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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Simple solution though: just send a message to Robb or a mod before you post to make sure its OK. Problem solved.


Hey, you're using common sense boldikus...stop that! There's no time for that around these parts...

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^^Well someone who went to their employee get together at ki, posted pics of it in the ki thread. I would think that wouldn't be allowed since the park didn't post them.


Well I don't own this site and don't work for Kings Island so I can't tell you if that's OK or not. Simple solution though: just send a message to Robb or a mod before you post to make sure its OK. Problem solved.


I was just asking so nobody would get in trouble in other threads. But yes I agree that's what should be done.


*We now return to your regular Cedar Point broadcasting**

Edited by KICoasterkev
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I will say that if I worked for the park (either of them) and went to an employee (or enthusiast) event I wouldn't risk getting fired and/or banned from this forum unless I was specifically given the OK by my employer/the park to take/post said photos online.

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I am curious what caused the sudden dropping of the hammer on construction photos, did I miss something over the weekend?

Instead of questioning things, why don't you just respect what we asked of people? Or is that too difficult?

Edited by robbalvey
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This may be a stupid question, but does that include photos not taken from the peninsula (i.e. Battery Park or Bay Point)?

Yes, it's a stupid question. Here's an idea... why don't you go ahead and post those photos and then let's see what happens to you?

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I was wondering that too! And is this for all the new coasters being constructed, like say Mystic Timbers?

HOLYFUCKINGSHIT!!!! Why are you people so incredibly stupid?!?!?!?


Here let me post it again so your brain can actually READ and COMPREHEND the request.







Honestly, this is why Trump is our president because people are just this dumb now.


Please, do us all a favor. If you can't figure out what the words above mean, don't visit our forum anymore.


--Robb "Not joking." Alvey


ps. And since because some of our forum members are too dumb to use common sense, if you have a photo that you aren't sure if you should post...


1. Chances are you probably shouldn't post. (Why would you be questioning it in the first place?)


2. CONTACT US AND ASK!!!! We seriously have made it easy af to contact myself and the moderators. If you can't figure out how to contact us or you can figure out if you should or shouldn't post a photo, then we recommend you close your tab with TPR and go find another website to frequent.

Edited by robbalvey
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I have a feeling that something is coming here that we haven't ever seen on an RMC. Not just a new element, but something major that they don't want other parks seeing just yet. I don't recall them being this secretive before, but they were probably pretty upset with Valravn being leaked prematurely.

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I am curious what caused the sudden dropping of the hammer on construction photos, did I miss something over the weekend?

Instead of questioning things, why don't you just respect what we asked of people? Or is that too difficult?



I'm not going to apologize for being curious if this came from the park or what considering I have not seen this come up before. I'm not saying I don't agree with it, just that it is interesting to see when we see photos like this pop up all the time from around different parks.

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I have a feeling that something is coming here that we haven't ever seen on an RMC. Not just a new element, but something major that they don't want other parks seeing just yet. I don't recall them being this secretive before, but they were probably pretty upset with Valravn being leaked prematurely.


No I really just think the park doesn't want a bunch of obnoxious self-entitled roller coaster nerds trespassing on their property to get the "scoop" on photos that the park should have a right to post themselves first when they feel it's appropriate.

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I'm not going to apologize for being curious if this came from the park or what considering I have not seen this come up before.

Fine. Then I'm not going to apologize for banning you because you simply couldn't respect something we asked of our members.



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Honestly, this is why Trump is our president because people are just this dumb now.


Just found a new quote of the week to go in that thread...love it.


Seriously though...why don't people have patience anymore? Sit back, relax and wait for the park to announce what's coming - it's really that easy. And to be honest, it will be more fun that way because you won't have shitty screen shots of every element as it's being constructed to ruin it for the people that are patiently waiting for the park's formal announcement.


It's like snooping in your parent's closet to find out what you're getting for Christmas. Or like people that tailgate you on the road when you're doing the speed limit and then flip you the finger as they pass you by...basically we just live in a society where people can't (or won't) follow simple instructions or rules.

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I have a feeling that something is coming here that we haven't ever seen on an RMC. Not just a new element, but something major that they don't want other parks seeing just yet. I don't recall them being this secretive before, but they were probably pretty upset with Valravn being leaked prematurely.

I expect this ride to have tons of "WOW!" moments when it's announced. Sort of like Outlaw Run when the double barrel roll was announced: everyone was in complete shock (or at least, those who didn't see the leak on Screamscape days before). I remember Outlaw Run being the most exciting coaster announcement of my lifetime, but I'd be pretty shocked if "Meaner" Streak doesn't top it. Honestly, I'm very well expecting this to be the best roller coaster on the planet.

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I was wondering that too! And is this for all the new coasters being constructed, like say Mystic Timbers?

HOLYFUCKINGSHIT!!!! Why are you people so incredibly stupid?!?!?!?


Here let me post it again so your brain can actually READ and COMPREHEND the request.







Honestly, this is why Trump is our president because people are just this dumb now.


Please, do us all a favor. If you can't figure out what the words above mean, don't visit our forum anymore.


--Robb "Not joking." Alvey


ps. And since because some of our forum members are too dumb to use common sense, if you have a photo that you aren't sure if you should post...


1. Chances are you probably shouldn't post. (Why would you be questioning it in the first place?)


2. CONTACT US AND ASK!!!! We seriously have made it easy af to contact myself and the moderators. If you can't figure out how to contact us or you can figure out if you should or shouldn't post a photo, then we recommend you close your tab with TPR and go find another website to frequent.

Two Things:

1. Somebody must've threatened to sue TPR.

2. Does this ban apply to pictures taken of Mean Streak during park sanctioned events and park operating hours?

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Two Things:

1. Somebody must've threatened to sue TPR.

2. Does this ban apply to pictures taken of Mean Streak during park sanctioned events and park operating hours?


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1. Do pictures taken from Google Earth count?

2. Do pictures taken with my iPhone count?

3. Do pictures with instagram filters on them count?

4. Do pictures taken through a telescope on the moon count?

5. Do pictures of rides besides Mean Steak count?

6. Do pictures of Mean Streak from my summer vacation in 2011 count?

7. Do pictures from Tony Clark's Twitter count?

8. Do pictures of Mean Streak count if it's in the background of a selfie?

9. Is Cedar Point gonna sue Robb if I post pictures of Mean Streak?

10. Do pictures of renderings after the announcement is made count?


Jesus Christ, I'm not trying to play teacher's pet or anything but why does everyone have to play 50 f***ing questions every time a new rule is made. The last thing 90% of the people on this website wanna see is three pages of people asking dumb questions about every single rule a mod enforces on this forum.

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1. Somebody must've threatened to sue TPR.

2. Does this ban apply to pictures taken of Mean Streak during park sanctioned events and park operating hours?

Banned for being an idiot. Sorry, we just don't need any more stupid people on TPR.

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Just want to voice my own two cents here.


1. I understand the issue with Mean Streak photos. CP's trying to keep this under wraps for whenever they open. My GUESS is 2018.


2. If the opening's being delayed, then there's got to be something big about this coaster. Launch? Drop track? Extraordinarily long? Shipping issues? Whatever it is, I hope it's big.


3. I have no problem with this photo stuff. I'll just wait and maybe hitch a ride with Marty and Doc to 2018

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2. If the opening's being delayed


WTF?!??!!? They have not announced an opening!!! How can you have an opening be delayed when you haven't made any announcement at all of when the opening is.


Ugh... Seriously, people. Why have we stopped using our brains???

Edited by robbalvey
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