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A few weeks ago, I bought Abe's Oddesey & Exoddus and the objective of both games is to rescue all the Mudukons, especially in secret areas!

Some areas are easy to pass in seconds, others are as HARD AS HELL!! They both have 2 different endings, depending on how many rescues & kills!

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Anyone get ModNation Racers yet (PS3 Owners anyway)? Great kart racer...Would be cool to race fellow TPR members and come across some TPR-styled karts (graphics), or karts colored/styled like roller coaster trains

I've been playing ModNation Racers for a while now, it is really great. I have a WCB 2010 mod that I made for another site but thought I had to share it here as well(small text doesn't work too well so I couldn't fit all the text on it):

If anyone is interested in playing some time, my PSN ID is Yika.

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^I'll add...I've got a nice collection of mods myself...Stan, Kyle, Kenny (With cardboard racer), and a skinny Cartman, Ninja Turtle, Pac-Man, and of course myself. How did you import the image into there or was that made of stamps entirely?


On a side note, I'll be looking forward to this:

I'm sure I know how many of you guys feel about MK now, that it should be done as it's gotten old...but this looks promising, perhaps returning to the roots of the good old days of MK! I used to play MK3 a lot when I was younger so there's a lot of nostalgia behind this.

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LittleBigPlanet Psp is sooo worth it! Picked it up a few months back before a road trip and played it the whole trip! In other news, Red Dead Redemption is completely stunning! I'm only 20-ish % through but it is so fun. There is so much to do it's incredible.

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^ Same, I just grabbed RDR (going through games like nobody's business this week!) - it's awesome, and probably tops GTA IV for me, in terms of recent Rockstar output that I've paid attention to.


Despite my deepest desire, desperately trying to save buying Mario Galaxy 2 'til after the UK trip. And then there's Lego Harry Potter, which I'm ever worried about being as rubbish as Lego Indy 2.

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^ Did you see the trailer for the new MK movie?! HOLY @#$%!!!

As far as I've read, MK Rebirth is not a trailer for a new movie...how many trailers are 8min long?

From what I've heard it might be a kind of screen test to get money from a movie studio for a new R rated MK movie. But, either way, HOLY @#$% is my feeling as well.


As for video games, I'm still playing God of War...just got into Pandora's Rings level.

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E3 is being very good to us gamers this year...Especially Nintendo, digging up their flagship games: Metroid Other M, Zelda, Donkey Kong Country Returns. The 3DS looks promising too. Now, I'm curious to see what kind of games we'll see with Kinect and PS Move. Definitely excited for Twisted Metal and the new Mortal Kombat game (Maybe we'll see more MK in the next couple days).

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So, what does everyone think about Goldeneye, one of the greatest games ever created, being remade for the Wii?


Who cares? It's a new studio, new console, new publisher, new concepts. It's not a port, it won't be the same. They just realized no Bond game since it has actually captivated people and they want MONEY.

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I picked up Transformers: War for Cybertron and WOW!!! This game blew me away for how good it was. The graphics were incredible and the controls are spot-on. The story is a great opener to the entire series! And the multiplayer is incredible fun! I highly recommend this game. Transformer: WFC = 10/10

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