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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  coasterlover420 said:
  OISU8P said:
I am surprised they are crossing the island from right behind Dragster for the Dino thingy. I figured they would re-utilize Paddlewheel's loading area.

That is where paddlewheel loaded.


Egg on my face. Thanks for the correction. I for some reason always think I went on this from behind Jr Gemini.

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My thinking is, why couldn't they just build a bridge that is high enough to make room for the Paddlewheel boats to go under? I know that wouldn't necessarily work though because of people in wheelchairs and such. Even though they could've built a ramp on the side to get the wheelchairs to the bridge, they weren't going to do that.


I'm just thinking out loud here of useless possibilities.

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Here's a small recap of what (so far) you can expect to see as far as new Changes for 2012


  1. 1.) Dinosaurs Alive (New Attraction for Cedar Point)
    Adventure Island (Formerly known as Millennium Island), a prehistoric-themed attracition featuring over 50 life-size anamatronic dinosaurs.
    2.) Proslide MatRacer (New Attraction for Soak City)
    An Eight Lane MatRacer will take the place of the old Speed Slides in the waterpark
    3.) New Night Time Show - "Luminosity - Light Up the Night!"
    No details on this show yet but it was said in a recent presentation it is easily reprogram-able (Seasonally and Annually) and will give them an opportunity to improve upon lighting and sound throughout the park. The show is meant to keep guest in the park as much as possible and possibly keep them on property longer. I wonder how much different this will be compared to the old show... Could we be looking at something along the lines of World of Color?
    4.) New Premium Options for Guests
    Assuming this will mean new programs for guests who are willing to pay additional money to better their experience in the park, Example - Fast Lane
    5.) Improved Food Quality (Not only for Cedar Point, but for ALL parks)
    Mr. Ouimet mentioned this in a recent presentation, for example, all food service stations will now use "fresh, never frozen, burger patties"
    6.) New Website Design and Purchasing System
    Recent launch of a new webdesign to simplify the guest experience and streamline their planning and search for information. One of the notable things I noticed is if you purchase on line (or pre-purchase tickets) you receive a discount. Gate prices have increased to 51.99 on location, but they are $7 cheaper online at $44.99. These tickets are also good-any-day, where in the past most discounts were specific to a certain day of the week or on a pre-picked day.

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  bgroodog said:
Here's a small recap of what (so far) you can expect to see as far as new Changes for 2012


  1. 1.) Dinosaurs Alive (New Attraction for Cedar Point)
    Adventure Island (Formerly known as Millennium Island), a prehistoric-themed attracition featuring over 50 life-size anamatronic dinosaurs.
    2.) Proslide MatRacer (New Attraction for Soak City)
    An Eight Lane MatRacer will take the place of the old Speed Slides in the waterpark
    3.) New Night Time Show - "Luminosity - Light Up the Night!"
    No details on this show yet but it was said in a recent presentation it is easily reprogram-able (Seasonally and Annually) and will give them an opportunity to improve upon lighting and sound throughout the park. The show is meant to keep guest in the park as much as possible and possibly keep them on property longer. I wonder how much different this will be compared to the old show... Could we be looking at something along the lines of World of Color?
    4.) New Premium Options for Guests
    Assuming this will mean new programs for guests who are willing to pay additional money to better their experience in the park, Example - Fast Lane
    5.) Improved Food Quality (Not only for Cedar Point, but for ALL parks)
    Mr. Ouimet mentioned this in a recent presentation, for example, all food service stations will now use "fresh, never frozen, burger patties"
    6.) New Website Design and Purchasing System
    Recent launch of a new webdesign to simplify the guest experience and streamline their planning and search for information. One of the notable things I noticed is if you purchase on line (or pre-purchase tickets) you receive a discount. Gate prices have increased to 51.99 on location, but they are $7 cheaper online at $44.99. These tickets are also good-any-day, where in the past most discounts were specific to a certain day of the week or on a pre-picked day.


