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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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That is just beautiful. You have a great eye for taking spectacular pictures!


Thank you very much.


That is going to be one good thing about Leviathan for sure, because of its location right along the front of the part there are going to be plenty of amazing chances for photos. Aside from the station area everything will be more or less viable without even entering into the park.

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That spine support on the first drop is definitely interesting. I don't remember seeing anything about it on the original renderings, so I wonder if they just omitted it or if it ended up being added later in the development. Regardless, it certainly makes it look interesting. Can't wait to see the lift and first drop finished - it should be one hell of a sight.

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That spine support on the first drop is definitely interesting. I don't remember seeing anything about it on the original renderings, so I wonder if they just omitted it or if it ended up being added later in the development. Regardless, it certainly makes it look interesting. Can't wait to see the lift and first drop finished - it should be one hell of a sight.


I think that support is cool looking for sure. Is this B&M's steepest drop other than a DM? I would assume so.

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If you look at the pull out, not sure if this is a normal B&M thing as well, but its also using an I-Beam like support until it gets up a little higher. I wonder if it has anything to do with the weight of the trains and the speed or something like that? Either way, they definitely look nice.

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Ya, I was thinking that when looking at it in person yesterday. Already the backseat on Behemoth is insane for the first drop, I can only imagine how this will be falling 300 approx feet to the ground floating out of your chair.


It may not be the most inspired layout, but I still think the speed this ride will be going at will be enough of a reason to love it.


I will be going back next weekend and will grab some more shots. It looks like one more lift, 2, maybe 3, more pieces for the drop then the crest and we'll have ourselves a Giga!

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That spine support on the first drop is definitely interesting. I don't remember seeing anything about it on the original renderings, so I wonder if they just omitted it or if it ended up being added later in the development. Regardless, it certainly makes it look interesting. Can't wait to see the lift and first drop finished - it should be one hell of a sight.


Nope, if you look really closely on the renderings and on the POV video, you will see that spine support that you are talking about.

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I don't think it'll be like that, remember that that shot is from in isometric point of view. Find a shot that has the lift and drop from the direct side and you'll find it will be a bit easier to predict how the crest will look.

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It looks like they took a few pages from Intamin's book. The arch design is something I picked up back when I305 renderings came out. The base of the lift hill structure comes right out of the ground, which the triangle footer for Leviathan would be the equivalent of that. If you notice, you can follow the base of the lift hill all the way to the ground if you look at the smooth connection between the lift hill and the tallest support, seen here: http://www.lifthill.com/images/2009/08/intimidator-305-tall.jpg


I love this design, it just looks so sleek and solid and with Leviathan, the arch is going to be more prominent.


I think I'm officially a lift hill enthusiast.

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It looks pretty tight, (obviously this is only a quick photoshop guesstimation, but you can get the point).


Little off...I think if you look at these you may get a better idea.

Photos from the Leviathan website.

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I never thought that Leviathan was going to be a bad coaster... I just thought (and still believe) that it is a strange choice for Canada's Wonderland to build another B&M. Behemoth was only built 4 years ago.


Then again... I am now more motivated to get to Wonderland than I was before the Levi announcement. So I guess it makes sense to build a giga.

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It definitely is nice to see that "this ride sucks" type of talk go away, especially since it is not even open for anyone to make a judgement


I'm always amused by those comments too. People passing judgment before it is even built.

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