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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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The strongest moment of airtime for me was the first drop. The air there is about as strong as anything on El Toro save for THE DROP before the twister section. The other hills definitely have strong air, but not the kind of repeated ejector air on El Toro. Outlaw Run has a greater variety of forces and mixes negative g's with laterals. I think the air on Skyrush is stronger than both of them.

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I'm headed to Branson tonight and will hopefully be on OR first thing when the park opens tomorrow morning. You have no idea how excited I am, I've been waiting for this for years now, but haven't been able to make it out the park yet this year due to how busy I am. I'm hoping that when the 2015 project rolls around I'll be settled enough to make it to media day. It sucks having one of the best coasters in the U.S. open up near you and then not getting a chance to actually ride it. Definitely a first-world problem in the extreme though.

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I'm headed to Branson tonight and will hopefully be on OR first thing when the park opens tomorrow morning. You have no idea how excited I am, I've been waiting for this for years now, but haven't been able to make it out the park yet this year due to how busy I am. I'm hoping that when the 2015 project rolls around I'll be settled enough to make it to media day. It sucks having one of the best coasters in the U.S. open up near you and then not getting a chance to actually ride it. Definitely a first-world problem in the extreme though.


Especially when you run an awesome forum dedicated to the place.

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I had a really good visit to the park this weekend. I got to ride OR around a dozen times. I won't go into exhaustive detail since it's already been covered, but man does it live up to all the hype. I've never ridden anything quite like it before - every little section of track was so perfectly designed to give the highest thrill factor. I've never involuntarily gone "WHOA WHOA WHOA" for an entire ride before, I honestly wasn't expecting it to be so intense. I had complained before about the short length, but by the time you get through it you're ready for it to be over so you can catch your breath. Any more and it would give first time riders a heart attack.


Edit: forgot to mention, but the sideways airtime hill is probably one of the best things I've experience on a coaster so far. That and the double barrel rolls just make this ride ridiculously incredible.


Not much else to report about that you guys don't already know. The park is as gorgeous as ever, the theming and atmosphere is still unparalleled, and the shows and music were great. I caught the saloon show twice and enjoyed it, and I got to listen to some bluegrass/folk music done right, which I always enjoy as well.


Outlaw Run does have a few kinks that are still being worked out, so don't be surprised if it goes down when you visit. It went down a couple of times this weekend, but they were able to get it up and running again before the park closed.


I didn't do a whole photo TR thing this time since the park has gotten so much coverage already and I was lazy, but I got a few photos that I'll get around to posting later this week.

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If you could rank the 3 best parts of the ride from 1 to 3, what would they be?

1. Sideways airtime. It was completely unexpected the first time, and it's just so weird.

2. The transition from the 135-degree inversion to the left turn. Very quick and disorienting.

3. First drop. The unusually large pre-drop combined with the incredibly steep angle makes it feel like a freefall.


Honestly, the barrel rolls are just barrel rolls. Great hangtime, but if you've been on a double barrel roll, this one's pretty much the same. It is a great finish, but it's by no means Outlaw Run's only trick.

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^It's a bit of both really. The ops are surprisingly fast even though SDC guests are extremely sluggish and expect the ride attendants to personally take their loose items from their hands and put them in cubbies for them. At least they do have cubbies in the station now. They were trying to pull a SF move earlier this year and enforce a locker policy, but the patrons are just not used to that and they seem to expect more personal service since it costs more to get into SDC.


I enjoyed the fact that the line was constantly moving. The only real holdups were when people waiting for the front seat would clog up the entire line so that people couldn't get into the area to wait for individual seats.

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^ I'm really happy to hear SDC put cubbies in the station! I felt the outside lockers just weren't working! Every other ride uses cubbies so it confused people. Also it's expected with SDC service and I'm happy they're sticking to it!

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It is ridiculous to me that parks have lockers outside attractions. That is one of the reasons I like SDC. At SFSTL you have to buy lockers to store stuff for every roller coaster except for Ninja.

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It is ridiculous to me that parks have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo outside attractions. That is one of the reasons I like SDC. At SFSTL you have to buy fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo to store stuff for every roller coaster except for Ninja.

