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There is no reason for The Typing of the Dead: Overkill to be as fun as it is. I love it so much.


It's a shame that the direct port of House of the Dead: Overkill included with the game is intolerably awkward to play with a mouse. Maybe I'll get my Wiimote working with my computer one of these days, and play the game the way it was mean to be experienced.

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  jray21 said:
I have two coming next week, but I'm hoping to sell them. Yes, I'm one of those people.


More power to you. I'm curious to see the resale on them, I'm sure it is sold out for rest of 2013, but if it is in stock by Q1 next year, I think people will be willing to wait.


Neither system really has amazing launch lineups.

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  jray21 said:
Yeah, I'm not expecting to get much this time around. It's not nearly as anticipated as the PS3, and the game lineup really is lacking. We'll see!

The one launch game that is on my Must Buy list is Octodad. And the console just isn't worth it for that. All the other launch games either I don't care about, or they're already out on PS3 or Steam. The one I'm really waiting for is The Witness. I love a good point-and-click adventure game, and this one reminds me so much of Myst. Telltale's really brought sexy back to that genre; the Walking Dead is hands down the best game I played on PS3, bar none. I don't get a lot of time for video games in general these days, and especially so for violent ones that I can't play with the kids. But the Walking Dead made me think about subjects I've never seen touched on in a video game before, and I felt each character's death in a way video games just never do.

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  Astrojack said:
I'll be picking my ps4 up on midnight release. Hoping to get the buy 2 games get 1 free deal from Target this Tuesday.


Amazon is running a similar deal. I actually wanted to say how impressed I am with Amazon. I had Killzone and Call of Duty on preorder from them for several months now. I've already received Call of Duty, and Killzone has shipped. I was feeling a bit disappointing yesterday when Amazon announced their buy 2 get 1 free deal, considering I had purchased 2 qualifying games for the deal. This morning however, I had an email telling me that because of the new promotion, their records indicate that I am entitled to a free game. I'm very impressed by that gesture, and certainly would have understood if they didn't offer me anything. Great move by Amazon on the customer service front!

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  AllenA07 said:
  Astrojack said:
I'll be picking my ps4 up on midnight release. Hoping to get the buy 2 games get 1 free deal from Target this Tuesday.


Amazon is running a similar deal. I actually wanted to say how impressed I am with Amazon. I had Killzone and Call of Duty on preorder from them for several months now. I've already received Call of Duty, and Killzone has shipped. I was feeling a bit disappointing yesterday when Amazon announced their buy 2 get 1 free deal, considering I had purchased 2 qualifying games for the deal. This morning however, I had an email telling me that because of the new promotion, their records indicate that I am entitled to a free game. I'm very impressed by that gesture, and certainly would have understood if they didn't offer me anything. Great move by Amazon on the customer service front!


Amazon is loads better than they used to be. When they first came out they were by far the worst at customer service. Initially, there was no way possible to email a real human. Is all you would get is a computer response. You had to jump through hoops to get a real person, and even then, they would respond with a automated response. It was brutal.

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I'm enjoying the PS4. Been playing Killzone and Resogun. I have a few other games downloaded, just waiting until I beat Killzone before starting them up. The remote play feature is actually very well done and have used it a few times while watching TV or in my bedroom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some very slick and smart shopping over the past few weeks, I finally picked up a Wii U! So far I absolutely adore Pikmin 3, but I haven't played Super Mario 3D World yet because I'm letting my parents get it for me for Christmas.

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  traincrossin said:
I love how there's a Zelda version of the Wii U, it just looks sweet.

One of my friends got the Wind Waker bundle and she loves it. I purchased the Mario/Luigi bundle because it came with the New Super Mario Bros U game on a disc instead of as a digital download.

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  arby said:
I have only recently gotten back into gaming. I just finished Blue Dragon on XBox 360 and loved it. If you are familiar with the game and know of anything similar to it, please let me know.

Probably the closest games to it are Chrono Trigger (which also has characters by Akira Toriyama) and to a lesser extent its sequel, Chrono Cross. Chrono Trigger was originally released in 1995 for the Super NES and Chrono Cross in 2000 for the Playstation. Both really worthwhile games, but unfortunately neither is on Xbox. Chrono Trigger is on Wiiware and Playstation Network, and Chrono Cross is only on PSN. Of course, you could track down one of the old consoles too. Sadly, Xbox is really lacking in RPGs.


Recently I've been playing Rainbow Moon for the last week on Vita. I bought the game day 1 one for PS3 and then again day 1 on Vita. It's the 16-bit RPG we all wanted 20 years ago, but the technology wouldn't allow it. Amazing game, more than worth $15.

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It's probably too soon into this generation to tell which will be better for a particular genre.


My bf has had nothing but problems with his Xbox one. Had it since day one and has been only been able to play it for a Handful of days. Microsoft has been less than helpful with customer support.

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