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Everything posted by arby

  1. Based on the timeline for Windseeker at Carowinds: 6-8 weeks for the construction and curing of the footing. When they got the cranes setup and started assembling it, the crews took about 3 weeks to get the tower up then another 2 weeks to assemble the rest. I think they spent about 30 days testing it here.
  2. Right. If you have bags it will show up as an icon in the upper right with the quantity you have. When you click on that icon it will drop a bag if they have run the update.
  3. ^^I was just getting ready to say similar points, especially starting with Doug's #1 and #2. I totally agree that if you follow those steps, you have a better chance of having a vibrant growing park. As far a a previous comment on catering to enthusiasts, we are such a minority when it comes to park attendance and we tend to travel to so many parks in a season that we try to minimize our costs enabling us to visit more parks. The target GP for a park are the ones that bring in the bulk of the revenue so they are certainly the focus. Fortunately for us enthusiasts, many of the GP also likes thrill rides so it's a win.
  4. Great pics and report! It looks like they really do Christmas well. Only a few more weeks and I'll get to experience it.
  5. I lost my mood ring today. I'm not sure how I feel about it.
  6. I have many bands that I like from all genres but I honestly don't have a favorite. My favorite used to be Reel Big Fish but I have expanded out from there.
  7. Yay, I just got the update! Feel free to add me to the front page, too - arbyrocks.
  8. I have budgeted about $5K for our upcoming trip which will be our most expensive trip to date. Prior to that the most expensive trip was about $3K. The amount is for the entire family and the dogs so not just for me.
  9. I have only recently gotten back into gaming. I just finished Blue Dragon on XBox 360 and loved it. If you are familiar with the game and know of anything similar to it, please let me know.
  10. I agree with coasterbill. While I was not impressed with Lakemont, it you are near Leap the Dips, it is well worth the stop.
  11. Yeah, I wish I came across the keychain idea for ornaments earlier. No biggie, I'll just have to go back to all those parks hay don't have ornaments. Great idea!
  12. I have a feeling I'll be in the same boat for our upcoming trip. From my estimates we'll be going past it around 9 AM and I figured it wouldn't be open yet. It will probably be one of those credits I wish I had taken the time to pick up.
  13. Sorry to go off topic... Every time I see the title of this thread I can't help but think of this clip from Toy Story: "The claw is our master"
  14. Great pictures and report! I am reminded of our trip to Texas this past spring.
  15. Most meteorologists are men. That's why when they say we're going to get 6-8" of snow, we only get 2 or 3.
  16. That is my biggest pet peeve. Go and have a good time. Life is too short.
  17. I agree with the comments that Knott's isn't trying to directly compete with Disney. Mr Ouimet with his Disney background knows that a good mix of thrill rides, family rides, and atmosphere will drive a broader crowd (and therefore a bigger crowd) to all the Cedar Fair parks. The direction Knott's is gong is very exciting to me. Windseekers go up quickly once the foundation is done so it isn't surprising that they can go down so quickly.
  18. I sent in my last car payment yesterday. Yay!
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