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Elissa's Random Thought of the Day!

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If IHOP and Denny's serve breakfast 24 hours a day, you certainly can have lunch for breakfast!


It's a free country too. Make your own decisions in the USA. God bless America!

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I used to eat lunch at 11am every day. So I'd get to work and eat lunch a couple hours later.


Though I tend to eat later now, as it makes the afternoon go by quicker. Eating lunch at 11am just makes the rest of the day feel like it's dragging.

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Mac and cheese is amazing. That's what I'm going to have for dinner tonight.


Anyways, I always crave for lunch at 10:30. Maybe its because of my wonky schedule. At school, I always had lunch at 10:30. I work a shift that starts at 11:00 AM and I have a "brunch" of sorts at 10:30.


You're not alone for craving an early lunch.

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I'm not a big fan of breakfast foods, so I often have all sorts of dinnery-type food when I wake up.


Of course, now with my screwy schedule, working overnights, I eat dinner with my family for breakfast, when I wake up at 5PM, before work. Then I have lunch at 1AM at work, and my dinner is at breakfast time, when I get home around 8:30AM.

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Well I don't wake up until 11 or 12 anyway so the first thing I eat is usualy lunch. I say your entitled to eat breakfast whenever you want. I only wish Mcdonalds served there pancakes and sausage all day =(. Best microwaved pancakes and sauage anywhere!


McDonalds microwaved pancakes and sausage > Real Pancakes and sausage.

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I've been craving a steak for weeks; but I haven't had time to go. Maybe this week I'll stop by Longhorn for dinner or lunch on saturday. Some guys I knew from out of town was going to get steak and invited me but after getting two hours of sleep from partying the previous night, I was too exhausted to go. Did get in 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep last night though.



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The bank.


I really hate going to the bank. Even in todays internet age I still find myself having to go to the bank nearly twice a week (mostly due to TPR Stuff). I really think we need to be able to do EVERYTHING online, or at least somehow get everything done without having to deal with seething masses of humanity.


Although I might miss hearing some of the awesome stories if I didn't have to go into the bank. The other day there was this 20something kid there that didn't understand why his check card was being declined due to having no money in his account! Also the people that cash checks and ask for specific quantities of each bill. "I'd like 17 20's 4 50's 3 5's 4 and a half quarters, etc." Oh, and of course there was my personal favorite the guy that came in with a Potato Sack full of change. Seriously, it was a giant potato sack!!!

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^They loved it at my bank when I showed up with a shoe box of change last year--but at least I had rolled it up. I'll be doing the same thing to them before I take off for Japan.

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