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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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The things SDC could do with a Wingrider! OMG! Theres so many trees to fly through and great terrain to have a lot of ground hugging elements! I wonder how they would theme it? I doubt they would copy the Dollywood theme (which I'm glad they keep both parks significantly unique). Perhaps they could go with some creepy Ozark folklore and give it a haunted theme, similar to what Dollywood did with Mystery Mine. Theres just so many possibilities.

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The things SDC could do with a Wingrider! OMG! Theres so many trees to fly through and great terrain to have a lot of ground hugging elements! I wonder how they would theme it? I doubt they would copy the Dollywood theme (which I'm glad they keep both parks significantly unique). Perhaps they could go with some creepy Ozark folklore and give it a haunted theme, similar to what Dollywood did with Mystery Mine. Theres just so many possibilities.


Wow, actually that'd be really sweet

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Sometimes I'm guilty of letting it go unstated how much SDC "just gets it". They have always seemed to do it all right. Not just the rides, but the whole experience of visiting the park. That's really what's always struck me about it - once you're in the park you know you're in for a good time.


What else did you guys get to take in? I heard Joel Manby was out there singing in his band. Never knew that guy was so talented.

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The park really is fantastic. Having Dollywood as my local park has always been great, but now after experiencing SDC, I have to give the edge to the original. The coaster selection is fantastic and has my #1 (Outlaw Run) and just the layout and feel of the park is better than Dollywood in my opinion. Only disappointment was having Marvel Cave flood and not being able to do the entire tour. Guess that just means I will have to go back soon.


It was also nice to be able to do the Flooded Mine and the Tilt house as those are both attractions that you can no longer do at Dollywood.

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Yes, SDC and DW are both very exceptional parks. CF and SF could take some pointers (more so SF).


Herschend only has two parks to deal with, whereas Six Flags and Cedar Fair have more properties and employees to manage.

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HFEC has three parks that they own outright (SDC, DW, and Wild Adventures), three water parks, two attractions based on natural wonders (Stone Mountain in Georgia and Talking Rocks Cavern in MO), two aquariums, a dinner theatre, a show boat, a major sight-seeing franchise, lots of lodging enterprises, and they manage DL and Elitch. It's a big, diverse company. There are several spin-off companies owned by various members of the Herschend family too, such as the Butterfly Palace in Branson.


I'm quite frankly surprised that they still do what they do so well, though you can always spot the creeping corporatism. I don't think any of the family are involved in the direct operation of SDC anymore, though Pete and his wife often visit. I think on some level however they still understand what has made them so special to so many generations.

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I know it's the enthusiast in us, but they ARE businesses yall realize?

Even the small family run/local ones that deliver that great atmosphere and feel.


Also if we want parks to get awesome new rides, it will involved them eventually slowly becoming "corporate" like Hershey. I still LOVE that place though, perhaps it's lost the feel and etc we love but it's such a better park in terms of rides.

I'm sure SDC will try to maintain the small feel long as possible though

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My guess is that SDC has a real problem in the coming years with the whole concept of craftsmen. Case in point the glass shop most of the items sold there now are commercial products from China as is the Blacksmith shop. The problem is that kids today don't care about this stuff unless it can be done on an X-Box, Play station, or a Wii. The shad Heller's of the world are passing on and there are very few people getting in line to replace them.


I remember a day when SDC made taffy from open to close, it now only happens about 4 to 5 hours a day. Most of what is in their shop is purchased. It will be a sad day when they can no longer support this part of the park due to lack "Master" Craftsmen.

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Well, blame the kids is always always the way to go

Why not technology itself? We should just regulate all advancement and ban vidya games this way kids can be raised the old, erm right way.

Hell, let's just say it's the fault of capitalism. Really isn't that what is at the core of the problem?


I guess I could go for an armed take over of SDC and run it as a non profit collective of coaster enthusiasts.

Or guess I can accept it is what it is, enjoy the place, it's the people and times that make the magic...not the area that's a collection of rides and shops. But I'm young and lazy so naturally that's the route I prefer

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^JJ, I don't think there's an argument about the fact that it's a business and that they follow whatever trends are marketable to the current demographic. I'm first in line to say that the park has maintained it's "feel" and overall awesome level of experience to an exceptional level throughout the huge demographic changes it has experienced.


However, I think many enthusiasts would be surprised to know how diverse a demographic it is. SDC is patronized by everyone from toddlers to grandparents, and the park has always had excellent offerings for everyone. Heck, I can remember recently that during certain times of the year, the rides were running almost empty while the lines for shows and craft demonstrations were running out of buildings. SDC has shown that there are other people who will come to theme parks, you don't have to cater to the lowest common denominator: ie, kids.


