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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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The holiday events begin in early November. SDC is thoroughly enjoyable in the winter. It will be well worth the trip. It's not the same as the summer, but you will most likely get to ride all the major rides unless there is a cold snap. Really though, the shows, lights, ambiance, shopping, etc. are where it's at.

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Cool, I appreciate all the responses and help. I don't think I'll make it for any holiday events, it's just too busy at that time back here at home. I kinda think the best time I'll be able to go is in early to mid-November when it should still be fairly warm, so hopefully I'll still get my Outlaw Run credit in this year!

Mid-November the park will be open from around noon until about 9PM. Weather in November is usually highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s, so the rides will shut down around nightfall due to low temperatures. This is the Midwest, though, and it can be unpredictable. There was a weekend last December that had a high in the 70s; positively everyone and their brother was at the park that day. So maybe you'll get lucky. But most likely if you get there at opening you'll be able to ride it a few times in the afternoon. As others have said, the shows and lights are the thing during the Christmas season. Don't miss the train ride after sundown; it's so popular they build a temporary queue out into the plaza for it. There are Christmas light displays along the entire route; it's amazing. Oh, and the wassail is a requirement. Trust me on this. It's only available during the Christmas season, and it is amazing. It's everywhere, too; they convert the frozen lemonade stands to serve wassail and hot chocolate. No excuse not to get some.

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This is our third trip this year. Trailblazer sounds useful. Is there a season pass discount?

No discount. It isn't really made for season pass holders; it's made for people who buy the one- or two-day passes. Season pass holders are likely just going to come back on a day when it's less busy. That's how I see it, at least. It's no big loss to me if we decide not to do a ride because of the line. We'll be back again, and it will still be there. Makes each visit a little different, too.

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^That's next to none. We'll be there Thurs after 3 and all day Friday. Should I "unlimited up" now or wait until we see the lines?

Oh, now Thursday and Friday are completely different. Labor Day weekend is really only Sat-Sun-Mon. Thursday and Friday will be significantly less busy, as all the local schools are already back in session. You still may see a bunch of people there for the shows, as the Southern Gospel festival really brings the show lovers in, but the ride lines should be very short. Those coming on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday will find MUCH longer lines indeed. Also, SDC does not sell the Trailblazer pass on weekdays except during the summer peak season, which has past.

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Trip report 08/27, Silver Dollar City:


My wife and I spent a weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks. There's only so much beer drinking I can do, so I talked her into leaving the Lake a day early to take a two hour drive to SDC. Even though I have lived in the STL area my whole life, I somehow managed to scrape up 134 credits, before I made it to this park. I was excited for Silver Dollar City for an obvious reason: Outlaw Run. Even though I'm not a woody fan, I was looking forward to experiencing what RMC had to offer. I'd also heard that Outlaw Run gave SDC a great Buzz this year, and I was really looking forward to going to a park that was riding high on a new hit attraction.


We got to the park around 1030. The park looked very crowded as we made our way back toward Outlaw Run. However, the more I looked around and noticed the majority of the people in attendance were seniors, my apprehensions of waiting in long lines went away. We got to Outlaw Run just in time for it to open. We boarded the 2nd train of the day, which was our longest wait for any of the attractions throughout the day. We rode Outlaw Run a few times and loved it. Not wanting to get sick, we spent the rest of the day slowly walking around and casually going from WALK ON coaster to WALK ON coaster.


We also let ourselves unwind a bit, since we're usually health/fitness conscious. We never touch park food, aside from the occasional pretzel, but this place was an exception. Throughout the day, we ended up splitting a potato twist (ok), a white chocolate turtle (wow!), and a potato sausage skillet (decent).


We took the cave tour around 130. It was really neat and the cave was much larger than I anticipated. The tour was a good way to dry off our sweat from the hot and muggy afternoon... The tour guide, Tony, was really good. That said, my wife, a social worker, and myself, a cop, could have really done without the cheesy theatrics. However, we understand, since there are so many children who attend the tour. That's the price we pay for my geek hobby. I wouldn't recommend going to SDC and missing out on the cave tour.


Overall, the park was very interesting. It had more of a southern attraction/flea market feel, as opposed to the usual theme/amusement park feel. It was a nice break from just going ride to ride. We could have gotten endless rides on Outlaw Run, or any of the other coasters, but after going to Carowinds, Hilton Head Island, and Lake of the Ozarks, all within the past two weeks, we really just wanted to relax and enjoy ourselves. We took in the themeing, the atmosphere, the food, and yes... the rides. Unlike other parks, we took it at a slow enjoyable pace, which really made for a unique experience. It was definitely a far cry from Six Flags, thank God.


