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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Well its a little blurry and could be photoshopped, but it could just have been taken with a camera phone or a really really really crappy camera.

Even in case it's not photoshopped, it could well be lensed, exposed and/or CCD'd, pixelated, compressed, randomly accessible memorized, USB'd or firewired, saved to rotating magnetic plates, resized, NAT'ed, routed, re-saved to some other device of unkown gender and location, finally browsed & rendered on your machine. With suffering from all that, how could you ever even believe one single pixel?


I do see a corcscrew, and am expecting to see the next one after another left turn out of the first one. But I must admit, my eyesight is very lensed, exposed and/or CCD'd, pixelated, compressed, ...

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It's only fun saying it's an aquatrax because for some odd reason a bunch of people get pissed off saying it isn't. Lighten up, it still can be an aquatrax. Who says they can't go upside down?


James "Aquatrax Beeeoootch" Dillaman


Nobody really knows if they can/can't go upside-down...there is only ONE in the whole world at the moment after all. I like how everybody's all been saying that if it's an Aquatrax it has to do this, that, and the other thing, and it obviously CAN'T go upside down or maneuver some of the transitions the track on this thing is doing.


Because you know, when you build one of a kind of coaster, you just HAVE to build all subsequent versions of that type of coaster the same way.

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The only thing I can state with a decent amount of certainty is this:

It doesn't appear to be the 500 foot ball coaster prototype.


Hope that clears that rumor up.

-James Dillaman


Aww, and I still had my hopes up too.

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Speaking of aquatrax coasters... What exactly does Atlantis Adventure do after the launch? I heard there was in fact an inversion after the launch but another person told me there is not. What exactly is this element then? (as seen under construction)



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Speaking of aquatrax coasters... What exactly does Atlantis Adventure do after the launch? I heard there was in fact an inversion after the launch but another person told me there is not. What exactly is this element then? (as seen under construction)


I heard after the launch there was a tophat, but Im pretty sure that isnt true.

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