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About Trev32

  • Birthday 09/18/1992

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. "Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Title Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued By Anyone" - Fall Out Boy
  2. I don't. My shoes have straps on the inside holding the tounge down, so its pretty hard for them to come off without me taking them off.
  3. ^has acquired a taste for freshly ground dead babies. V Whiches he/she could be Jet Li.
  4. Yes. Do you think you could beat up any of the guys from 300?
  5. ^is right that i wish i was home alone < Has dislocated his hip 4 times in 2 months V Eats kittens for breakfast
  6. My top 3 ATREYU !Die Queen Die! Killswitch Engage. i'm REALLY suprised that Die Queen Die dosen't have a record deal yet. they are freakin awsome.
  7. liek omgzorz it's teh myspace pics! yeah, those pics are of me. w00t.
  8. liek omgzorz it's teh myspace pics! yeah, those pics are of me. w00t.
  9. Can someone please explain how the heck we can Tie to Italy, but lose to GHANA?!?!? Italy BEAT ghana 2-0... and we tied with italy, but we lost to ghana. Somthing is messed up there. Oh Well, that's pretty freakin awsome that ghana won. it's their very first year in the world cup, and they already are in the quarterfinals. talk about Pwnage. i bet all the other teams that didn't make it feel pretty crappy right now. (except togo, ivory coast and Trinidad&Tobago. it was there first year)
  10. ^is wrong about me playing drums Vwants to eat a bass guitar!
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