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"No Fighting in the War Room" in Call of Duty 4 is effing HARD!


And I'm only playing on Regular, it's the part with the 11 minute countdown. It pisses me off how every time you die, it goes all the way back to the beginning of the countdown, in the same room you started in.


I mean, 11 minutes without a single checkpoint, while pretty much the entire time is spent in various, intense firefights?!


That's ridiculous!


EDIT: Phew, finally beat it. Once you learn the secrets, it's not all that hard.

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^Mass Effect... casual... dohoho.


Playing through God of War again on my PS3, stuck on the Minotaur boss where you have to shoot logs at it for like 10 minutes then spend another 10 minutes trying to get a notch off its health bar.


Rage inducing indeed.

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STILL playing New Super Mario Bros Wii (finished it twice and now playing for a 3rd time... essential game for ALL Wii owners...) Fantastic game...


Muramasa:The Demon Blade (Wii) - Great 2D Action/Adventure RPGish game... a bit repetitive, but a completely refreshing change of pace from most Wii titles... not to mention one of the most beautiful titles I've seen this generation (across all 3 consoles) period... Just finished one of the two quests... Just started the second one this afternoon...


Planing on getting myself Silent Hill Shattered Memories for a "selfish" Christmas gift... (from me, to me...) Its getting mostly great reviews... looking forward to being disturbed all over again...

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My wife got me a PS3 for Christmas, and I'm thinking I'm going to pick up Metal Gear Solid 4 for it. I've never played any of the Solid games, but I did play the original Metal Gear on the NES I believe.


Eventually I'm going to pick up Modern Warfare 1 and 2, but for now I'll be playing mostly sports games.

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^Enjoy lots of sneaking and cutscenes.


are we allowed to talk about upcoming games in this thread? because Green Day Rock Band Just came on my radar screen for 2010 and i'm reallllllly excited !!!


Green Day: Rock Band better have stuff from Kerplunk and Dookie. You know, when they were better but didn't totally suck.


2010 is looking like another kick ass year for the PS3. God of War III, ModNation Racers, etc. The only peeve is PSN will start charging for "premium" features, but what they have now blows Xbox Live out of the water for me, and its free.

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My wife got me a PS3 for Christmas, and I'm thinking I'm going to pick up Metal Gear Solid 4 for it. I've never played any of the Solid games, but I did play the original Metal Gear on the NES I believe.


The first Solid is the first game I bought with my PS2. I've never looked back. Those games are a ton of fun, great cinematics, and a totally whacked out sotry line. You'll love it!

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