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I recently got my pre-ordered copy of Super Street Fighter IV. It's just as fun as its predecessor, and I've had a blast trying out all the new characters in a heavily expanded roster, the likes of which I've not seen since SF Alpha 3. It's awesome.


I still stink at online play, but I get a few victories now and then, using characters like Chun-Li and Fei Long. my XBL gamer tag is CitrusMammal, if you ever want to spar with me and gain some easy points.

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I recently got my pre-ordered copy of Super Street Fighter IV. It's just as fun as its predecessor, and I've had a blast trying out all the new characters in a heavily expanded roster, the likes of which I've not seen since SF Alpha 3. It's awesome.


I still stink at online play, but I get a few victories now and then, using characters like Chun-Li and Fei Long. my XBL gamer tag is CitrusMammal, if you ever want to spar with me and gain some easy points.


I want so badly to be good at fighting games, but I suck so bad. Good luck with that man.


I just finished New Super Mario Bro. Wii. It was ok, but I kept getting side tracked with


different games. I'm thinking of picking up Splinter Cell:Conviction.

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So the Split/Second and Blur demos are pretty much the most amazing racing games I've ever played.


Anyway, I just had the single most FRUSTRATING game of MW2 in my life. It was Headquarters on Favela, with almost my whole team talking. It could have been a great match, if only every effing person on the enemy team wasn't using an RPG, grenade launcher, AT4-HS, or AA-12 shotgun. That means no matter where you go, someone's going to get a cheap shot at you from across the map.


Somehow, after about 20 minutes of torture, our team was winning with 160 points. Until the HQ spots started appearing at the enemy camping spots. More failure, more deaths, more furious screaming coming from everybody's mouth. Then, literally 10 seconds before the enemy team would win, the game suddenly froze. The dreaded "disconnected" icon popped up on the bottom of the screen, and... it went to the lobby. The server disconnected. Nobody got any XP or a match bonus, which was the entire reason we didn't leave after ten seconds. Almost thirty furious minutes of my life wasted.

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Finally beat Fable: The Lost Chapters after owning it once before 5 years ago. While the game play was as fun as I remember, the fact it took under 12 hours of in-game time stuns me. Oh well, it was worth the $2 I paid for it at Goodwill.


Also got the "joy" of hitting the freeze glitch on the my player mode of MLB 2k10 for the 360. Nothing like starting 2 full years as a pitcher for it to just stop working for no reason.

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I've been getting some gems from Gamefly lately. I recently beat No More Heroes 2, and still have Tatsunoko VS Capcom. That's a fun little game, which has also taught me quite a bit about this old Anime company.


Plus, I've got the new Prince of Persia coming my way. I'm excited.

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Pokemon SoulSilver has been taking up a lot of my time. I have just arrived in the Kanto region and only beaten Lt. Surge.


In addition, I have been having problems with my Sony PSP and its battery. Looks like it's time for me to get a new one...hopefully, the 3000 series...

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As for SoulSilver I FINALLY caught a wild munchlax on the pokewalker! Took forever to find one but it was worth it cause snorlax is pretty cool. Plus he was holding leftovers which was even cooler.


Wow, that sounded nerdy.

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Beat AC2 last week, great game. A


Picked up Red Dead Redemption yesterday and have sunk 5 hours into it so far. I'm loving it so far. I'm also looking to pick up Alan Wake, Rock Band Green Day, and some others. Gotta love working: plenty of time to game and money to do so.

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Just beat Resident Evil 5 the other day and it was nothing short of incredible, but I just hit 80 on my priest in WOW so as you all well know that has been the game of choice lately. I've also been brushing up on my skills in Rock Band 2 as i anticipate the release of Green Day: Rock Band on June 8.

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Picked up Super Mario Galaxy 2 on Sunday and I've been enjoying every single second of it. I'm only on the second galaxy of world 2 right now, but this game is just as good (if not better) than Super Mario Galaxy. Bright colours, an epic soundtrack and levels seemingly designed by M.C. Escher. I was looking for an excuse to dust off my Wii, and I finally have it.

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I also picked up Super Mario Galaxy 2 ...and I'm loving it, but not quite as much as the first one... while the "Face-ship" along with map move things along much quicker than the observatory in the original, I actually miss Rosalina and her somber stories (not to mention the observatory itself)... with that said Gaxaly 2 is amazing and I can see why all the reviews are so well received for it... not one to miss (but neither is the first one...) I'm on 4th Galaxy w/35 stars so far...


And a few weeks ago, I finally purchased Red Steel 2... I completed it over a 2 week time span on the easy difficulty setting... what an amazing title... fun to play and a joy to look at and listen to... great purchase... and still tinkering around with it...


Also downloaded a few WiiWare/VC games over the past few weeks... Kirby's Super Star from the SNES... just an all around great game... Bit.Trip Runner... amazing "retro" graphics and sounds make this as much fun to watch as it is to play... very tough and rather unforgiving game though... just slightly more forgiving than the other Bit.Trip titles due to its unlimited lives system... and finally Art Style light trax... I loved the other Art Style games (especially RotoHex and Cubello) and this one is a great one too... much different style of puzzle game... a racing game of sorts with a steep learning curve... overall 3 great titles which deserve to be downloaded...

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Anyone get ModNation Racers yet (PS3 Owners anyway)? Great kart racer. Yes, it's like Mario Kart but it's great in it's own ways. You can create your own characters (Extremely customizable, I made the 4 South Park characters, a Ninja Turtle, Pac Man, and myself), karts (graphics are completely customizable, lots of body, engine, other parts to pick from and unlock), even create your own track. Would be cool to race fellow TPR members and come across some TPR-styled karts (graphics), or karts colored/styled like roller coaster trains. If you're a PS3 owner, I'd say get this now!

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xboxlennart is my tag name,


i just buy Just Cause 2,

It is a really funny game and you can do lots and lots of stunts,

Flying with different planes, Drive cars, base jumping with parachute. and many more!


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