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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^^I also had a similar experience while waiting in the station for Revolution. A loud and obnoxious guest was in the station, and shouted across the station to the ride ops desk "HEY WHAT TIME IS IT?!?!" to which the op said on the microphone "It's Revolution time!"


Well, it made me chuckle...

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Please someone tell me Viper is NOT leaving!!! I hope it never leaves because it's cousin at SFGA is gone. I LOOOVE Viper along with every single coaster at SFMM!!! All of SFMM coasters are some favorites!!!

Viper isn't going anywhere as of right now.


And thank goodness for that. I saw some demolition pics of Great American Scream Machine recently, and it really looked sad. I hope I never have to see that happen to Viper (I also like the ride).

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I wished I would have remembered to ask about the removal of Thrill Shot and the new DC Universe re-theme.



I can't believe no one asked about the "possible" capacity issues that Green Lantern will experience (and how they plan to deal with that). It crossed my mind, and then I forgot about it.

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I wished I would have remembered to ask about the removal of Thrill Shot and the new DC Universe re-theme.



I can't believe no one asked about the "possible" capacity issues that Green Lantern will experience (and how they plan to deal with that). It crossed my mind, and then I forgot about it.


Deja Vu doesn't have the best capacity and it seems to be getting along just fine. Besides, SFMM has plenty of other rides and coasters to take in crowds.

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Is it bad that I desperately wanted Great American Scream Machine to be moved to Oregon and renamed Oregon Great American Scream Machine?


You know...aka ORGASM...


And yes, it would be ORGASM...or, alternatively, OreGASM.

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I wished I would have remembered to ask about the removal of Thrill Shot and the new DC Universe re-theme.



I can't believe no one asked about the "possible" capacity issues that Green Lantern will experience (and how they plan to deal with that). It crossed my mind, and then I forgot about it.


Deja Vu doesn't have the best capacity and it seems to be getting along just fine. Besides, SFMM has plenty of other rides and coasters to take in crowds.


I'm not sure I would say Deja Vu is "going along just fine", but they have done a pretty good job with it. Even still, I would have liked to hear what Tim has to say about it. Things like an indoor queue, interactive screens, clever theming, will go a long way to help with the two and a half hour wait times.

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^ That would actually be OGASM.


No that is not correct. According to the United States Postal Service, the designation or abbreviation for the state of Oregon is OR...so it would in fact be "ORGASM"......


Besides that did you totally not get the joke?

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^Personally, I don't think anything is funny till someone curls up into the fetal position crying. That my friend, is the point where comedy ensues. So please continue. Cause it ain't funny quite yet.


Guy "My 8 year old screamed at me the other day, "Daddy! Your ruining my life!" I laughed at her." Koepp

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Since those are weekdays, you should be able to do everything in one day without a flashpass provided you get there at opening and stay until closing. You may have to sacrifice some non-coaster rides for coasters, but you can definitely do all the coasters. If you want re-rides or a shorter/more relaxing day, you might want to consider going for two days or purchasing a flash pass. You could also do two days, and spend part of one day at the waterpark (separate admission) if you enjoy those.

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^Personally, I don't think anything is funny till someone curls up into the fetal position crying. That my friend, is the point where comedy ensues. So please continue. Cause it ain't funny quite yet.


Guy "My 8 year old screamed at me the other day, "Daddy! Your ruining my life!" I laughed at her." Koepp


Another gem from the master!

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Just went to the mountain yesterday and I have to say that the new superman is an amazing improvement over the old one. The little bit of extra speed and actually going all the way up the tower really make a difference. Great job six flags(not so great job on one train op on apocalypse and tatsu though.)

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