We honestly can't stand 'shows', especially theme park 'shows', so we missed out on a lot that SDC has to offer. Even without that element, we still had a fantastic time. It was well worth the short drive from the Lake and the 4 hour drive back to STL. We left around 430, after Emily and I had a front seat walk on ride on Outlaw Run, completely by ourselves. WOW! Even my not-so-coaster-enthusiast wife thought it was awesome.


I'd rate the park as a 7/10. Here's how the coasters stacked up on my list:


*Outlaw Run (9/10) #135 - We got five rides on it. We could have gotten as many as we wanted, but five was plenty for us. What a great ride. Definitely a top tener, and definitely the best wooden coaster I've ever ridden. I didn't give my wife much advanced notice about the ride and she was totally shocked, on our first run. Surprisingly, we preferred the front more than the back.


*Thunderation (5/10) #136 - Probably one of the most fun Arrow Mine rides I've ever ridden. It was forceful, but smooth. The long sweeping drops were great. We only took one memorable ride in the back row.


*Wildfire (7/10) #137 - It was much better and much smoother than I expected. It was a great B&M sit down with a great first drop, huge elements, and it was somewhat forceful. I could use tad bit more on the positive G side. We took three rides total. Again, we preferred the front as opposed to the back.


*Powder Keg (7/10) #138 - It was no Mr. Freeze (before the ride was ruined), but it was way better than Flight of Fear/Poltergeist. This Premier Launched coaster's elements were reminiscent of Intamin. Plenty of positive G's to go with the negative G's, but it was a little more rough than I expected. Also, the mid course lift hill was just awkward. I could have done without it, in exchange for smaller finishing elements. We took 3 rides on this. Again... we preferred the front row.


*Fire in the Hole (3/10) #139 - The scenes were confusing the coaster/dark ride was too fast to get a good look at any of them. The 'drops' were surprising and fun. It was good for one ride, but I would never wait longer than five minutes for this roller coaster technicality.

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*Powder Keg (7/10) #138 - It was no Mr. Freeze (before the ride was ruined), but it was way better than Flight of Fear/Poltergeist. This Premier Launched coaster's elements were reminiscent of Intamin. Plenty of positive G's to go with the negative G's, but it was a little more rough than I expected. Also, the mid course lift hill was just awkward. I could have done without it, in exchange for smaller finishing elements. We took 3 rides on this. Again... we preferred the front row.


Powder Keg is an S&S product. The lift hill and the long turn before it are left over from the old Premier water coaster that used to sit in its spot, but the rest is from S&S.

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I'd rate the park as a 7/10


I'm just curious to hear what some of your 8, 9, and 10 rated parks are? I think most people on this board would give SDC at least a 9 as it's one of the best parks in the world.


I'd like to know the same. Personally, Silver Dollar City is right up there for me with some of the best parks in the world. So I'd love to know what parks rank higher for you. Just out of curiosity.


*Outlaw Run (9/10) #135 - We got five rides on it. We could have gotten as many as we wanted, but five was plenty for us. What a great ride. Definitely a top tener, and definitely the best wooden coaster I've ever ridden. I didn't give my wife much advanced notice about the ride and she was totally shocked, on our first run. Surprisingly, we preferred the front more than the back.


You're not the only one. While I love the ride that Outlaw Run's back seat delivers, for some reason I prefer it towards the front too. Giving it a 9/10 is really a HIGH score! Which speaks volumes for the ride! Do you have any 10/10 coasters?


Just trying to understand your ranking system a bit more, that's all....

Edited by robbalvey
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I'd rate the park as a 7/10


I'm just curious to hear what some of your 8, 9, and 10 rated parks are? I think most people on this board would give SDC at least a 9 as it's one of the best parks in the world.


I'd like to know the same. Personally, Silver Dollar City is right up there for me with some of the best parks in the world. So I'd love to know what parks rank higher for you. Just out of curiosity.


*Outlaw Run (9/10) #135 - We got five rides on it. We could have gotten as many as we wanted, but five was plenty for us. What a great ride. Definitely a top tener, and definitely the best wooden coaster I've ever ridden. I didn't give my wife much advanced notice about the ride and she was totally shocked, on our first run. Surprisingly, we preferred the front more than the back.


You're not the only one. While I love the ride that Outlaw Run's back seat delivers, for some reason I prefer it towards the front too. Giving it a 9/10 is really a HIGH score! Which speaks volumes for the ride! Do you have any 10/10 coasters?


