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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Definitely looks like there will be some sort of drop out of the station. Is it possible that SDC could be getting some sort of a Helix clone?



That would be the best thing to ever happen!

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Still hung up on the emphasis in the "Like Nothing Else" statement though... A standard model coaster that shares similarities with a coaster in Europe is not really unique, albeit awesome. I still think there is a gimmick to all this that hasn't been revealed yet. Perhaps it will be something as simple as theming elements though? Something like "What's in the shed?" but with a mine shaft? That would be a relief, and at SDC that type of thing would actually go over extremely well.


This park and chain likes it's gimmicks and world's first's though. If we are betting, I'm still going with some kind of spinning action. After all, five different concept pitches showed spinning cars, and the concept pitches historically show the idea they are pursuing. I think it will be calculated though - people hear "spinning coaster" and immediately assume it will be spin-till-you-puke. I'm guessing a ride like this would have a combination of straight segments, free spinning segments, and controlled spinning segments. They have the technology and are spending the money to do it right. There's no way they are spending this much money on something that would turn people off.


There's also the fact to consider that the design may have changed considerably since the original pitch. I've noted before about the apparent changes during the staking/clearing process. They could have nixed the spinning concept for a more traditional model. Only time will tell...

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Still hung up on the emphasis in the "Like Nothing Else" statement though... A standard model coaster that shares similarities with a coaster in Europe is not really unique, albeit awesome. I still think there is a gimmick to all this that hasn't been revealed yet. Perhaps it will be something as simple as theming elements though? Something like "What's in the shed?" but with a mine shaft? That would be a relief, and at SDC that type of thing would actually go over extremely well.


This park and chain likes it's gimmicks and world's first's though. If we are betting, I'm still going with some kind of spinning action. After all, five different concept pitches showed spinning cars, and the concept pitches historically show the idea they are pursuing. I think it will be calculated though - people hear "spinning coaster" and immediately assume it will be spin-till-you-puke. I'm guessing a ride like this would have a combination of straight segments, free spinning segments, and controlled spinning segments. They have the technology and are spending the money to do it right. There's no way they are spending this much money on something that would turn people off.


There's also the fact to consider that the design may have changed considerably since the original pitch. I've noted before about the apparent changes during the staking/clearing process. They could have nixed the spinning concept for a more traditional model. Only time will tell...

At IAAPA they showed a revolving track. Maybe they will able to offer both a spinning train and a non spinning train. This would be "Like Nothing Else"

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^ Out of curiosity, where did you take the second picture from?


The back observation porch of the Culinary School. You can get great views from there.


At IAAPA they showed a revolving track. Maybe they will able to offer both a spinning train and a non spinning train. This would be "Like Nothing Else"


Unless the platform for that turntable has not been built yet there is no place with the way the station building has been laid out (despite its size) to indicate that it will house that. The video and model claiming that is SDC's 2018 coaster is VERY misleading. There is no way it can be that design as the station and area cleared is way too large. I would view that is a concept for the particular coaster design only.


Personally I would prefer the no spinning concept but I could live with a Helix/Blue Fire hybrid with the optional spinning car in the back.

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I'm really hoping that's the case. It would be really great if the station were setup for dual loading. One side spinning and one side fixed, but the cutout looks pretty standard on the station. I suppose it's still to earl to tell. I was imagining something similar to a racing coaster, wing coaster, or even something like Mr. Freeze with loading on each side. One side for a spinning train and the other side for a fixed train. I guess there could also be fixed cars on half the train and spinning cars on the other.

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I hope it's more like Helix and less like Cobra's Curse. Hopefully it's not similar to the BGT coaster. Hoping for a launched Helix type with an inversion or two.


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...It would also be neat if they make a large overlook platform like the one on Wildfire so we can see both coasters from a non riders perspective.


I would be willing to bet that they will have some sort of observation area for this coaster. Not sure how large it might be, but given Wildfire has it's observation area, as does Powder Keg, and Outlaw Run... At this point I really couldn't see the park building a new coaster and not having an observation area.

OR doesnt have an observation deck, just an exit/handicapped entrance where people try to watch the left banked turn and loading the trains in the station.

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^ A number of options could happen with mack rides. The Blackpool coaster may be spinning as well. Who would have thought the mack megacoaster in Australia would have the back row backwards. Who know, this coaster may have backwards seats too, or even sideways seats!

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I thought was already part of the speculation??? I'm pretty sure someone pointed that out with a video of Blue Fire.


Perhaps a rear-facing last car would be a better example of new speculation following the announcement of WBMW Australia's coaster?

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I thought was already part of the speculation??? I'm pretty sure someone pointed that out with a video of Blue Fire.


Perhaps a rear-facing last car would be a better example of new speculation following the announcement of WBMW Australia's coaster?

I'd agree but the park stated this would be the worlds "first" or "only." The car on Blue Fire was a tester for a future project. Maybe this is it.

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MAN! If it's anything like the new Mack previewed in WB Australia, this thing is gonna kick serious @$$!!!!!!


SFStL better do something...quick.


SFStL is probably due for a S&S 4-D Free Fly for 2018


UGH, yep. Not to throw this thread into a tiff....but that's what will happen at SFStL and I was talking in that thread about my disgust/disappointment in parks surrounding STL making BIG investments and improving their coaster lineup and I damn near got ran out of this website for it and saying how poor of a job SFStL is doing competing with close/driveable competition.


That said, I can't express my sincere and ridiculous excitement for this new coaster. Even if this is Helix's watered down cousin, I think this thing is gonna be incredible. Herschend is renowned for taking risks on new additions and have hit dingers with each of them (first full build RMC, TnT, Wild Eagle, and Lightning Rod (despite growing pains)). I am already planning a visit there with the wife in the spring of next year

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SFStL is probably due for a S&S 4-D Free Fly for 2018

Until the announcement comes for some small scale flat and everyone moans and groans that we didn't get a free spin. A free spin is likely wishful thinking at this point. Count me as one of the wishers, considering the modern steel coaster drought. What can I say? When you're starving, you'll eat anything.

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Not my photo, but upon seeing this construction pic recently shared on SDC Fans Facebook page, I have to agree it has an unmistakable feeling of Helix. My excitement for this ride is ever growing.


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MAN! If it's anything like the new Mack previewed in WB Australia, this thing is gonna kick serious @$$!!!!!!


SFStL better do something...quick.

Worlds of Fun and Six Flags at this point should just prepare for a beating. You'd have to be absolutely out of your mind to pick Mamba and Prowler or Mr. Freeze and American Thunder as opposed to Outlaw Run and this new bada$$ Mack. Even if they took out Outlaw Run tomorrow, the park would still be a much better place to visit.


Cedar Fair and Six Flags, please prepare to take this L.

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