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New Coke

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Coke: Awesome

Coke w/ Cherry: Great.

Coke w/ Lime: Pretty good.

Coke w/ Vanilla: Eh... it's okay.

Coke w/ Raspberry: WTF?


Raspberry Coke just sounds gross; it'll probably be as bad as Sprite ReMix.


Has anyone tried the new Diet Coke w/ Splenda? It's a ton better than regular Diet Coke. The new Splenda version tastes like a combination between regular Coke and TaB. (But, TaB is still the best version of any diet drink ever! I'm lucky because they sell it where I live.)

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Coke w/ Raspberry: WTF?


Isn't that called Dr. Pepper?

All of these flavored colas don't have any cola-flavor at all. It's like they made sprite, and added brown food coloring. There ya have it, Lime-coke. (Do a blind taste test, you'll see!) And pepsi is guilty too, Pepsi-twist is nothing but lemon-lime Slice with brown food coloring. Nothing new, but people are dumb...


DenDen "likes his cola straigh-up, any brand, and lots of sugar, the way it was meant to be".

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I've liked almost any kind of soda out there. In fact I think I was the only guy in the universe who actually liked Pepsi Blue. I'm just more open minded when it comes to the taste of soda i guess.


This sounds pretty good, but I'd like to see a Strawberry flavored coke myself. In my town we sell strawberry soda put out by Goya, and that stuff's really good.

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coasters 4 me said: "maybe they will come out with a Coke and Orange Flavoured coke. Maybe that might be nice!"


Now you're talking! Orange and cola just go together. I've been saying that again and again! Raspberry? Pffft.



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last time i checked it said someone had bid $3000 dollars for the first bottle, but how do they know its the first bottle? its like people buying bottled water.

one day somefrench people had a meeting: pierre: how dumb do I think the americans are? I bet we could sell them water.

Franz: now pierre, the americans are pretty dumb, but they aren't going to BUY water!

pierre: o yes they will, we will just tell them the water comes from france.

Its alot like that.

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coasters 4 me said: "maybe they will come out with a Coke and Orange Flavoured coke. Maybe that might be nice!"


Now you're talking! Orange and cola just go together. I've been saying that again and again! Raspberry? Pffft.





Someone actually agree's with me. Maybe we could make the coke, send it to Coke Company and they will try it and they will realize how nice it is!!

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