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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Man I agree with this so much. This looks very realistic and professional. I LOVE the idea of a through-the-station fly by. While I too want to see an RMC meanstreak, I don't think that really "counts" as a wooden coaster the way this does, and for that reason, I think CP should really build another "great" true wooden coaster. I like this concept because it would allow a dynamite woodie AND an RMCification of MS.


I completely agree with you. About RMC Mean Streak, I actually made a concept of that about a year ago, here's the link if you haven't seen it:


How the hell are you getting a frame rate that good on such an intensive park in NL2? For me the bottle neck is disk retrieval, and I have a pretty darn fast SSD. I'll run like 20% CPU usage, 40% GPU, 15% ram, but bottle neck at disk speed even with an SSD keeping my frame rate around 15-20 at times when this level of complexity is on screen. What on earth kind of a monster rig are you running? I'm super impressed/jealous. I also second the request to try your park out, if you're comfortable with that. It looks amazing man!


My computer is actually pretty weak. I have a NVIDIA GeForce 920M, i5 at 2.6GHz, and a 750 GB 5400 RPM drive. Like Projektion said, I'm using the in-game recorder so it really doesn't matter what computer I have. However, this park, now that it's done, runs about 10-15 FPS around medium settings, which isn't too bad considering how much is going on.


4. How did you make all those rides in NL? Not only does the ride look great but the Cedar point looks great period.


I do a ton of modeling. The whole station, path area, fencing, theming, Paddlewheel boat, pretty much everything that isn't a tree or a coaster is done by modeling. Most of it is pretty basic or just replicating but I actually designed the station as well. That actually took longer than the coaster itself.


Thanks for all the positive feedback! It's great to know my work is being appreciated.

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Man I agree with this so much. This looks very realistic and professional. I LOVE the idea of a through-the-station fly by. While I too want to see an RMC meanstreak, I don't think that really "counts" as a wooden coaster the way this does, and for that reason, I think CP should really build another "great" true wooden coaster. I like this concept because it would allow a dynamite woodie AND an RMCification of MS.


I completely agree with you. About RMC Mean Streak, I actually made a concept of that about a year ago, here's the link if you haven't seen it:

I forgot how amazing this was. It's hard to believe that this wasn't designed by the guys at RMC, you mastered their style.

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Man I agree with this so much. This looks very realistic and professional. I LOVE the idea of a through-the-station fly by. While I too want to see an RMC meanstreak, I don't think that really "counts" as a wooden coaster the way this does, and for that reason, I think CP should really build another "great" true wooden coaster. I like this concept because it would allow a dynamite woodie AND an RMCification of MS.


I completely agree with you. About RMC Mean Streak, I actually made a concept of that about a year ago, here's the link if you haven't seen it:

I forgot how amazing this was. It's hard to believe that this wasn't designed by the guys at RMC, you mastered their style.


There are only two things that make it not look like an official animation.

1. The fact that it's in No Limits. If it was made using the same program as the official ride animations, we would think you managed to leak #CP2017

2. It might be just me, but the double heartline roll at the end looks a little too perfect.

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Man I agree with this so much. This looks very realistic and professional. I LOVE the idea of a through-the-station fly by. While I too want to see an RMC meanstreak, I don't think that really "counts" as a wooden coaster the way this does, and for that reason, I think CP should really build another "great" true wooden coaster. I like this concept because it would allow a dynamite woodie AND an RMCification of MS.


I completely agree with you. About RMC Mean Streak, I actually made a concept of that about a year ago, here's the link if you haven't seen it:


I just love your RMC Mean Streak. It looks amazing. I could really see Cedar Point doing something very similar to this with Mean Streak. It would take a mostly unpopular coaster, and make it incredibly popular again! Not to mention it would take a mostly boring coaster, and make it really thrilling again!!



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I wouldn't mind RMC re-doing Mean Streak. But I really don't see Cedar Fair copying Six Flags and doing the same thing to their parks. I think if Cedar Point actually does get an RMC, it will be a custom built coaster. I think we're going to be stuck with Mean Streak the way it is for a while longer, unless they let GCI work on it like they did GhostRider.

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Ever since the announcement of Shoot the Rapids leaving, I've been thinking about a realistic option that could take its place. As a result, I created Badlands, a GCI wooden coaster that would span the past area of Shoot the Rapids. Here's a video:


This I can honestly say is the best concept coaster I have ever seen. Well done.

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Man I agree with this so much. This looks very realistic and professional. I LOVE the idea of a through-the-station fly by. While I too want to see an RMC meanstreak, I don't think that really "counts" as a wooden coaster the way this does, and for that reason, I think CP should really build another "great" true wooden coaster. I like this concept because it would allow a dynamite woodie AND an RMCification of MS.


I completely agree with you. About RMC Mean Streak, I actually made a concept of that about a year ago, here's the link if you haven't seen it:

I forgot how amazing this was. It's hard to believe that this wasn't designed by the guys at RMC, you mastered their style.


I second this.... Very well done!

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Looking at Tony's twitter, in conjunction with that photo, it looks like one train is the left bay , and the picture from the Cedar Point Instagram is showing the two other trains in the right bay, back-to-back. Notice the "short" first row behind what appears to be the third row of the train in front of it, as well as the different color backing.


From @TonyClarkCP:



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Notice the "short" first row behind what appears to be the third row of the train in front of it, as well as the different color backing.


Yeah I saw that too but it took me a minute. It really did look like a 4 car train but I guess they just park really close to each other.

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^ Not yet, I believe they are still just backfilling the areas first with the gravel, and will be pouring everything either later this week or early next (in terms of the main pathways)


The circled area looks poured to me.


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The webcam right now is



[attachment=0]Screenshot (25).png[/attachment]


That's a beautiful shot. Sky Ride is looking incredible.


Personally I thought Ocean Motion was looking rather incredible, but that's just me.

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