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La Ronde Photo TR - This time it was OPEN! ::D

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Blah blah blah.. So by now everyones how me and SFNE2005 went all the way to La Ronde last week.. Just to have the park be closed.. Well we went back Sunday and this time the place was open!...Woo.....


Ok so yeah... We roll up to the park.. And once more... Not one ride is going and not one person can be see on the midway.... Uh yeah.. Not looking so good.. But then we see a train with maybe 5 people on it go up Cobras lifthill.. WOO!!! It was open! so yeah.. Time for photos and stuff...


dood! This dood was back!


Yay for Seasonpass getting you a free ticket in the park..


Bob L'eponge!!!!


Yay! LeCobra.. The only La-Intamin coaster in Canadaz


l o l z.. It thinks its Riddlers Revenge....


Oh noz!



yay it was trimless... But it still sucks


Yay... CREDIT!


No LeBoomerang for us


But we did get to ride SuperCorkscrewVekomaThing!.. And it was better then the 2 on the UK trip!


LeMonstre wasnt LeBad at all! It was almost LaFun!


They had this CounterStrike thing going on at the park.. (I bet the only reason the park stayed open as late as it did.. Was because this thing was going on)


It looks really nice... And was a good ride.. It just needs new trains


Oh yeah... The reason we came to the park....Twice.


Dragon was cool.. And themed... And had music... And lights.. And why cant Skull Mt be like this?


"Hey look I used to be in TX.. But now im in LaCanada!"


Hey wow.. It was so good we rode it twice!


Chick'n Chick!?!!?


"Hey look im like a steel Timbers.. But like.. good..."


I wish the line hadnt been so long


Now its time for the "WTF? is this" flat ride photo!.. It looks like a gravatron/starship from the outside... but then inside.. it doesnt.. Its a huss 'DiscoRound'. And it was La-Great


See.. It does look just like a Gravatron on the outside..


LaPOV from LaRondes LeMonstre that only had one LaSide open.


It was LaFun!.. But could really use some LaPTC trains.


SFNE2005/Rich LaLOVED his first ride on a LaCONDOR!


Wooo Miniraill POV!


Chick'n Chick is a P.I.M.P!


Mmm... It was so good at night in the mist.. Trimless....


Yay.. I rode the flying swings for some reason.


You know you want it...


The lame BreakDance I didnt even ride... it ran so slow I didnt even give it a chance.


Why does LaRonde get to have a LaWheel.. But LaSFNE cant?


LaLong line for LeBatpire The Ride


LeVampire is LaBetter then the 4 other BTRs I have been on.


And thats it for day 1... Now for day 2!..WOOO


There were more people at LaPark today... But still waits were VERY LaShort


They had this themed park.. So I reviewed it.. POV!


Minirail = The Cool.


LaClosed still...


Super Manège!








Moo Zoo!




Wait..Whats this?! LeBoomerang LaOpened!


LeVampire is sooo good.


Vertigo... A LaCrappy Zamp ride...


omfg ART photo!11!


This rule was La-Bullshh (It means they can hold a train up to 15mins to let people get on...)


LeCobras LaLoop!


Maintain your head...


Backseat = ownagez




To bad this shirt wasnt in my size


And now what most of you want.. Lots of Goliath photos.. woo


LaFirst drop


LaCool sideways hill.


LaAirtime hill!


LaCool turn around.




And one LaLast LaPhoto of Goliath.


Oh.. and on the nice long drive back to MA we saw a rainbow.. And what was at the end of it?!.. CHICK'N'CHICK!


Oh yeah.. And for the poll.. Most of you around here know about 'signature moves' and such.. So like the poll asks.. how many TPR members are in this photo?

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I actually preffer Le Monstrw with Morgan trains. I think PTC trains wouldn't do too good on it. L'Ovni confused the hell out of me! I love Super Manege (Super Ride) I'm still shocked with how smooth it was. On the other hand, le Boomerang was the most painfull Vekoma I've ever been on!

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lol I can see why people would hate the place.

I really liked it.. But I didntn have to wait in lines. Yet I still got nice slow ride ops on a few rides.. Mostly Vamp and Cobra with VERY slow loads.. It shouldnt take 5-6mins to load a standup train with only 6 riders on it...



As for the poll.. Im going to give it a day or so.. So some people can vote if they havent seen it yet ;;;)

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sfne2005/Rich had a lilttle robotdealy that got us around.

But yeah. everything was in French.. But at the park most if not all the staff knew some english and most signs in the park would be all big letters in french and then little letters in English.. So it wasnt hard to do stuff or anything.

Signs would be like Sit down and hold on at all times(In French) and then hold the bar in English.

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This is not the case anymore Bratman, Now, english letters can be AS BIG as french letters, or no english at all.


Good trip report btw !

Glad to see you had a good time at La Ronde ! You were very lucky to have this park this dead, and bad operations are not that bad when there's no line !

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This is not the case anymore Bratman, Now, english letters can be AS BIG as french letters, or no english at all.



That is good to hear...I always thought the rule was a bit silly. Maybe the signage is just remnants of the past...as I am sure most Montrealers are used to it.

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Le Monstre looks like it could be an amazing, though it has sucky trains. Imagine Millenium Flyers on that thing... it could probably rival some of GCI's best designs. Cause it looks insane with helices of doom and stuff...


How was it though? Could you give us a review, cause hardly anything is said about this amazing looking coaster.


BTW, this was the better TR.

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Nice pics of the park. We were there back in June and the park looked pretty much like that (no people and cold), with the exception that it rained the entire time we there.


I've been on all the Batman clones in North America and Vampire was by far the most intense, I'm assuming because it only has seven trains. Riding that thing in the back, in the near pouring rain definitley made for one of the most intense experiences I've ever had on a steel coaster.

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Ive heard people saying that Batman la Fuga @ WBMW Madrid is more intense than the average B:TR clone and that one has 7 cars per train aswell. It does make sense because less wheels -> less friction.


I wonder how intense Lightning @ Entertainment City is.... that is a B:TR clone with only 6 cars per train. It should be flying!

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