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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^ I'm pretty sure there isn't a Chick-fil-A at SFMM. As for food, Mooseburger is good, as is JBs Smoke House, besides that everything else is pretty bad. I would recommend the Panda Express but it only serves pre-made meals that aren't too bad.


I meant to add in when i'm in the area.

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I was there on Tuesday, and I found some interesting things in the Flags store:


Yes, it's real. A SFMM YOLO shirt!


Closeup...why? Because YOLO, that's why!


On another note- YOLOmerch is in!


YOLO keychains, iPhone skins, and magnetic frames!


It's in 3D...also known as YOLOvision!


More YOLOmerch!


One of the shirt designs.


Another YOLOshirt.


Yet another YOLOshirt!


Take some YOLOshots!


Or an even bigger YOLOshot! It has the YOLOcoaster logo at the top, and says "Live it. Be it. Ride it." The "Thrill Levels" are: Fearless, Brave, Daring, Gutsy, and Bold.


It's a YOLOpack!


Reusable YOLOcup!


Another YOLOcup!






"Elite"? Really?

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re: Yolo merchandise, it looks left over from the Spinal Tap concert.


As for food, the place I've eaten at during my SFMM visits is the hot bar at the nearby Whole Foods. I trust SF's mechanics but not their food service.

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^^ The ride doesn't really have a theme. The t-shirt designs look to be based off of those shirts bikers wear. I'd say some of those designs actually look nice. Much better than the overdesigned crap some parks put out.

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The design reminds me of Knott's really poorly done "ride warriors" merchandise. Maybe though it is the trend for Knott's and SFMM merch demo to wear this biker meets hot topic style of shirts?

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Standard SF fare, it wasn't anything I wasn't expecting from a new "Hardcore" ride. Looks halfway decent in my opinion, and I'm probably going to get a shot glass to add to my collection. I'mma put it next to my Tatsu one.


I'm still trying to decide whether or not the coaster in those first two photos is a Intamin Hyper mixed with a Premier Spaghetti Bowl or not.

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The theme is just anything "YOLO"...skulls, flames, anything cheesy. Reminds me of the old "No Fear" shirts in the 90s. Agree with AllenA07, I don't care for the theme, but the ride does look fun, and that's really all that matters to me.

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