Just trying to understand your ranking system a bit more, that's all....


It just seems so often people rate things from 5-10, instead of 1-10. I consider 1-3 to be unsatisfying, 4-6 to be average to decent, 7-9 to be fun or better than average, and 10 is perfect.


To me, I've yet to find the perfect park or the perfect coaster. It's not that I haven't been to some amazing parks (Cedar Point or Busch Gardens Tampa) or ridden some fantastic roller coasters (Outlaw Run or Maverick). A 10 to me is reserved for perfection, or as close as it gets. A 10 is the coaster that I have yet to ride and it very well may never exist. It may sound cheesy, but as a coaster enthusiast, I'm always searching for a 10. It's what keeps me searching out more coasters during the summer. It's what keeps me on the edge of my seat during the announcement of new attractions. Looking back, SDC was probably closer to an 8. I gave it a 7 at the time, because I rated KI as an 8, and I feel like I had a more enjoyable experience at KI. SDC is a great park and by no means did I mean to degrade it by giving it a 7. A 7 is good in my book.


Either way, my ratings are subjective, just as with everyone else. Hell, I'm one of the few people who used to consider Mr. Freeze a 9... or maybe even a 10... before it was altered. For whatever reason, that was close to the perfect coaster for me. I honestly think it was one of the coasters that fueled my coaster fire into adulthood. (also one of the reasons I'm so bitter at SFSTL)


Powder Keg is an S&S product. The lift hill and the long turn before it are left over from the old Premier water coaster that used to sit in its spot, but the rest is from S&S.


Thanks for the info!

Edited by prozach626
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" Looking back, SDC was probably closer to an 8. I gave it a 7 at the time, because I rated KI as an 8, and I feel like I had a more enjoyable experience at KI. SDC is a great park and by no means did I mean to degrade it by giving it a 7. A 7 is good in my book."




Wait KI can't be Kings Island, there's no way. I don't believe you

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^Yeah I saw that...I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he has other parks above SDC other than Kings Island. Cause like you said, if he ranks Kings Island above SDC I know to just flat out ignore anything he posts from now on!

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^Didn't answer my question though...tell me some of your higher parks than SDC.


These are just my personal opinions from my experiences at the parks. I'll just throw out some randoms:


World's of Fun: 3/10

SFMM: 4/10 (I know... just let it be)

SFFT: 5/10 (before Iron Rattler)

SF Saint Louis: 6/10

Knott's Berry Farm: 6/10

SFoG: 6/10

Carowinds: 7/10

Holiday World: 7/10

SFGam: 8/10

King's Island: 8/10

Busch Gardens Tampa: 9/10 (From what I can remember)

Cedar Point: 9/10


Again, looking at my personal ratings, I'd probably give SDC an 8. I also really wished I had been able to experience the park at night.


Wait KI can't be Kings Island, there's no way. I don't believe you


^Yeah I saw that...I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe he has other parks above SDC other than Kings Island. Cause like you said, if he ranks Kings Island above SDC I know to just flat out ignore anything he posts from now on!


lol. Maybe it was because I snagged my 100 (Diamondback), or maybe it was because we drank too many beers between 6 to close, but my wife and I really had a great time at KI. To each his own, I guess. Like I said, you can tell my opinions vary from the majority, since Mr. Freeze (FORWARD blast) would probably be in my top 3-5, if it hadn't been changed.

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I like Outlaw Run best in the front seat, too, especially since it has the right kind of trains to help maximize the view. Silver Dollar City is easily a top-10 park for me, and I'll now say they win in the customer service and friendliness realm. The uniqueness, creativity and attention to detail of the place is hard to beat as well.

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I just took my first rides on Outlaw Run today. I have to say I like the last row the best.


On another note they had 6 ride ops on the platform checking lap bars, and they were not in any hurry when checking them either. We asked one of the ops if it was because of the NTAG incident, and he confirmed that it was. While I do appreciate their dedication to preventing a similar incident, capacity has taken a serious hit. I think they may be able to crank out trains faster if they added seatbelts.

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I just took my first rides on Outlaw Run today. I have to say I like the last row the best.


On another note they had 6 ride ops on the platform checking lap bars, and they were not in any hurry when checking them either. We asked one of the ops if it was because of the NTAG incident, and he confirmed that it was. While I do appreciate their dedication to preventing a similar incident, capacity has taken a serious hit. I think they may be able to crank out trains faster if they added seatbelts.


Don't worry. It's only a matter of time before operators get complacent, again...

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