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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Maybe in like 10-15 yrs Six Flags can purchase a train from RMC or Gerstlauer to be used in rotation like Namtab.


I wonder if the current drought has anything to do with Apocalypse looking like death

I don't know, but, and it's not nearly as bad as Apocalypse, but I noticed over the weekend that Gold Striker at CGA looks considerably more faded and dreary than it did at the end of last season. I dont know how much lack of rain can affect the color of wood if at all.


The type of wood and how it was treated also plays a role in that.

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Via SFMM Twitter




From one hour ago.

What a great photo. So much, wood, steel, head choppers & twisty awesomeness!!! Whoever says this combination is ugly needs their head examined.

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Well, I have heard (not saying this is guaranteed) that in order to run coasters backwards, you need proper headrests on the cars, which I don't think the RMC trains (or even the Gerstlaur trains) have. That is why when original colossus ran one side backwards, they had to use the B&M trains from Psyclone, because they had headrests. And that is why they could run it backwards in the 80s when they had the PTC trains that headrests.


So the answer you are looking for is no, unfortunately.


Do you know "who" says they need headrests to run backwards? I don't doubt you since our PTCs gained headrests when we started running backwards during haunt, I'm just curious why that is.


Sorry to say, but I don't exactly know who. I have just heard it many discussions and articles discussing the history of Colossus. And I kind of assumed it true because I have never seen a roller coaster run backwards without headrests.

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^Mr. Freeze at SFSTL and SFOT launches you backwards and it has lap bars. I'm sure there are countless other examples of rides running backwards without OTSRs.


We weren't talking about lap bars or OTSRs. We were talking about headrests, which Mr. Freeze does have.

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^Mr. Freeze at SFSTL and SFOT launches you backwards and it has lap bars. I'm sure there are countless other examples of rides running backwards without OTSRs.


We weren't talking about lap bars or OTSRs. We were talking about headrests, which Mr. Freeze does have.

Oops. Stupid me.


Then yes, I'm pretty sure a ride needs headrests to go backwards.

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Think about it for a second: If you were to go backwards without proper support for your neck/back, going backwards would be quite painful. It would essentially feel like you were being chopped in half with all that force on your upper body and only the seat at your lower half.

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Maybe in like 10-15 yrs Six Flags can purchase a train from RMC or Gerstlauer to be used in rotation like Namtab.


I wonder if the current drought has anything to do with Apocalypse looking like death

I don't know, but, and it's not nearly as bad as Apocalypse, but I noticed over the weekend that Gold Striker at CGA looks considerably more faded and dreary than it did at the end of last season. I dont know how much lack of rain can affect the color of wood if at all.


The type of wood and how it was treated also plays a role in that.

Yeah I forgot to mention that too. Apocalypse and Gold Striker are both GCI and I believe use the same wood. Ghost Rider is a CCI..it might be using a different type of wood. I'd be surprised if CCI was using better materials than GCI, but then again I don't know for sure that this color change is necessarily a sign of "lesser" wood. Less appealing to the eye maybe, but it probably would still be just as sound. Boy we really are geeks for even thinking about this aren't we?

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Maybe in like 10-15 yrs Six Flags can purchase a train from RMC or Gerstlauer to be used in rotation like Namtab.


I wonder if the current drought has anything to do with Apocalypse looking like death

I don't know, but, and it's not nearly as bad as Apocalypse, but I noticed over the weekend that Gold Striker at CGA looks considerably more faded and dreary than it did at the end of last season. I dont know how much lack of rain can affect the color of wood if at all.


The type of wood and how it was treated also plays a role in that.

Yeah I forgot to mention that too. Apocalypse and Gold Striker are both GCI and I believe use the same wood. Ghost Rider is a CCI..it might be using a different type of wood. I'd be surprised if CCI was using better materials than GCI, but then again I don't know for sure that this color change is necessarily a sign of "lesser" wood. Less appealing to the eye maybe, but it probably would still be just as sound. Boy we really are geeks for even thinking about this aren't we?


The color change would be related to what the wood is treated with.

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