I think CP's new changes are quite interesting, but I think they went down a little with the removal of Paddlewheel Excrusions (IMO of course) but the point never disappoints, and I hope they have something special in store for 2013...

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  galindoverhere said:

I think CP's new changes are quite interesting, but I think they went down a little with the removal of Paddlewheel Excrusions (IMO of course) but the point never disappoints, and I hope they have something special in store for 2013...


Oops, forgot to add that in the list! I will agree with you, and I know many people also agree that the loss of PWE is a big loss. It was a unique ride for the park and the company and its a lost experience. I am honestly it lasted as long as it did though, without any updating. I would like to see this type of ride return in the future if Dinosaurs Alive is a temporary thing... but the only reason Cedar Point is getting Dinos in 2012 is because it performed well at Kings Island.

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  bgroodog said:
  galindoverhere said:

I think CP's new changes are quite interesting, but I think they went down a little with the removal of Paddlewheel Excrusions (IMO of course) but the point never disappoints, and I hope they have something special in store for 2013...


Oops, forgot to add that in the list! I will agree with you, and I know many people also agree that the loss of PWE is a big loss. It was a unique ride for the park and the company and its a lost experience. I am honestly it lasted as long as it did though, without any updating. I would like to see this type of ride return in the future if Dinosaurs Alive is a temporary thing... but the only reason Cedar Point is getting Dinos in 2012 is because it performed well at Kings Island.


In Fact, I heard Dino's is sticking around for only three years... Like I said before I'm hearing of big changes coming to the park starting in 2013, and I would like to see what Matt will bring in the next few years considering he is a Disney veteran..

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Also, Matt said they have a new marketing plan in the works. Cedar Fair used to work with YellowSubmarine Marketing, but it was mentioned in a recent presentation they are working with a new Ad Agency for this year. Here is a look at some new page ads from the presentation for Cedar Point... I for one love the new feel of these ads. It really captures the experiences people really go through while visiting the park.




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  galindoverhere said:
  bgroodog said:


2.) Proslide MatRacer (New Attraction for Soak City)

An Eight Lane MatRacer will take the place of the old Speed Slides in the waterpark





Wait are you saying the will remove the two slides with the two awesome pops of airtime, IMO two of the best slides I have ever been on to replace them with ordinary and lame matracers?


That was the only reason for me to visit soak city while at cp.

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  Der Der Dongt said:
  galindoverhere said:
  bgroodog said:


2.) Proslide MatRacer (New Attraction for Soak City)

An Eight Lane MatRacer will take the place of the old Speed Slides in the waterpark





Wait are you saying the will remove the two slides with the two awesome pops of airtime, IMO two of the best slides I have ever been on to replace them with ordinary and lame matracers?


That was the only reason for me to visit soak city while at cp.


I don't think[i/] they removed the slides with the airtime... according to the park map I think the matracers are near the entrance of the park can't be so sure though... check it out for yourself: http://www.cedarpoint.com/plan-a-visit/park-map

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  BigDipper 80 said:
I really like those new ads. They aren't as "loud" and obnoxious as some of the old ones were. Hopefully those awful "Ride Warrior" TV ads will be put to bed too.


Oh god, the Ride Warrior TV ads give a very bad impression on the parks as those ads don't appeal to the family audience that much. Seriously, Cedar Fair needs to be way more creative on their TV ads.

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  XYZ said:
  BigDipper 80 said:
I really like those new ads. They aren't as "loud" and obnoxious as some of the old ones were. Hopefully those awful "Ride Warrior" TV ads will be put to bed too.


Oh god, the Ride Warrior TV ads give a very bad impression on the parks as those ads don't appeal to the family audience that much. Seriously, Cedar Fair needs to be way more creative on their TV ads.


Yes I agree... They make the CF parks look as if it were for only "thrill junkies" (IMO), I think they should make the commercials more like this one:

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