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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^It's the "steal" of a lifetime, marked down from $9.99 to $4.38. I mean, how could I NOT become a proud owner? There was another style of cholo bear as well, but it was a little more expensive hovering just over $6.


^^I was at the park monday and both sides were installed completely but they were doing trackwork all day, with cables hanging all over the place. No testing then...

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^Nope. It's just sitting there. Nothing special.. Also, operations were god-awful on most rides... Tatsu was 5 minute dispatches because they had a trainee checking the seats. Riddlers was running 1 train empty, Batman was stacking every time for a long time. Almost everything was really slow!



At Lex, both of the cars, including the catch cars, were completely covered up. They were also pouring the concrete for the queue between the indoor section and the ride itself. It was just a straight path.

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  Wes said:
So there's been no testing 16 days out?


Superman: Ultimate Flight up at SFDK hasn't begun testing, either...and it's supposed to open in a week.


Gooooooo Six Flags!

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  DBru said:
  Wes said:
So there's been no testing 16 days out?


Superman: Ultimate Flight up at SFDK hasn't begun testing, either...and it's supposed to open in a week.


Gooooooo Six Flags!


SFDK's ride is complete, only minor station work is left so they have plenty of time for testing and it would seem the same is true for LEX. It's a drop ride, how long do they need to test it for anyway? It does seem like waiting to the last minute though and if I was responsible for these rides successfully opening when they were scheduled to I would be nervous- what if something goes wrong that requires a lot of time to fix? Ah well, I don't have to worry about it so if it opens on time great, if it opens late, that's fine too. By the time I get to visit these parks both rides will be open so I will just wait for that.

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But it's more than just cycling trains/cars a few times. The state also has to come out and approve the rides...and inspectors don't just dash out to parks on a whim.

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Apparently SFDK's ride may have just started testing according to Captain Lee's FB page.


Captain Lee


(Captain Lee is the park ambassador and spokesperson for Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. If he's not galavanting around the park, he's out and about keeping SFDK on the map!)


Oooooooh ! Just saw that we're testing cars on SUPERMAN Ultimate Flight !
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  Tmcdllr said:
Apparently SFDK's ride may have just started testing according to Captain Lee's FB page.


Captain Lee


(Captain Lee is the park ambassador and spokesperson for Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. If he's not galavanting around the park, he's out and about keeping SFDK on the map!)


Oooooooh ! Just saw that we're testing cars on SUPERMAN Ultimate Flight !


So why are you posting this on SFMM's thread and not SFDK's?

Edited by chickenbowl
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  Reuschini said:
  Wes said:
So there's been no testing 16 days out?


Just because the GP has not seen testing during regular park hours doesn't mean it hasn't been happening.


Does a 400 foot tower that's visible throughout Valencia magically disappear after park hours?

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  chickenbowl said:
  Tmcdllr said:
Apparently SFDK's ride may have just started testing according to Captain Lee's FB page.


Captain Lee


(Captain Lee is the park ambassador and spokesperson for Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. If he's not galavanting around the park, he's out and about keeping SFDK on the map!)


Oooooooh ! Just saw that we're testing cars on SUPERMAN Ultimate Flight !


So why are you posting this on SFMM's thread and not SFDK's?


Because of this post...

  DBru said:
  Wes said:
So there's been no testing 16 days out?


Superman: Ultimate Flight up at SFDK hasn't begun testing, either...and it's supposed to open in a week.


Gooooooo Six Flags!

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