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Food Network Needs Our Help For A New TV Show!

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Hey everyone!


I just got an email from the Food Network and this show is tentively scheduled to air on July 7th. As soon as I get more info about it, I will let you all know.


But THANK YOU for your help! They seemed VERY appreciative of everyone's input!



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Very cool. I'll have to check it out to see what parks and restaurants get highlighted. I love watching the Food Network show where they do the awesome cakes. Although I totally missed posting in this thread to begin with. I've not been to enough parks or eaten in enough park restaurants to vote.

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If Dollywood isn't mentioned I'll boycott the Food Network, no matter how much i like Good Eats...


-James Dillaman


What should I eat next time I go to Dollywood?


I had a cheese steak last time I went, and frankly it was just OK. Penn Station makes a better cheese steak.

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Best Theme Park Restaurant (it's hard to choose just one) but I actually might say "O'Hanas" at Walt Disney World


Nailed it. And it's Ohana, not O'hana, Ohana means "family" in Hawai'ian.


I love Ohana's. Great view of the fireworks, and the food never stops coming!


BTW, Robb, will you be in the show?

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What should I eat next time I go to Dollywood?


I had a cheese steak last time I went, and frankly it was just OK. Penn Station makes a better cheese steak.


Kettle Korn, Potato Skins, & Ice Cream!!!

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What should I eat next time I go to Dollywood?


I had a cheese steak last time I went, and frankly it was just OK. Penn Station makes a better cheese steak.


Kettle Korn, Potato Skins, & Ice Cream!!!


But I'm not a member of ACE.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey everyone!


I just got an email from the Food Network and this show is tentively scheduled to air on July 7th. As soon as I get more info about it, I will let you all know.


But THANK YOU for your help! They seemed VERY appreciative of everyone's input!



Just a friendly reminder, the show seems to be scheduled for this Saturday at 9:00pm est.

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Specifically they would like to get our feedback on what parks we think are the best in their class in regards to food, snacks, restaurants, etc.


So some questions would be:


- Which park has the absolute best ______________ ?

- If you go to ____________ park, you HAVE to try their ______________

- My favorite "theme park restaurant" is ________________

So did anyone else catch the show last night? Going by the questions above, I'd say they did a pretty good job of summing up the most predictable choices.


- Nathan's at Coney Island


- Several of Disney's eateries, including the Brown Derby

- Knott's

- Dollywood

- Knoebels


For an hour-long show, that sounds about right to me.


They are in a time crunch and might start filming as early as next week, so please post your responses NOW!

This was definitely pretty evident (at least to us), since BGE acquired a woodie for the shoot.

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This special was pretty decent, although they showed some wrong footage when they were talking about rides. But then again, they were focused on food and dang, the entire special had me craving for some of the food.


I laughed a little at the Silver Bullet footage being shown when the host said "Xcelerator."

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I also liked how they said "grab a bite at Sunshine Seasons and then hop on Rock and Roller Coaster." Most people out there would assume they are in the same park when in reality they are at Epcot and MGM.


Still fun to see all the food. And now I know why Dollywood guests are so huge. Did you see the size of that apple pie? WOW!!

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I also liked how they said "grab a bite at Sunshine Seasons and then hop on Rock and Roller Coaster." Most people out there would assume they are in the same park when in reality they are at Epcot and MGM.


Still fun to see all the food. And now I know why Dollywood guests are so huge. Did you see the size of that apple pie? WOW!!

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I really liked the special, the camera footage on Silver Bullet is pretty terrible and its obvious it was shot quite a while ago (Perilous Plinge was open). The food at DollyWood looked phenomenal, although Dolly started to annoy me after a relatively short amount of time .

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We watched it too and it was a good special, the way they intermixed the food and the attractions. It really made me want to go back to Dollywood and to visit Knobels. I had to laugh, as soon as they showed the Phoenix I yelled out "Knobels!!" and Sammi looked at me like "what the hell are you saying, MOM?". We have never been there and I wouldn't have a clue if not for my education here at TPR!!



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