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I also take things into account like park operations and ride location when thinking about this stuff.
which reminds me of how stupid it is that enthusiasts will give the edge to Voyage because its at Holiday World, whereas El Toro is at Great Adventure. How dare we say something good about a Six Flags ride or park


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Voyage is a maybe re ride able in the front seat. Put yourself in the back and forget. It beats you up, but it is a good type of beat you up.


At CoasterCon, I got 35 rides on Voyage without getting off the train. I think all but 2 or 3 of those rides were in the last two cars.


Sore? Hell yeah, but it was worth it.

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Wow, the "like being thrown down a flight of stairs" is a really unappealing similie. People break their necks and die from that. That person may as well have said, "The final third is like having your teeth knocked out from getting repeatedly kicked in the mouth with steel toe boots."


Well, OK. It's sorta like that too, actually.

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Can we all just admit that we would love to have either of the coasters at our homepark?

NO! Honestly, if Voyage was down the street from me at SFMM, I really don't think I would ride it very often. Plenty of people think X is the ultimate orgasm of steel coasters and I ride it like once a year...maybe.


I had every opprotunity to ride Voyage LOTS of times during our visit in August. I think I had about 15 Raven rides and maybe 4 Voyage rides.



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I have ridden El Toro, but have not been fortunate enough to get over to Holiday World since The Voyage was built.


El Toro is easily my favorite woodie. It has the most extreme air-time I have ever experienced. I'm a junkie for both air-time and woodies that beat you up, but the amount of air-time and sheer intensity of El Toro makes it perfect. I have always loved old woodies that beat you up, or even new ones like Son of Beast (I once rode that a dozen times in a row without getting off in the pouring rain. Painful. VERY painful, but awesome). But El Toro is the best adrenaline rush out of any wooden coaster I've ever been on. The intensity of the air-time is just insane.


I can't wait to get a chance to ride The Voyage. From what I've heard, I'll probably love it. El Toro did seem a bit too smooth and the ending was a bit abrupt. The Raven is probably my second favorite wooden coaster so I can't wait to see how much better The Voyage is.


Also, am I the only one who can't stand the SROS clones? They are always slow and just plain boring. I'm fortunate enough to have SFNE SROS as my homepark/coaster. Easily my favorite steel coaster. But the other SROS's clones don't hold a candle to it. They don't even belong in the same sentence.

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Also, am I the only one who can't stand the SROS clones? They are always slow and just plain boring. I'm fortunate enough to have SFNE SROS as my homepark/coaster. Easily my favorite steel coaster. But the other SROS's clones don't hold a candle to it. They don't even belong in the same sentence.


I'd rank them as being good, but not my favorite. This is largely because I hate the restraints. No ride should slam a bar into your shins. I definitely prefer Nitro and SFOG's Goliath. I haven't been on SFNE's S:ROS yet, but I imagine I'd have to give it a similar ranking if it has those same awful restraints.

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The restraints they have on them are awful. We have the SF stupid ride ops to thank for that. SFNE SROS back in the day with the original restraints and when they didn't staple you in was just an amazing experience. It was the best, most comfortable air-time machine ever.

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I think it might be interesting to see how it does in this years poll. While I think last year it seemed like HANDS DOWN everyone was "Voyage #1." But this year I think the favorites are kind of split.




I think I'm stating the obvious as I see El Toro will overtaking Voyage in Mitch's Poll. It appears that many coaster veterans that have ridden El Toro and Voyage both this year and last see a difference in Voyage this year.


I for one still have to keep Voayge ahead of El Toro since I got a dozen great Voyage rides last year and didn't make it to Indiana this year. I can't lower my opinion of Voyage based on others' impressions.


Dave Thomas also makes an excellent point that a great coaster needs to provide a great ride consistently, all day, all season. That has always been my problem with other popular woodies (Boulder Dash and Raven).


Every should listen to Dave Thomas - he is a wise man.

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Every should listen to Dave Thomas - he is a wise man.

Isn't he dead?


Yes, and even he knows Toro's better.


Dave Thomas also makes an excellent point that a great coaster needs to provide a great ride consistently, all day, all season. That has always been my problem with other popular woodies (Boulder Dash and Raven).

And this was something very distinct about Toro as compared to Voyage. I didn't really appreciate Voyage until our night ERT rides last year. The early afternoon rides were above average, but nothing to write home about.


Toro ,on the other hand, delivered from the moment the park opened. That's consistency in my book.

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I rode both El Toro and The Voyage in August and can say that I prefer El Toro.


The reason being that EVERY ride I had on El Toro was amazing, it didn't matter what row or what time of day it still gave the same amazing rides (although the back row later in the day was probably gave me my best rides).


With Voyage the rides in the rows closer to the front earlier in the day didn't compare to those rides I had in the back row right at the end of the day.


In the end I really loved both rides and my best ride on Voyage was maybe slightly better than my best ride on El Toro. However, the fact that El Toro gives you butter smooth airtime filled rides all day and in any seat puts it slightly above it for me.


Of course Balder still beats both

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