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Busch Gardens Europe PTR

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This is my first TR


On Thursday 19th of July I made the trip from Skippers VA to Williamsburg VA to go to Busch Gardens. This is my first visit in 9 years ( the last time I was there they were building Apollos Chariot) I took about Hour and 30 mins to reach the park. Arrived a little after 9.


Almost There!



Beautiful, isn't?






Arriving in the parking lot I noticed that the none of the rides were running thankfuly they open the rides at 10, so I made it in time to look around and take pictures before taking part of the running of the bulls to Griffon.









Some one on this site will like this picture




Everyone waiting for the chain to drop.




The Chain Dropped the running began only to be held here, not yet 10.



finally, It was 10, and the run to Griffon began. I was on the first train of the day! I sat front row last seat on the left. The feeling of being so far out from the track is weird, Nothing below you and about a good 6 to 7 feet away from the track, very odd feeling! As you leave the station the train begins to pick up a nice amount of speed in the little turn around before the lift. Going up the lift reminded me of Millennium Force because of how steep it is also it is almost just as fast. Once at the top the trains begins to pick up speed once again. Looking down on Alpinegeist you make a right hand turn facing the brewery. As you come close to the edge the train slowed to a craw. Then the train edges its way over the top and you are looking straight down on the France section of the park, it is very freaky for some. Then the train is released, down the drop you go. It is one of the biggest rushes I have ever experienced (standing as you come down). The train pulls some very strong forces as it dives under the bridge, and up in to the Loop (sorry I don't know how to spell the correct term for it). At the top you get some a little floater air time. The turn into the MCBR had a little bit of head banging but nothing serious. The train is slowed rapidly to a craw. Looking down on the Loch Ness Monster you dive once again. Pulling some strong forces once again. The second loop is a bit more intense than the first. Diving out of the loop into the bunny hill you get a nice little pop of floater air. Then you dive down into the splash down, then into a left hand turn. This section of the ride is by far the weakest part. Then one last pop of floater air into the brake run. Over all the ride is great, but not perfect. I would love to see B&M go farther with this concept (zero G roll). The best row on this ride is the back, because you are yanked down the drop. Also a night time ride makes this ride soo much better.























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After Griffon I went strait to Alpinegeist. Alpinegeist was my first B&M coaster when I rode it in 1997 and was my #1 coaster before I moved to CA. So I was very exited to ride. Walking up to the ride I noticed that nothing seemed to change, but one thing that I noticed, is that this ride no longer has a on ride photos. I was disappointed because I wanted one to go with the last time I rode this ride in 1998. Walking up to the station I was very happy to see that this ride still has its great theming (Snow, Polka music and the overall look of the station and queue as a ski lodge with flags and skis and sleds inside). The ride is still as great as It was in 1998. The only thing is that the transition into the MCBR is still really rough and the MCBR really slows the train down, but it did not detract from the sheer insanity of the ride. Great Ride, and the Cobra Roll is one of the single most intense elements I have gone through.




























After three rides on Alpinegeist I started to make my way to Big Bad Wolf, only to find that Germany opens at 10:30. So I walk back towards Griffon and Board the Sky way.

When you ride this ride you start to realize just how well planned out Busch Gardens is. Every thing looks great to gather, nothing looks as if it should not be there. And it offers spectacular views of most of Busch Gardens roller coasters.












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When I arrived in England I made my way to Italy. Italy is probably the most beautiful part of the park. From the gardens to the ruins and rides and San Marco. Bush has done a wonderful job with this section of the park. The only compliant about Italy is the Festa Italia area. Busch could landscape and theme this area a whole lot better.






















Apollos Chariot was my first B&M hyper coaster and I have been wanting to ride since it opened. B&M did not disappoint with this one, this is Busch Gardens best roller coaster and is my personal #1. The ride is loaded with air time and is butter smooth. Also the lack of restraint just added to this ride making for some very intense floater/ ejector seat air time. Also how the ride is in the woods and can not be seen from any were in the park besides the parking lot added to the ride, especially at night. The trims on this ride were on, but only the third hill and MCBR, and were both on lightly. But their is one thing I noticed that I have never noticed on a B&M...Pumping. their was one very noticeable pump in between the drop out of the MCBR and bunny hill, has anyone else noticed this? Other than that this ride is AMAZING

and is very underrated.













After 12 great, air time filled rides on Apollos Chariot, I made my way over to the Big Bad Wolf. On the way I stopped on the bridge to take a few pictures of the Loch Ness Monster and Big Bad Wolf (witch I will show later in my PTR).





