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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^Logic like this can not be tolerated!. Speaking for just about everybody here on the boards, I can attest that we much more prefer the babbling tirades of a know it all, obsessive, bat sh!t insane, angry (enter park or designer here) fanboy!


Guy "Cause we love the crazies!" Koepp


I'm kidding!

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I sure as hell know that they weren't put in to improve dispatch times, that's just a load of malarkey.

I have no idea why the trim was put in (and I agree it definitely had nothing to do with dispatch times), but I know B&M wasn't the one to say "we want a trim on Mantis". Unfortunately I have no physical proof of this as I was only told by CP ride op's and a manager. Maybe they were all out to get me (probably not).

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Just got back from CP. There were two large stakes on the beach front and alot of red flags. This was near the Beach Entrance to the park. There were also many red/blue/green markings covering the Oceania midway.


Tomorrow is the 4th of July. Guess what? Fireworks! You'll also notice that the employee parking lot is blocked off for the time being. This is normal for this time of year.

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Thought you guys would be interested, some pictures I took of the "markings". They are not the greatest but give you an idea...


Stake on the beach, also notice the red flags in the background.


Stake #2, directly to the left of the other stake. Surfs up on Lake Erie!


"Markings" on the midway.



Former Demon Drop location, not much going on right now...

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I rode Mantis in 1996 before the trims and it KILLED your legs (felt like a charlie horse in your legs for duration of the ride+ few mins. after)

Most people complained about this so the trims were added in the off season to solve the problem. This is probably why every element on Riddlers Revenge is very drawn out between elements.




here is one of my old videos of CP fwd to 2:09 mark to see Mantis footage from 1996 pre-trims



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I saw green and blue in the pictures posted of the markings indicating water and sewer, now when the pink and white show up, it's jump up and down time....


^^ It's probably nothing regarding construction.


^ I don't care if Mantis kills your legs without trims, it still kicks ass!

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^ Lol


Mantis is really booking it in that video. I don't think I was tall enough to ride until after they installed the trims, that would've been an awesome ride from the looks of it. As it stands (pun not intended) I think Mantis is a pretty underrated coaster at the Point. Nice Gs, good pacing and layout.

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^ Lol


Mantis is really booking it in that video. I don't think I was tall enough to ride until after they installed the trims, that would've been an awesome ride from the looks of it. As it stands (pun not intended) I think Mantis is a pretty underrated coaster at the Point. Nice Gs, good pacing and layout.


I like the pacing in that video for Mantis a lot more than the last time I rode it. It basically CRAWLED through the course, especially after the MCBR. I think that's why I didn't like it that much.

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^Logic like this can not be tolerated!. Speaking for just about everybody here on the boards, I can attest that we much more prefer the babbling tirades of a know it all, obsessive, bat sh!t insane, angry (enter park or designer here) fanboy!


Guy "Cause we love the crazies!" Koepp


I'm kidding!



I love this post!!!

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The markings on the beach look incredibly temporary, so I'm guessing for the fireworks.


Ding, ding! We have a winner!


Mantis update: I was at the park on Friday and also noticed (when we were in line for Millenium) that the trims were not running. I was hoping to go for a ride on it, but there just wasn't enough time in the day.


Of note, lines were not incredibly long either (longest being 45 minutes for Maverick due to some down time) and from what I saw when we left Soak City yesterday afternoon, they weren't bad then either. Just goes to show that what days may have been crowded in years past aren't always indicative of what they are like in the present. I never quite understand why people continually ask about crowds on certain days compared to in years past...just go and deal with whatever cards you are dealt!


RE: Shoot The Rapids - I believe the wait was about fifteen to twenty minutes for us. We were originally assigned the front row and then moved to the second row because of weighting. While my top half got pretty wet, my shorts did not get soaked and I was pretty satisifed for the amount of wetness I received on an 85 degree day! The couple in front of us did however, get soaked.


The ride itself is fun and a great addition to the park. Not the tallest, fastest, wettest ride, but if you are a fan of classic water flume rides, you will definitely enjoy it...I know we did!


Short wait - good ride!


Acceptable amount of wetness for me!

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The markings on the beach look incredibly temporary, so I'm guessing for the fireworks.




Actualy, the markings are not where the fireworks are being shot off. They shoot the fireworks off behind disaster transport.

Edited by thrillrider
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Mantis update: I was at the park on Friday and also noticed (when we were in line for Millenium) that the trims were not running. I was hoping to go for a ride on it, but there just wasn't enough time in the day.


The trims have been off ever since it rolled back. Mantis has really been hauling ass this year. Not quite as fast as in that video from 1996, but pretty damn close.

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The markings on the beach look incredibly temporary, so I'm guessing for the fireworks.

Actualy, the markings are not where the fireworks are being shot off. They shoot the fireworks off behind disaster transport.

Your right, I looked at the pic wrong. And I was hoping they would shoot the fireworks off 10 feet from the side of the beach walkway .


As for Manis being underrated, it is. Unfortunately, it is also a ride that you really have to learn how to ride. Once you learn that skill, it's a great and painless ride.

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^While that would make sense to bring in some extra money, why build another tower? They could just as easily put it on top of Space Spiral or Power Tower. A new metal tower on the beach would look really ugly.


I would be pretty disappointed if the new "thrill ride" is a cell tower.

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Well after managing to delete what I was going to write, I will try this again...The orange markings are typical of telecommunications locating, such as fiber optics, telephone, cable, etc. I would highly doubt they would put in a cell tower for extra money, plus, it's an eye sore. If they were hard up for money, they could simply lease out the roof of the hotel. The rent my former building recieved for cell equipment mounted on our roof was only 200.00. A cell tower takes up around 25x25 feet and would imagine the rent would likewise be small. The only real reason for a tower is to increase capacity and that could be placed around breakers express and still have the desired effect, or lease out the roof of breakers, which in all reality, really isn't tall enough. Believe it or not, you won't get near as good a signal standing beside or underneath a tower as you do standing 1/4 mile away as the signal needs room to stretch. I took a look at some pictures from the BGT coaster project I had and sure enough, pink markings are everywhere they plan on doing digging work with orange marking surrounding those. I think we can all now probably agree that this is probably the general area they are looking at for their new project and are trying to get a good grasp on where all of their undergound utilities are so that they can either make a final determination for footers or move items if footers can't be built around the underground maze. Then again, they might just be due for new sewer and water lines.

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