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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't think it's because the train was launched too slow or the LSMs malfunctioned. If I am not mistaken, Maverick will encounter a rollback (on either the lift or launch) when the train ahead of it hasn't cleared the next block segment. For example, if the train waiting at the base of the lift hill starts too early, and the train ahead of it hasn't yet exited the tunnel below before it reaches the top, the computer will stop the train on the lift hill and it will slowly roll back to the starting position for a reset. The same applies to the train in the launch tunnel with the next corresponding block segment.


Obviously in 2007 they were purposely doing this to make sure the system worked and the trains safely returned to be reset, but I believe that is why it sometimes happens during normal operations. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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There's a lot of talk about Maverick's block system here so I figured I'd chime in.


The only time a rollback can happen in the tunnel is in the event of a power failure or ride/E-stop when the train is mid-launch. This is the ONLY time a rollback will occur. If the block ahead is not clear (called the "Pre-Waiting" block") the train will stop in the tunnel before the start of the launch. This is different than the lift, as the lift requires the train to pass that same "stop" point in the tunnel, and it is possible to send the train from the "Pre-Lift" block before then (possible as soon as the previous train crests the lift).


The train in the tunnel does not adjust where on the track it launches, it launches at the same spot (start of the magnetic launch motors). It cannot roll to the end of the tunnel slowly, it's actually a 20 foot incline from the start of the launch segment to the point the launch disengages, against very power magnets... not possible. The difference you might be feeling is from the kicker wheels before the launch. If the train is too slow or completely stopped heading into the launch, the kicker wheels will engage resulting in a boost of speed to hit the launch itself. During normal operation, the kicker wheels aren't felt.


(If anyone has a question about my source: I worked the ride in 2007, so I'm familiar with both the operations, the block system, the programming, etc. I know that ride like the back of my hand)

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I can't believe there is no news / rumors / conversations regarding the "proposed new ride" for 2013. Did I miss something, or did this go completely dead? I wonder if there will be any recognition of this at Coastermania in a few weeks. We don't have a meeting with management this year like usual. That's very strange. They've had some real good guests in the past, and watching management squirm at some of the questions is entertaining.

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Alright so I'll be making a one day stop at CP Saturday, July 28th (open to close) and was wondering what my plan of attack should be. I know multiple days are preferred, but I can really only manage one day right now. We're definitely picking up Fast Lane, and staying on-site, so any other tips would be helpful. Thanks!

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^With Fast Lane you should be set. Since you're staying on site hit MF, Maverick and Iron Dragon during the early entry, and by then it should be 10:00. Go to Dragster, then Magnum, then Gemini, and follow around that circle, hit everything you want to, and then head towards the front of the park. You can easily hit everything in one day with Fast Lane, and I was able to get 10+ rides on each of the big three. Hope this helps. Have a great trip.

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^^Yeah, with Fast Lane...you really don't need a plan. You're good with multiple rides on all the major coasters in one day. But, you can always start near the back with Maverick and head to the front near the evening. That's what I do when its a crowded day.

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I was looking on Cedar Point's website and I had some trouble found out some information on how much FastLane is. I was prompted about FastLane from my friend, I was wondering how the money works? Like is it per group or per person. So like does the pricing go by person or group? I'm sorry it's hard to understand this. I don't exactly know how to word this topic. So it would be great if you guys could help inform me of how the money works out in FastLane.



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I was looking on Cedar Point's website and I had some trouble found out some information on how much FastLane is. I was prompted about FastLane from my friend, I was wondering how the money works? Like is it per group or per person. So like does the pricing go by person or group? I'm sorry it's hard to understand this. I don't exactly know how to word this topic. So it would be great if you guys could help inform me of how the money works out in FastLane.



Me being the friend

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I was looking on Cedar Point's website and I had some trouble found out some information on how much FastLane is. I was prompted about FastLane from my friend, I was wondering how the money works? Like is it per group or per person. So like does the pricing go by person or group? I'm sorry it's hard to understand this. I don't exactly know how to word this topic. So it would be great if you guys could help inform me of how the money works out in FastLane.



Me being the friend


Hahaha and trev its 20 bucks extra

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1:51 to 2:07

the video shows some blueprints for some coasters, the seem Intamin'ish and one's a ZacSpin .


at 1:54 it shows a coaster crossing through the back of the soak city parking lot and heading towards the camper village store. That coaster probably ended up being Maverick. I always new CP could make good use of a coaster in that section of the park

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^Big B&M coaster, would have gone out to the campground and come back. One circle of the campground would have been removed along with part of the parking lot, which is a big reason why they scrapped it. From what I understand, it would have been another Intimidator-themed coaster (and possibly a giga, although that much I can't confirm).

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I was looking on Cedar Point's website and I had some trouble found out some information on how much FastLane is. I was prompted about FastLane from my friend, I was wondering how the money works? Like is it per group or per person. So like does the pricing go by person or group? I'm sorry it's hard to understand this. I don't exactly know how to word this topic. So it would be great if you guys could help inform me of how the money works out in FastLane.




It's a per person fee...for instance at KD on saturdays you can get a fastlane pass for a group of three for $45.00 per person,which to me is a bit too expensive.I'm not sure if CP's prices are the same but you can check at one of the kiosks or just ask on CP's facebook.

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