a PCW_Nut's post on the other page, it says that last week the gondolas had the normal lighting package while this week the lights on the gondolas are off. Who's right?

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This reminds me of I305, how the structure comes out of the ground below at an angle.


I'm not an engineer but it would stand to reason that that makes the structure a lot stronger and is probably why those two coasters appear under supported. If you just had a regular support at the bottom of the lift then wouldn't there be a lot of stress pushing it towards the station if a lot of additional supports weren't added? Someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about let me know if I'm on the right track here or if I'm just talking out of my ass? lol

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This reminds me of I305, how the structure comes out of the ground below at an angle.


I'm not an engineer but it would stand to reason that that makes the structure a lot stronger and is probably why those two coasters appear under supported. If you just had a regular support at the bottom of the lift then wouldn't there be a lot of stress pushing it towards the station if a lot of additional supports weren't added? Someone who actually knows what the hell they're talking about let me know if I'm on the right track here or if I'm just talking out of my A$$? lol



Oh hahah I wasn't saying they were copying them or anything, I'm just pointing out something I noticed.

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I feel like I should be getting more excited, but so far it just looks like another B&M coaster...maybe once the lift is finished..


I don't think it will be possible not to be impressed when the lift and first drop is finnished

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Went to CW for the first time this past weekend. One note, it is a shame that CF has not yet fixed the season pass issues from other parks. Last weekend at Kings Island our passes did not scan from GL/WWK and the same at CW… We were held up at the parking booth for a few minutes while they called a supervisor and found out why our passes would not scan. I think I will write an email to Cedar Fair about it. Quite a pain to be honest.


Anyway, I was very impressed with CW. The ride collection is so-so at best, besides Behemoth. But the park is beautiful. Clean as can be, great landscaping, friendly staff. We got to ride everything with little to no wait at all Saturday morning. I must say, I did not expect it but I prefer Behemoth over Diamondback by quite a bit. It was just way more fun than I thought and the airtime was amazing. It was a blast!


Rode that awkward flying coaster, Time Warp or whatever the name was. Talk about a torture device! We still made fun of it and it was fun to finally ride one of these. Did not ride Italian Job, SLC or the boomerang. Wooden coasters were “meh”.


Halloween was a blast though at night. We planned to buy the express passes but managed to hit all 10 houses in just over an hour by getting there at 7pm. It was interesting to see how excited everyone was for Windseeker here. It had a huge line with people running right to it when the park opened.


For the Haunt, Terror London was amazing. We did not expect it to be so well done. Cornstalkers was MILES better then CP’s version, as well as Club Blood which surprised us. The Miners one was great fun and reminded us of Terror Mines from HHN a few years back. We enjoyed all the houses, but found the ones by the front gate the worst of the night. The clown house was alright, but the Asylum and the trio back by the Arrow corkscrew were the worst of the night. Still not bad by any means, but not to the level of first half. These houses were by far the best houses out of HHN we have seen, very impressed. We plan to make it back next year to go again. The only thing they lack is better scare-zones. If they could combine Kings Islands midways with CW’s houses, it would be one amazing event.


One note, there is this screamster that roams around in the Carnival scare-zone who is double-jointed and runs around like a spider backwards… It was by far the BEST actor we had ever seen at any event. I had never laughed so much watching a scareactor work. It was incredible! He really was into his role and freaked the hell out of everybody. Bravo to him for making this event so much better!

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I was doing a random Google search for Dino Alive for CW and found something interesting that was on this site: http://www.net-electric.com/current-estimates.php


In the Google search snippets from the page, this is what it said:

E11-174, DINOSAURS ALIVE @ Canada's Wonderland, 2011-10-12 10:00:00


Judging by what they do, I'm going to guess that they've been contracted to do an electrical room or something for the attraction.

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Dinosaurs Alive is most likely coming to Canada's Wonderland in 2012 just judging by the mass construction going on over in the kids area. The old Dolphin Theater was torn down followed by lots of land clearing surrounding that area, and what looks like a path near the snoopy area. I am going to go and take pictures on Saturday and hope I don't get beat up by kids' parents for taking pictures and videos in the snoopy area for construction lol


Youtube Channel is here, actual video of Leviathan construction coming soon & Dinosaurs Alive pictures on Sunday.


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^They did that on October 1st and the difference is quite noticeable. Before the seats used to swing forward and back much more freely as compared to now.


The dampers were installed just after Labour Day however they weren't able to do full testing until the last week of September as this is when the winds finally picked up enough for them to test them properly. There's still some adjustments that need to be made but they've apparently made quite a difference.


So... Dinosaurs Alive at Canada's Wonderland next year???
- September 22, 2011.


Just sayin' is all... To all those unbelievers.

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http://www.dinosaursalive.canadaswonderland.com/ Already been posted but it's a new page, aha wow!


Cedar Fair must really LOVE Canada's Wonderland, and it seems they have a new crown jewel Don't be jelous of us, you Cedar Point fans


Also, this really sic looking 3-D movie coming to the action theater! 10 minute long show! They give a teaser to the movie on the page to!

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Also, this really sic looking 3-D movie coming to the action theater! 10 minute long show! They give a teaser to the movie on the page to!


Looks like it's the same as KI, which as long as it's included in the $5 and not an extra $2 on top of that, it's not bad.

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