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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I am also all for bringing back the double down. SFMM almost never runs three trains on anything. Also, if they RMC both sides, they could run both sides, which would result in a high-enough capacity ride. Although, it is unlikely that they would run both sides all the time; only on crowded days.

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I think that MM should just redo Goliath and turn it into an airtime machine kinda like I305 just as long as they dont get rid of that helix! imo it'd be a lot better than redoing colossus so many people got upset about them taking out LJ imagine refurbing Colossus Or they should just pave Scream and put an airtime machine there

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  Nicholas Loya said:
I think that MM should just redo Goliath and turn it into an airtime machine kinda like I305 just as long as they dont get rid of that helix! imo it'd be a lot better than redoing colossus so many people got upset about them taking out LJ imagine refurbing Colossus Or they should just pave Scream and put an airtime machine there

I'd rather see Goliath completely replaced with an Intamin than them redoing it. That'll never happen though. There's no point of doing that from their perspective. I think Goliath will be there for a very very very long time. Isn't it the best capacity ride in the park?


I've said this before and I'll say it again: Just send Scream away to another Six Flags park that can actually give it the time of day to keep it maintained and some popularity. Bring back the parking spaces!

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How, exactly, is Flashpass supposed to work on Riddlers? We showed up at the merge spot at the base of the stairs and there was no Flashpass attendant to check us in. We proceeded up the narrow stair path on the far right only to find that led to a packed station with no clear merge spot there either. Still no Flashpass checker... After waiting about 10 minutes and moving a total of maybe 2 feet it was pretty evident that the wait was going to be far more than we were willing to wait for a coaster we've ridden plenty of times before. We bailed out and went to ride other coasters that were running with better operations.


Other than that, the park was operating pretty well today.

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  Wes said:
Funny how it took less than week for all of us to get bored of talking about Full Throttle and now we're moving onto the next rumour.

Reminds me a lot of when everybody was excited for Lex Luthor, but a few weeks prior to the announcement of Log Jammer being taken out, all of the focus was diverted to the rumors of what would be happening in that section of the park.

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  Mechanic said:
How, exactly, is Flashpass supposed to work on Riddlers? We showed up at the merge spot at the base of the stairs and there was no Flashpass attendant to check us in. We proceeded up the narrow stair path on the far right only to find that led to a packed station with no clear merge spot there either. Still no Flashpass checker... After waiting about 10 minutes and moving a total of maybe 2 feet it was pretty evident that the wait was going to be far more than we were willing to wait for a coaster we've ridden plenty of times before. We bailed out and went to ride other coasters that were running with better operations.


Other than that, the park was operating pretty well today.


Riddle's has got to have one of the worst station layouts ever, you go up the stairs then it just merges into a giant hot, smelly, cluster f**k of a line.

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  Mechanic said:
How, exactly, is Flashpass supposed to work on Riddlers? We showed up at the merge spot at the base of the stairs and there was no Flashpass attendant to check us in. We proceeded up the narrow stair path on the far right only to find that led to a packed station with no clear merge spot there either. Still no Flashpass checker...


Other than that, the park was operating pretty well today.


I must say I'm surprised to read you would be using a "Flashpass". I had thought by all your postings in here you are a seasoned SFMM person and would not need to use these as you have done it all. Yesterday (Labor Day Mon) didn't seem that busy and most of my party did all they chose to with little effort. Keep up the great postings.

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