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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's funny how I state one thing to answer a question and then say that I didn't want to start any arguments...yet people seem to still start them.


Anyways, I am also excited to see what Matt has in store for the company.

It's even more funny how you failed to realize that you were indeed setting yourself for another argument. This is obviously a touchy subject and it seems that you've been here long enough to realize that. I mean come on, did you seriously expect another talk about "Mr.Kinzel" to not draw ANY reaction at all, none? Seriously? After ALL the debates that people have had about this (that I know I've certainly had something to do with in some of them) and make their points, and then not say anything when the same "issue" is brought up again. It's this reason why a whole new thread was created just for this one subject (whether we should all hate Dick Kinzel for closing down GL.) So with all that in mind, DON'T start another argument like this that many people (probably myself as well) will likely get in to by stating something along the lines of

One of the main reasons why I stopped liking Mr. Kinzel is because he made the final decision to close down my home park (Geauga Lake).
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It's even more funny how you failed to realize that you were indeed setting yourself for another argument.


The only reason why I mentioned the GL thing in the first place is because people asked why many people don't like him. That's one of the reasons why. That's it, end of story.


Back to talking about Cedar Point.


The biggest problem with Matt bringing family rides like "Disney rides" to Cedar Point is this... Disney has Imagineers, Cedar Point does not.


That's completely understandable. It would still be cool IMO to see something along the lines of Disney-like theming in the park.

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The biggest problem with Matt bringing family rides like "Disney rides" to Cedar Point is this... Disney has Imagineers, Cedar Point does not.

What makes you think that Matt couldn't do the same? Perhaps not on the scale of Imagineers, but still something similar exclusivley for Cedar Point. Not guaranteeing that would happen, but I don't think we should rule out the possibility of a former Disney exec doing something great that has never been done before. Matt and Kinzel are very difference people, I don't think things are really going to remain the same once Matt takes over. Just my two cents.

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While Matt is the President and CEO, people fail to realize that Cedar Point still has its own team of management and execs (which have probably been the same for years) that will most likely be the ones making all of these decisions (not Matt), along with every other Cedar Fair park. People acted the same way when Kennywood was purchased by a corporate entity, like everything was going to be paved and multiple B&Ms and Intamins were on their way, yet nothing much has changed and it is still the same park with the same outlook and values.


In short, I don't see much changing unless a complete management overhaul is performed. Cedar Point will still be the same "Cedar Point, America's Rockin' Roller Coast" we all know.



Edit: And looking at Cedar Fair's website, Kinzel still remains on the board of directors anyway, albeit not as CEO and/or chairman of the board.

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^^ Cedar Point is already one of the country's greatest amusement parks, but IMO one of these reasons is because of the coasters, I agree removing only one coaster to build more family rides would be O.K. but CP is always going to be switching along to a different type of plan, which would either be building the meanest , tallest coaster or adding the mild, wild family type rides/coasters..

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^ and ^^ If you have heard something tell us who you heard this from and what position of authority or knowledge they hold. I doubt you heard anything from a reputable source.


In 2004 I heard from a nice lady checking my passes at Cedar Point that CP would be getting a wooden coaster longer than Son of Beast.

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Asking for a source is not being mean. You are in for a rough life, if you think I'm being mean in my posts.


If posters would learn to state their sources it would make it much easier for everyone to have an intelligent discussion.

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This may just be me, but I don't feel like screamscape is a great source for 'rumors' and such. Everybody that works at CP has heard this rumor (and the Dippin Dots guy definitely confirmed it ) but still, I know the place and people tend to give out false information to send you on the wrong track on purpose. Just from managers alone, I have heard 3 separate rumors: a B&M dive machine in place of Antique Cars, a GCI woodie in place of/in front of DT, and an Intamin prefab replacing Mean Streak (these were all separate rumors). From the people I've talked to, it seems like people are just so desperate for a new coaster, they are making things up now.

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^^Completely agree that screamscape is not infallible, but the Moderators and Management at TPR like to know where a rumor is coming from. Lance does a great job considering the vast number of parks he covers. He is much more reliable that the Dippin Dots guy

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