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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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A couple more of our TPR fans that are SFMM employees contributed some of the photos from the party last night...



Here's one from the second to the last train! (This guy said he got on the last one, too!)



Another one from the last train that ever ran on Colossus!



And from Amber who was sending us updates from the party last night! She made it on the final train ever!


Seriously, I really thought it was cool that they held an after hours party for the staff and let them have those REALLY final rides on the coaster!



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I saw cranes actually doing stuff to the track of the ride. So they aren't there just for the trains

Photos, please!


I drove past the park this morning around 10:30 and there was a crane working on the very very top of the lift but I wasn't able to stop by and snap some photos.

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^Sounds like they are starting with removing the lift motor if that is the case.


Seriously, I really thought it was cool that they held an after hours party for the staff and let them have those REALLY final rides on the coaster!


That's probably the nicest thing SFMM has done for their team members in the last 10 years! That is a nice send off...especially considering any of the operators of Colossus probably push a train or two from lift approach to the lift in their days working it!

Edited by Jew
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I think they're removing the chain system first?



Seeing this ride get torn down is like a dream come true for me. I always thought it was an underwhelming ride after they made all those changes to it. And those boooring turns. I don't think magic mountain can go wrong with what they add instead unless it's another" #YOLOSWAG loopz for dayzz" ride.

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Question - how long before IRat and NTAG did the RMC track start showing up?


I'm excited to see what they do. With a racing coaster, there are so many possibilities with this. Hopefully they'll utilize the ride to its full potential!

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Yeah they were actually doing some work. Waiting for the tram they took the chain out and when I was leaving it looked like a pulley was out. I got a picture of the crane and people up there but no different than what was already posted. I don't bring my phone in with me so I couldn't get I couldn't really snap pics of anything else.

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Well, the layout is pretty long and there are two tracks, not one, so... I would imagine it would take extra effort to get it up in a year. I imagine similar circumstances for Cyclone considering they'll be facing a real winter during construction.

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This is flat terrain. Any new ride will have the majority of the track and parts pre-assembled made in factories. It won't take long to put something up, once the old coaster is removed.

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