Big Bad Wolf was my first big roller coaster I rode when I was 6 years old, so it was fun to ride the ride that started my love for roller coasters and theme parks.

Although there was no wait for any row but the front, I decided to wait for the front . If it was not for the fantastic drop and turns at the end of the ride and the theming, I would have to put Ninja over Big Bad Wolf. The binging of the Wolf is a lot of fun but way too short. Good ride, but a little on the short side.







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After 2 good rides on the Wolf, I went to Curse Of Dark Castle. When I went to IOA in 1999 I skipped Spider Man due to the wait, so I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to ride such a unique ride that Dark Castle is. The ride is great, almost on par with any Disney E ticket dark ride. (not going to go farther than that because I don't want to spoil the ride for any one)








After a fun ride on Darkastle I made my way to Loch Ness Monster. On the way I grabbed 2 more rides on Alpinegeist and 3 more rides on Griffon ( single rider line rocks!!). Walking into Ireland I stopped by Jack Hanna's Wild Reserve aviary and fed and took a few pictures of the birds.









After I looked at the birds I when to Loch Ness Monster. The Loch Ness Monster was my first Looping coaster when I rode when I was 7 years old. The ride was fun and was really smooth, but the ride was on the tame side. Fun ride.







After Loch Ness I went around got more rerides and ended the day with an front seat night ride on Griffon.


Busch Gardens is a GREAT park and is well worth a trip to VA.


Ride count


Apollos Chariot 35x's


Alpinegiest 12x's


Loch Ness 3x's


Big Bad Wolf 5x's


Griffon 12x's


I end this part of my trip report with a tribute to Drachen Fire, the ride that broke my fear of all roller coasters.


RIP 1992-2001





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A really wonderful tour of everything, especially the landscaping!


And some of the coaster shots are really nice, especially with the surrounding trees.


And that shot of the three coasters, there? Very very nice.


Thanks for sharing all of your trip there. Great!


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I love BGE. I go at least once every two years. What day did you go to the park? I have never seen that small of crowds when I have gone. I can't wait untill I can get back up there and check out Griffon. It's a great addition and fits in perfectly. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks that Apollo's Chariot is one of the best B&M Hypers. It's my number 2 coaster right now.

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Great photos! Our little foursome of trippers was thinking about hitting up BGE next year. One question, can you do it all in one day, or would it be better to spend a couple there.


-James Dillaman


One day is plenty. We did all the big stuff in a day, and it was a very crowded day at BGE. We weren't racing around either, and got rerides on Griffon and Apollo's Chariot. Like its sister park in Tampa, the coasters are the meat of the attractions, and you won't find that much to do apart from them. The longest queue, by far, was for The Curse of DarKastle, a ride which easily rivals Spidey at IOA. We dealt with this wait by getting some alcohol to bring into line, and got a little bit buzzed in line. We also waited a decent amount of time for Apollo's, but that was because it kept breaking down. Griffon has an awesome single rider line. Use it!


You should definitely check out BGE. It's so much nicer than that other park in Virginia. The scenery rivals Dollywood, if it doesn't beat it a little bit.

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And what park would that be?



Speaking of scenery, I love the view of the James River as you crest around the top of Griffon's lift hill.


It's the unnamed park where I did all the coasters (except the kiddie with the height restriction) in 4 hours, and have no desire to ever go back.


That's the James? Duh, I didn't know that. Lots of history behind that river.

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That's the James? Duh, I didn't know that. Lots of history behind that river.


No, I'M the James, Joe, DUH! (sudden urge to buy a new car instead of buying another used car, don't know why...)


I was just also wanting to hit some of the restaurants that are a can't miss at BGE, factoring in 2 meals a day, aren't there more than 2 that need to be done for the full experience?


-James Dillaman

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^The "big three" restaurants at Euroburg are the Smokehouse in New France, the Italian restaurant in San Marco, and the Festhouse in Oktoberfest.


You can clearly see the James River Ghost Fleet from the top of both Griffon and Apollo's Chariot. It's a bunch of decomissioned navy ships (they filmed some of the movie Virus there).

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Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing! That was really cool to see some great shots of Busch Gardens, its truly an amazing park as well as gorgeous; and you've seemed to capture the very images of the park very well.


You really can notice the skyline of the park from the cable cars, I didn't know if Griffon would be of any affect to it at first, but the more I see pics, it really fits in very well.


Thanks for sharing!


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