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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Brews & BBQ is only Fri-Sun, and only in the evening. Platinum Passholders get in early, like around 4 iirc. Everyone else is like 5 to 8 or something. It's not exactly a dining plan replacement, but definitely is a good meal. Each plan is 15 tickets too, which to give you an idea of value translates to a full plate of food and 4 beers, though of course you're able to spend your tickets how you wish. It's a hell of a deal.


Cool, good to know. I didn't realize it wasn't during the week. How big are the beers they serve? I was thinking in conjunction with bringing food as well and grilling/microwaving at the cottage. At least you could easily replace one meal plan by bringing some food and doing Brews & BBQ on Friday. Maybe the the other days too, considering 3 days at the park would leave plenty of time to go at a leisurely pace and to go back and prepare food and have some drinks.


I wish I could go for that event and do something along those lines, but I don't know if it will work out for me this year.

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In regards to the Brews & BBQ -- The food is actually really good and way better than what you can get in the park... and they have a pretty good selection of hard ciders if you're into that (which I most definitely am).


Seriously, the event is awesome. anonymouscactus approved!



Edited by anonymouscactus
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Don't forget they were also giving away a free 12oz sample to Platinum pass holders! It was at a certain stand and I think it was only the seasonal brew themed to whatever new ride opened but who's complaining?!


Brews and BBQ will be a required event for me going forward. With the new disposable drink cup plan too that now can save a lot of tickets I may have spent on a soda/beer to food. even the sample portion sizes are enough to fill you up once you've had 5-6 of them!

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So Tony, if you're reading "any of the above", I'm "pretty sure" you definitely

have a hit on your hands with the BBQ & Brew nights at the park.


Congrats on that!


Now for those of you watching TV right now!.....


Have a nice evening, America! (Photo taken, beside our table at B&B June 3/17)

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This event looks great! I've heard about it before, but never looked closely into it. I have now thanks to all those pictures! We are going to the park Victoria Day weekend May 19-21. Hopefully the event is on that date. Steel Vengence, Texas BBQ, and American craft beers, what a day that would be.

Edited by ArgoZ
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  Nrthwnd said:
So Tony, if you're reading "any of the above", I'm "pretty sure" you definitely

have a hit on your hands with the BBQ & Brew nights at the park.


Congrats on that!


Now for those of you watching TV right now!.....


oh. you didn't share the "full effect" of this United States Voter. . whom I'm sure cared about the issues


he was Klassy. . . . why even bother wearing a shirt if that's all it's going to cover?


(and right after this pic was taken, Park Mgmt asked him to move away from the tables, and go to an actual smoking area).


Edited by bert425
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  ArgoZ said:
This event looks great! I've heard about it before, but never looked closely into it. I have now thanks to all those pictures! We are going to the park Victoria Day weekend May 20-22. Hopefully the event is on that date. Steel Vengence, Texas BBQ, and American craft beers, what a day that would be.


Honestly, the "Texas Barbque" was not up to snuff. . . the BBQ at the place by the Marina (that we did the next day was a better brisket). . . but the other versions of BBQ were all pretty great.

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I love the Brew & BBQ event! The Platinum Pass 12oz glass was for the Brew Kettle from Strongsville, OH. They make the Cedar Point exclusive beers and you could try any of their beers with the 12oz coupon. It is really a good value and the food was much better than the typical park food. We arrived near the event opening time and spent several hours trying different beers. We also learned that doing the Coastermania lunch and Brew & BBQ festival on the same day is a bad idea as it is just to much too eat, drink, and ride in one day.

Edited by raptor6
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^ That's why I thought we should do just the CoasterMANIA! food on it's day, and the B&B the next, being Saturday.

And I think that way worked out fine for the both of us, yes Bert? We also did the buffet place early on Sat. too.


Food wasn't too bad, and more of it as you felt the need...

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  ArgoZ said:
This event looks great! I've heard about it before, but never looked closely into it. I have now thanks to all those pictures! We are going to the park Victoria Day weekend May 19-21. Hopefully the event is on that date. Steel Vengence, Texas BBQ, and American craft beers, what a day that would be.

Sounds fantastic! That should be the first weekend for it if the pattern holds. Make sure you try the Kansas City style ribs. Best food item at the event.

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F*** all of you for rubbing in the BBQ and Brews information after we already chose KI! I'm kidding. That was great information and thank all of you. It's definitely something to consider for next year.


Andrew, you and I share the same opinion about KI. I have a hard time choosing between KI of BGW when it comes to my favorite, but if I really had to choose I would probably pick KI since it's within easy reach of where I live. It's such an awesome touch-and-go trip.

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Yeah, I still need to get to BGW, or really any of the Sea World parks.


I think Brews & BBQ will be around for a while. There's always a lot of people there, and at $20 per person in advance or $30 per person in-park price, they're making a profit. Think of it like one of those ride upcharges, but with a super wide appeal and high capacity. It's got to bring CP a haul.

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