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Best Dark Roller Coaster?

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Just found my post a while back had a typo:

Space Mountain: De la Terre a la Lune at DLRP (Not Mission 2). Rough, but I enjoyed the Jules Verne theme, and the layout was quite fun.

I only really liked DLRP's Space Mountain with the Verne overlay. Maybe I caught it when it wasn't unbearable. Not too impressed with the poor aging of the ride as people report...


Yeah the ride gets a lot of hate, but I enjoyed it...at least I did back around '02.

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  • 4 months later...

I have to go with Orlando's Revenge of the Mummy. The dark ride section is really well done and the coaster part is surprisingly thrilling with some major ejector air and a powerful launch.


An honorable mention for me is Verbolten.

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Space Mountain in Orlando . . . it is a top 10 coaster for me. I can't explain exactly why, but it is just amazing. I really hope they do not do any renovations and turn it into some modern launch Space Mountain Mission 999 or something . . .


Verbolten is probably second with The Mummy third.

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  skitt2010 said:
Florida's Mummy is good, but Rock n Rollercoaster is too good to ignore.


For some reason I've never been a huge fan of the Rock n Roller Coaster. While the launch and its build up are cool, the rest of the ride is pretty lackluster and uneventful in my opinion.

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After recently riding both Mummy coasters I still stand by my choice of Space Mountain Ghost Galaxy at DLR, just something really cool about it! The music, the projections, it all works so well together for an otherwise rather tame indoor coaster.

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I am slightly bias, but USH's Mummy gets my vote!


Bias aside, my actual top indoor rides:


1. ROTM @ UO

2. Space Mountain @ Magic Kingdom

3. Winjas


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Verbolten is my favorite here (sorry, Space Mountain).


See, you guys called it a family coaster, so that's what I told my brothers. When they got off, though, they remarked that it was way too intense to fall into this category. The freefall drop even surprised me, and the outdoor elements are very forceful. That ride kicked butt.

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  Jew said:
I am slightly bias, but USH's Mummy gets my vote!


Bias aside, my actual top indoor rides:


1. ROTM @ UO

2. Space Mountain @ Magic Kingdom

3. Winjas



I like your list but would move Space Mountain to the top!

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Although I'm biased....Revenge of the Mummy at Universal Studios Singapore is much-improved from the Orlando version of the attraction.


Better effects, better story, an even smoother ride, and - most important - absolutely NO Brendan Frasier!


Just usually doesn't show up on many of the lists because...well....there is that 16+ hour flight to get there....

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I've only been on 4 indoor coasters:

Revenge of the Mummy (USS)


Temple of the Nighthawk

X:/ No Way Out


The clear winner is obviously Mummy - awesome, awesome coaster. Eurosat is a lot of fun too, one of the biggest surprises from my Europa Park trip. Nighthawk and No Way Out were okay at best.

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