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Theme Park Review's 2007 Group Trips!

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Ok, wait, so that kid really wants to put the trip on his application for college?


Say hi to the PETA members over there for the Running of the Nudes before the event. If Larry had impure thoughts about that acrobat at Clark's, I can't imagine what he might think there.

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I'm a bit new here and interested in the trip to Japan next year. I've been wanting to go to Japan for some time but have never been on a trip with a bunch of strangers before.


How does this work? Is this more for people closely involved with TPR?



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I'm a bit new here and interested in the trip to Japan next year. I've been wanting to go to Japan for some time but have never been on a trip with a bunch of strangers before.


How does this work? Is this more for people closely involved with TPR?



Can anyone from the UK trip fill him in on what it was like to meet 50 strangers all on the trip?



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Ok, wait, so that kid really wants to put the trip on his application for college?



That "kid" was just asking a question regarding his future in the amusement industry, and a simple "no, it would not be of any benefit to mention the trip in college applications" wouldave been fine. You know, maybe I'll just shut up if everytime I ask a question I get flamed...


Anyways, so it looks like there quite a turnout for these trips. R&E have you gotten any deposits from people outside TPR? Or is that something you'd rather not share.

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Can anyone from the UK trip fill him in on what it was like to meet 50 strangers all on the trip?


Who you calling strange?!




Dude thats actually one of things im most looking forward to! Just meeting everyone! Everyone who goes on a trip like this has gotta know what it's like to have fun! Its not as if anyone is going to be that unsociable otherwise, well they wouldnt be on a theme park tour, and if they are...well this bullriding could sort them out, that or water pistols work well too!


Cant Wait!



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I'm a bit new here and interested in the trip to Japan next year. I've been wanting to go to Japan for some time but have never been on a trip with a bunch of strangers before.


How does this work? Is this more for people closely involved with TPR?




Don't worry about not knowing anyone. Most people on the UK trip didn't know each other and most had never met Robb & Elissa either. You will have a chance to meet others going on the trip here in the forum before the trip too. Besides, we all have some things in common like rollercoasters and visiting theme parks. Japan is an awsome country and what better way to enjoy it then with a bunch of people who have the same passion. This will be a totally awesome trip. I have been to Japan with 116 strangers and to the UK with about 50 strangers so if you have more questions, feel free to PM me or post them here.

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Ok, wait, so that kid really wants to put the trip on his application for college?



That "kid" was just asking a question regarding his future in the amusement industry, and a simple "no, it would not be of any benefit to mention the trip in college applications" wouldave been fine. You know, maybe I'll just shut up if everytime I ask a question I get flamed...


Anyways, so it looks like there quite a turnout for these trips. R&E have you gotten any deposits from people outside TPR? Or is that something you'd rather not share.


Take it with a "grain of salt" (cliche, something that you should not use on your college application or resume). If you get to know me, you will see that most of the time I am just joking around and that comment means "No, it would not be of any benefit to mention the trip in college applications."


However, I say that but you just asked another stupid question. I'm sure that Robb and Elissa do not want to disclose that information, as they have said over and over. Wait until the end of the month. Just chill.

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Yup... don't worry about not knowing anybody... I didn't know a single person on the trip when I signed up for it, and by the trip rolled around I had only met 2 of them! And I had a blast.


Yeah but you are leaving out the fact that you totally rock. Plus everyone knows that nobody is cooler than teachers.

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Okay I got some last questions before I deceide to go or not (I admit, I'm a control freak )


-Do they have McFlurrys in the US?


-If I pay this first deposit using Paypall I have to pay 205$? (I'm not stupid, just non-english speaking)


-I never travelled so far by plane alone and I have to switch planes in Chicago. I did travel by plane alot, but always with my parents. Is it difficult to switch in Chicago? Is that a big airport and do you get lost easily there?


-I have exact 45 min. between my arrival from Brussels and departure to Cincinnati. You guys think I can make that?


-Does your english has to be really good to travel to and within the US?


-Does anyone perhaps know a cheap airline between brussels and cincinnati? Right now I only know SNBrussels Airlines that fly between these cities. Anyone know another?



Thanks for looking!

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I think a 45 minute layover is cutting it a wee bit close, especially considering flights begin boarding 30 minutes before the flight "leaves". Add in immigration, possible baggage pickup and redeposit, and I'd say you should give yourself at least 1 hour 30 minutes or even 2 hours between landing in Chicago and departing for Cincinnati.


Maybe you'll want to look into flying from somewhere else into Cincinnati, like Paris, or London.

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wrebbit wrote:


Okay I got some last questions before I deceide to go or not (I admit, I'm a control freak )


-Do they have McFlurrys in the US?


YES OF COURSE!!! We invented the damn McFlurry!!!


-If I pay this first deposit using Paypall I have to pay 205$? (I'm not stupid, just non-english speaking)




-I never travelled so far by plane alone and I have to switch planes in Chicago. I did travel by plane alot, but always with my parents. Is it difficult to switch in Chicago? Is that a big airport and do you get lost easily there?


For you it will probably be easier to switch in Europe. Switching in America is asking for trouble. Why don't you take a train to Paris and fly direct to CVG from there?


-I have exact 45 min. between my arrival from Brussels and departure to Cincinnati. You guys think I can make that?


No, that will not work at all, you have NO chance.


-Does your english has to be really good to travel to and within the US?


Since you're going on an organized tour, no it does not have to be that good. You should speak enough to get by, but since we will be sorting out all of your park tickets, hotels, transportation, and some meals, there won't be much for you to worry about.


-Does anyone perhaps know a cheap airline between brussels and cincinnati? Right now I only know SNBrussels Airlines that fly between these cities. Anyone know another?



Thanks for looking!


Hope this helps!

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Expedia, Travelocity, airlines websites,etc. Just keep checking them and watching the price. Buy when you think it looks good.


But airfair is a crap shoot, it could go up or down at random times. For the UK trip I had my flight I was watching go up $200 overnight. I scrambled and got the same price elsewhere, but with a worse flight.


These are all details though that will be gone over many times once the trip forum is setup. Especially closer to the trip.


You'll find that closer to the trip details like airfair and anything else you can possibly think of will be brought up by someone in the trip forum.


I spent quite alot of timing reading the UK forum.

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^^you might want to wait until you know if you are accepted on the trip first, you have plenty of time to plan. For the record, I found excellent airfare for the UK Tirp in mid-February


I know, dude. I was just playing around with it, like I said. And asking what they recommended.


And I have no doubt that I'll make it on the trip anyways.

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