The reason so many crafts are imported these days has a lot to do with the volume they sell, not that no one is buying it. When a number of people in my family visit, they always purchase crafts and pottery. A lot of older people are the same - part of their day is spent specifically on seeking out crafts and unique things to buy. It is tough finding new craftsmen though. A lot of them are trying to retire, and there are few to replace them who don't charge exceptional fees. When SDC was founded craftman skills were still abundant, and even taught in some schools. That might be the demographic change that's affecting them the most.

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However, I think many enthusiasts would be surprised to know how diverse a demographic it is. SDC is patronized by everyone from toddlers to grandparents, and the park has always had excellent offerings for everyone.


I'm not surprised by this at all. It helps makes SDC one of the best, most well rounded parks in the country.

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My wife has given me the green light for a trip to SDC. Even though we live in the St. Louis Area, and I have over 130 credits, I've never been to the park, before. It always seemed to slip through the cracks.


We're planning on leaving the lake early, next Tuesday, and heading to the park. I know it's the end of the season, school is back in session, and the hours are 10-6. Considering the circumstances, is it safe to say we may be expecting a light crowd? Can anyone offer any visiting tips?




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I was there Wednesday, August 14th. Crowds were very light. Wildfire, Thunderation and Fire in the Hole were 2-3 train waits. Powder Keg was 10-15 minutes. Outlaw Run was 20-30 minutes throughout the day. Just plan to get there before opening ceremonies and head straight to Outlaw Run for a few short-wait rides. Wear comfy shoes for lots of walking up and down hills. Bring change of clothes if you plan to ride any of the water rides and, yes, Fire in the Hole will get you wet! If you like caves, the Marvel Cave tour is included in admission, lasts about an hour, and is a good diversion toward the end of the day. However, with the shortened operating hours, you may not want to use up an hour on a cave tour.


The park is one of my favorites because of the unique old-time atmosphere, the picturesque location in the heart of the Ozark mountains, the friendly staff/cast members and the overall fun to be had there. I hope you have a great time!

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^JJ, I don't think there's an argument about the fact that it's a business and that they follow whatever trends are marketable to the current demographic. I'm first in line to say that the park has maintained it's "feel" and overall awesome level of experience to an exceptional level throughout the huge demographic changes it has experienced.


However, I think many enthusiasts would be surprised to know how diverse a demographic it is. SDC is patronized by everyone from toddlers to grandparents, and the park has always had excellent offerings for everyone. Heck, I can remember recently that during certain times of the year, the rides were running almost empty while the lines for shows and craft demonstrations were running out of buildings. SDC has shown that there are other people who will come to theme parks, you don't have to cater to the lowest common denominator: ie, kids.


The reason so many crafts are imported these days has a lot to do with the volume they sell, not that no one is buying it. When a number of people in my family visit, they always purchase crafts and pottery. A lot of older people are the same - part of their day is spent specifically on seeking out crafts and unique things to buy. It is tough finding new craftsmen though. A lot of them are trying to retire, and there are few to replace them who don't charge exceptional fees. When SDC was founded craftman skills were still abundant, and even taught in some schools. That might be the demographic change that's affecting them the most.


My grandparents have season passes to SDC and they get them every year. They don't go for the rides or attractions, except maybe the railroad. They go watch the glass blowers and walk around the different shops. It still brings them every year. SDC can't give up this homey feel otherwise they will lose a lot of business. The different shops and blacksmith guys is part of the reason SDC is what it is.

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Question for you SDC experts... I'm trying to get to SDC yet this year but it's not looking like September or October will work for me. I see the park is open every weekend all the way through the holidays, my question is, does SDC continue to operate the coasters and rides that late in the year as well? Or is more of a holiday-in-the-park, look at the lights type of thing only? Any input is appreciated! THANKS!

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They should still be running. The rides don't normally close down except for American plunge, lost river, and river blast. If you check out the SDC app they have a tempeture guide on there. Most rides will close once it gets 35 or 37°. Outlaw run, will close at 37°.

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Question for you SDC experts... I'm trying to get to SDC yet this year but it's not looking like September or October will work for me. I see the park is open every weekend all the way through the holidays, my question is, does SDC continue to operate the coasters and rides that late in the year as well? Or is more of a holiday-in-the-park, look at the lights type of thing only? Any input is appreciated! THANKS!



Ride closing temps are listed on SDC's website and vary from 42 degrees to 32 degrees. Most people go for the shows and the millions of lights. If you go and don't take in the two major shows you are doing yourself a disservice. Special holiday all you can eat buffets are available the include that traditional items. Cave tours are limited as parts of it fill with water. My advice would be to go prior to mid December as weather beyond that can go either way. Thursdays are empty ride wise with Saturday's being the busiest days. They will also have some special deals on line so be on the lookout for those.


You can reference info on the Holiday event here and ride closing info here

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Cool, I appreciate all the responses and help. I don't think I'll make it for any holiday events, it's just too busy at that time back here at home. I kinda think the best time I'll be able to go is in early to mid-November when it should still be fairly warm, so hopefully I'll still get my Outlaw Run credit in this year!

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