What about Boomerang, Screamin Eagle, and Mr Freeze? It's only enforced on 5 roller coasters( American Thunder, Batman, Boss, Mine Train, and Pandemonium).

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It is ridiculous to me that parks have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo outside attractions. That is one of the reasons I like SDC. At SFSTL you have to buy fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo to store stuff for every roller coaster except for Ninja.

What about Boomerang, Screamin Eagle, and Mr Freeze? It's only enforced on 5 roller coasters( American Thunder, Batman, Boss, Mine Train, and Pandemonium).

Forgot about those. Either way, if someone has never been to SFSTL before they may not know which ones require lockers.

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It is ridiculous to me that parks have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo outside attractions. That is one of the reasons I like SDC. At SFSTL you have to buy fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo to store stuff for every roller coaster except for Ninja.


They are there for safety purposes. You can't even imagine just how often people drop things off of rides (both intentionally and unintentionally) and how many of them end up at guest relations to complain about the ride stealing their things, or at lost and found praying that their items aren't gone forever. The amount of additional labor and time that is needed to walk underneath an entire ride path or to go look for lost items for the 10+ guests that lost something that day on that ride (out of the many rides in the park on which people also lose their belongings) and then return those items, or deal with guests constantly coming back or calling back to get a status report is huge.


They may seem like a nuisance to you (heck, I don't like using them myself) but they are there for a reason. The alternative simply isn't worth it. And the general public (for whom the lockers are targeted, not for coaster enthusiasts like yourself) are far more likely to need them than you or I. For the sake of the park and for the general guest, they are a necessary [evil to some] precaution.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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It is ridiculous to me that parks have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo outside attractions. That is one of the reasons I like SDC. At SFSTL you have to buy fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo to store stuff for every roller coaster except for Ninja.


They are there for safety purposes. You can't even imagine just how often people drop things off of rides (both intentionally and unintentionally) and how many of them end up at guest relations to complain about the ride stealing their things, or at lost and found praying that their items aren't gone forever. The amount of additional labor and time that is needed to walk underneath an entire ride path or to go look for lost items for the 10+ guests that lost something that day on that ride (out of the many rides in the park on which people also lose their belongings) and then return those items, or deal with guests constantly coming back or calling back to get a status report is huge.


They may seem like a nuisance to you (heck, I don't like using them myself) but they are there for a reason. The alternative simply isn't worth it. And the general public (for whom the fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo are targeted, not for coaster enthusiasts like yourself) are far more likely to need them than you or I. For the sake of the park and for the general guest, they are a necessary [evil to some] precaution.



Here you go making perfect sense again Adam. Whay you always gotta rock tha boat?!

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It is ridiculous to me that parks have fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo outside attractions. That is one of the reasons I like SDC. At SFSTL you have to buy fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo to store stuff for every roller coaster except for Ninja.


There is a reason there is a word filter. We have had this argument several times on this forum and it really does not need to be started again. Just be thankful for parks like SDC that don't have them, but understand that they are necessary at some parks.

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We were pleasantly surprised today at SDC. Upon entering the park, we were informed about the new Parent Swap program. So it is real! I had heard rumors that they were implementing such a program, but I hadn't heard anything but rumor. It was very well done; every ride we went on, the ride ops knew exactly what to do, no resistance from any of them. And it applied to every ride, even Outlaw Run. None of my kids wanted to ride OR (they're still pretty little), but in line in front of me was a family that was doing Parent Swap on OR. Totally awesome! It made our day that much better.

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Last weekend I saw a parent swap and they also had 1 kid who could ride. I know some parks like Disney let the kid ride twice if there was going to be an open seat next to the second riding adult. Not at SDC. They unlocked the restraints and made the 8 year old get out. Personally I would have no problem letting the 8 year old ride. The seat went out empty anyways. If they could fill the seat with a single rider maybe that would be a different story. At least they have the swap.

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^While I personally wouldn't have a problem with letting the child ride a second time (perhaps even purchasing an on-ride photo with both parents) you are right that it is good that they even have parent swap in the first place.


Glad to see this at SDC. I don't have kids, but understand that this small thing is invaluable to parents.

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