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So what's the best park for people who are diabetic??

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hi all,


well i'm diabetic, and i was wondering which park has the best food/drinks for people who are diabetic. and which one is the worst??


i'm diabetic for 2 years now, and when I just got it I visited a small park in switzerland, and they didn't even had sugarfree drinks and that really annoyed me, so that's my worst park, I can't remember the name of the park though


ow and diabetic people CAN eat sugar before dying ! (a qeustion I hear once every week or so) just so you all know




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i'm diabetic for 2 years now, and when I just got it I visited a small park in switzerland, and they didn't even had sugarfree drinks and that really annoyed me



Really they didn't even have water?


As a vegan who doesn't drink any sugar, soda or alcoholic beverages (by choice) I always just; drink water, bring my own food, or just don't eat till I leave the park. And besides, I go to parks to ride rides and not to sit on my butt eating.

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It totally depends on your diet and needs. The Disney parks are probably the best, especially if you go to one of the sit down places, as they will almost always work around your dietary restrictions.


I've never had a problem at any park, except Six Flags America, where we could not find an open food stand that had water and/or diet soda. But that was only on one visit many years ago. I know what I can eat and not eat and can work around pretty much any situation. Obviously a park that has a lot of food choices beyond fast food are the best.



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I'm not diabetic so I don't really have an eye for the particular needs that one might have, but I do have to put in a word for Hersheypark here.


They have one of the largest varieties of food I've seen in a park, so I would imagine you could find something there that suits your needs. Just off the top of my head, I know you can get quiche, smoked brisket, sushi, Chinese, Subway, Nathan's, and Kosher food, as well as all the traditional park fare.


I remember once having a lunch of crab-and-asparagus quiche with kataifi for dessert. And this was from a grab-and-go stand, not a sit-down place!


Anyway, I think one of the consistent points in this thread is that parks with a wider variety of food are more likely to accommodate your needs. I'd put Hersheypark in that category.

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"I think it's quite an accomplishment when you get Dan to post in your thread." (WillMontu)


And you get me, too, as an extra added bonus.


But more and more parks are offering sugar free/low carb stuff. Do ask in restaurants and shops. Most workers are more than happy to help you.


Epcot does have their sugar free cheesecake (Dan got me a piece when we were there in October---good stuff!), and sometimes you can find sugar free or no sugar added ice cream.


All the walking you'll do at a park will help as well. I don't know whether you're taking insulin or doing pills, but do be sure to take those as prescribed. (You, of course, already know that...) Bottom line: you'll be fine.



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Knott's Berry Farm is the worst out of the parks I've been to unless you want to count county fairs!


I'm fairly certain that diabetics can eat Mrs. Knotts Fried Chicken. and for the record I love the beef jerky stand at Knotts and have gotten some very good garlic cheese bread there.

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i'm diabetic for 2 years now, and when I just got it I visited a small park in switzerland, and they didn't even had sugarfree drinks and that really annoyed me



Really they didn't even have water?


As a vegan who doesn't drink any sugar, soda or alcoholic beverages (by choice) I always just; drink water, bring my own food, or just don't eat till I leave the park. And besides, I go to parks to ride rides and not to sit on my butt eating.


yeah okay, they had water, but with that I mean sugarfree soda's or something


well I geuss I got my answer, Disney = Diabetic heaven

and I sure wanna try the cheesecake @ epcot


and it's a good thing too see a lot of parks getting better in it, cause I thought it would be somewhat disappointing, cause I haven't been to a lot of parks, and most of the times it disapointed me

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