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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Hoping for a bit of advice. My wife and I have decided to make this the year of Rides! We spent April in Orlando, are popping down to SF/LA for labour day and then decided to head to CP on Sept 26-29. Got some great flight deals into Detroit (about $200pp cheaper than Cleveland).


So few questions:

What is the drive like from Detroit to the Point? Toll road etc? We land at 3:00 on Friday and are going to grab a car and head to the point, hopefully be there for 6pm opening. Does that sound doable? I looked on Google Earth and it says 1:50 drive from the airport and I see the airport is SW of the city so I am hoping for no/light traffic? I don't know this part of the world at all, so any tips would be great.


We are going to do 3 days at the park, Fri Evening, Saturday and Sunday. I have gone back and forth a lot, but I finally settled on staying at breakers. Price with ticket deals, parking etc was only marginally more expensive than a motel off site so we are going to do breakers for the closeness and getting in early! What I cant seem to figure (and I read hundreds of pages on here!) is how busy things are in late September. People say the Halloweekends are crazy, but does this include September? Fast Lane + is what I am thinking for Saturday?


My wife and I have been here once before, right when Gatekeeper opened (which I hated due to the restraints, looking forward to re riding now that those are fixed). So the only new ride of interest is Pipe Scream, havnt seen many comments on this one, what do people think? My wife hates spinning things (loves coasters) so she is not really looking forward to this, but to me didn't look like a barfy spinning thing.


And last question, does anyone have a link to something showing what Halloweekends are all about? Don't see much on CP page, but I am betting I am just not looking in the right place.



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^ If the weather is nice, I would definitely plan on getting a Fast Lane Plus for Saturday as the crowds will undoubtedly be heavy. If you get to the park at 6:00 PM on Friday, I can almost guarantee that you will get more rides in from 7-12:00 than you will the entire day on Saturday without FLP. Sunday's are usually fairly slow and lines should be lighter...plan on doing the Halloween scares, haunts, etc on Friday night or Sunday or be prepared to wait in very long lines.


In regards to the drive from Detroit, I believe that there are non toll roads to get you from there to Sandusky. Avoid I-90 if you can and stay on Rt. 2 in Ohio as that is less congested and free.


I have not been on Pipe Scream as it was broke down one time we were there and too crowded the next so I cannot comment on that type of ride. I am sure others on here could, though.


A search on Halloweekends brought up this nice trip report from Invertalon with some really cool photos. I think that I also did one a few years back, but was do lazy to dig for it.



Hallowekends PTR

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^ Thanks, good info and thanks for that TR good stuff. I figured Friday would be a good day to get some serious rides in and I think we will just plan on the FP+, but wait and see how things go (fingers crossed on weather given we are flying our specifically for the park).

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^ If you can get to the park on Friday night, definitely take advantage as I think that's the best time to go!


We usually hit up Halloweekends every year and go Friday night until midnight, skip Saturday (and go golfing instead), and then (maybe) hit the park for a few hours on Sunday morning/afternoon before heading home.

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I am really surprised that it is that busy in September, when I booked flights I didn't even think of Halloween, just figure September would be a slow time. but between Friday night, doing a FP+ on Saturday and then a hopefully slower Sunday, I think we should get our monies worth!

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I've been on Valleyfair's Northern Lights which is the same as Pipe Scream. It is not thrilling by any stretch of the imagination, however it's a really fun ride, few moments of weightlessness, and the spinning is great. If possible try to get as far away from the center as possible. It has some great laterals in the back.

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What is the drive like from Detroit to the Point? Toll road etc? We land at 3:00 on Friday and are going to grab a car and head to the point, hopefully be there for 6pm opening. Does that sound doable? I looked on Google Earth and it says 1:50 drive from the airport and I see the airport is SW of the city so I am hoping for no/light traffic? I don't know this part of the world at all, so any tips would be great.


It's possible. I'd suggest I-94 to I-275 to I-75 South. Someone else mentioned using Route 2 - that has been pretty well rebuilt and I think it offers a far, far more interesting drive to the park than the deathly boring ride through the cornfields on the Expressway. You also don't lose much time since it runs so far south of Sandusky.


We are going to do 3 days at the park, Fri Evening, Saturday and Sunday. I have gone back and forth a lot, but I finally settled on staying at breakers. Price with ticket deals, parking etc was only marginally more expensive than a motel off site so we are going to do breakers for the closeness and getting in early! What I cant seem to figure (and I read hundreds of pages on here!) is how busy things are in late September. People say the Halloweekends are crazy, but does this include September? Fast Lane + is what I am thinking for Saturday?


If the weather is nice, it will be absolutely slammed on Saturdays. But we're talking about the Great Lakes too, and it could be raining and 50 degrees out. I wouldn't buy bands until 10:30-11AM that day. There will also be Fast Lane bands specific to the haunts as well - keep that in mind if they're important to you.

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Shouldn't be too bad. The park is only open from 10-8 in anticipation of lower crowds. This last week has been pretty great with minimal lines.



Nice! May have to go tomorrow!


Also I notice you were a sup at Thunder Canyon, how is it working rides at CP?

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What is the drive like from Detroit to the Point? Toll road etc? We land at 3:00 on Friday and are going to grab a car and head to the point, hopefully be there for 6pm opening. Does that sound doable? I looked on Google Earth and it says 1:50 drive from the airport and I see the airport is SW of the city so I am hoping for no/light traffic? I don't know this part of the world at all, so any tips would be great.


I know this is a little bit of a late response, but if you're flying into Detroit Metro, take 275 down to 75 and then DON'T take the Ohio Turnpike. I've been on that turnpike three times this summer, and I've hit massive construction traffic each time. The two hour drive took closer to three hours each time. The one time I didn't take the turnpike this summer we got to Cedar Point ahead of schedule, but... I speed, so take that as you will. The drive is not bad at all. Just don't expect Michigan's roads to be as smooth as whatever you're used to.

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^^Thanks for the tip, if we can make the trip in 2.5 hours we will be good, so I will use your suggested route. And don't worry I never expect smooth roads when I visit the states Luckily I am almost always driving a rental car.

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^^Thanks for the tip, if we can make the trip in 2.5 hours we will be good, so I will use your suggested route. And don't worry I never expect smooth roads when I visit the states Luckily I am almost always driving a rental car.


Michigan roads are crappy especially 75 right by the ohio state border. I'd get off at Exit 6 from the 280 and then you'd connect to OH-2.

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