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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  RyanTPM said:
I'm guessing this will have an effect on construction? RMC will now have to replace the wood in that section before adding topper track.



That whole part of the lift hill was going to need to be replaced anyway to make the lift hill taller and the drop steeper as planned. The question will be how much of an impact this will be found to have on the integrity of the lift hill structure as a whole, and how well it can now support the new layout.

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  AllenA07 said:
There is one picture that makes it look like there is some damage to the lower part of the ride. Is that the case or am I seeing derbies that collapsed from the top of the ride.


Looks to be part of the lift structure that fell which in turn damaged the structure below. In any case, I'm sure RMC is already working on a "Plan B."

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Ouch. That stinks, but I don't think that it will be too big of a problem for Twisted Colossus construction. They'll probably be able to replace the wood that was destroyed.


Also, what is it with RMCs and fire? Goliath's (SFGAm) station fire and now this...

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  DJeXeL said:
  AllenA07 said:
There is one picture that makes it look like there is some damage to the lower part of the ride. Is that the case or am I seeing derbies that collapsed from the top of the ride.


Looks to be part of the lift structure that fell which in turn damaged the structure below. In any case, I'm sure RMC is already working on a "Plan B."



yeah, it toppled right on top of the return track part. that part was just going to be removed anyway, so again, hope it doesn't mess too much with the plan.

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I'm confused on how this could happen, I mean a fire a top of the lift hill that doesn't just happen.


I'm no local so I was just wondering did this happen during openings hours? Again no Local so I have no idea how late it is over there.

Edited by RCT3Bross
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