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Everything posted by arby

  1. ^I am not trying to discount what you're saying although I've had mixed results from tripadvisor and their campground reviews. We have had good luck with the Trailer Life campground directory that rates up 10 points in 3 different categories: completeness of facilities/cleanliness and maintenance of restrooms and showers/visual appearance and environmental quality Any campground that we really like is always rated at least 7 in each category and usually they are 8-9 on average. The reviewers are RVers who spend at least a few months on the road each year and are trained professionals and are like 'mystery diners' or 'secret shoppers.' With that being said, here's the ratings for 2013 for the Sandusky campgrounds in case you are interested: Camp Sandusky - 7.5/7.5/6.5 Camper Village Cedar Point - 8/10/9 Sandusky/Bayshore Estates KOA - 9/10/9 Crystal Rock Campground - 6.5/8.5/8 Milan Travel Park - 9/9.5/8 We travel in an RV so these scores do focus more on that aspect and less on if you're a tent (real) camper. Additionally these scores are updated every year. Just a couple of years ago Camper Village had a 6.5 for the bathrooms so the reviewer this year caught them when they were clean. On a side note, I prefer campgrounds that have fewer trees rather than more. I've had damage to all of my units from falling branches, low clearances for maneuvering in and out of the campground and site, etc. Right now I have three scratches in the side of my full body paint job from low hanging branches, two at campgrounds, one from my driveway where some idiot (me) wasn't paying attention to the front clearance when backing into the parking spot
  2. That is very good news! Hopefully they'll bump up the dividend a little bit based on these results.
  3. Project Runway. ...and there goes my man card..
  4. Time. Warner. Cable. No offense to anybody who works there, but I wasted over half of my day off today with their incompetence. ALL I WANTED WAS TO ADD A SECOND WHOLE HOUSE DVR TO MY EXISTING WHOLE HOUSE DVR NETWORK! At the end of the day and 2 hours on the phone, I still have just 1 whole house DVR and a whole bunch of bunny trails that I took. All I wanted was more service that I was willing to pay for from the beginning when I called on Friday. I am past the point of angry and am now just numb from the whole experience.
  5. Wow. I'm not bashing anybody but I'm surprised at the number of people who don't use twitter. I'm required to use it for work and it's amazing the network I have built that way. Even in the amusement industry, I communicate with some parks that way (and get quicker replies than I do through any other outlet). I'm not trying to persuade anyone to use it, I was just kind of shocked. Back to the real topic at hand, what I don't like about option 2 is that I have to scroll more than with option 1. Besides that, option 2 does look cleaner. What would really sell me on option 2 is that if the updates/news below the big picture banner were horizontal instead of vertical. If the content for the updates/news could be shrunk down a bit so the top 3 or 4 were on the bottom then you could 'swipe' left or right to get to more topics, that would be awesome and I think it would look the cleanest.
  6. They bought 61 acres to be exact. I don't think we'll see a hotel at Carowinds in the near future (within the next 5 years). They need to expand the park and bring more things to do at the park besides coasters. They have started that trend but have a ways to go.
  7. ^^Thanks for the feedback, I hadn't heard any comments like that about the KOA before. I'll keep that in mind for our next trip to Sandusky. The reason we considered it was that our rates for the CP campground were probably the most we have ever paid per night for a campground (around $100). Since we were there for CoasterMania, it was great to be within a short walk to the resort gate. Now that I am thinking about that trip, we need to make it back to Cedar Point again soon.
  8. Camper Village doesn't allow tent camping. Source If you want tent camping I suggest the Sandusky/Bayshore KOA located about a mile from the gate. I've not stayed at that one but have heard good things about it. The only time I camped in Sandusky was at Lighthouse Point in Camper Village.
  9. Then there are others like my wife who upon hearing about Avatar land from me first asked: "So how many years will it take them to build that?" and then stated "We *need* to get down there as soon as this opens." I thought the movie was decent but she absolutely loved it. There are other fans like her who will also make sure they go to experience this regardless of what it includes. I think it's a big win for Disney and it's a chance for them to bring something a little different to their parks. In the end I have no doubt that they'll work some of their Disney magic into it and make this a place that even non-Avatar fans will talk about.
  10. I chose option 1 because I like the twitter feed on the page. I've always been a fan of twitter feeds on pages since twitter can be such of a beast anyway so it's nice to have a TPR focused twitter feed right on the main page.
  11. Yeah, I learned that the hard way with my first FP purchase during our last trip. Oh well, I know for next time. Live and learn. Die and forget it all.
  12. I am lucky that I got to ride Demon Drop the year it opened at Cedar Point and also rode it a couple of years ago during my trip to Dorney. I hope it remains for many years to come.
  13. That is interesting to know. I was surprised they hadn't torn it down to use for the YOLO station. Somewhere a SFMM top brass is reading this, slapping his forehead and saying, "Why didn't we think of this?!?!?" Ah, that's great to know. I'll make sure to try the back row next time. Maybe that's why I wasn't overly impressed with the coaster. It certainly wasn't bad, is just wasn't something that made me say 'Wow! I wish we had this closer.'
  14. Happy belated birthday! I hope it was great. I'm still catching up from my 14 day trip. I don't know how you all do it multiple times a year.
  15. ...and Carowinds cut down all the trees that were in that area from the log flume when they built Intimidator.
  16. The only greyouts I've had are on I-305 on the turn after the first drop and Titan on the helix near the end. The only blackouts I've had were from too much alcohol in my younger days.
  17. Thanks for the update, Larry. When it opens this year I plan on making a trip up there to check it out.
  18. That is interesting to know. I was surprised they hadn't torn it down to use for the YOLO station.
  19. It's good to hear that every company isn't distancing themselves from SeaWorld. I didn't see this posted so I'm adding it to the thread. This is from Southwest Airlines: Source
  20. Great photos! It looks like it was a great time! I have always wanted to go to WDW for New Year's Eve.
  21. ^Yeah, we did know that before heading out there but when you have a kid in high school, they can't miss like when they were in elementary school. When she's in college we'll be able to pick better dates to travel. I made it clear before we left that everywhere would be packed and to set expectations accordingly. So we all did and had a great time knowing we'd have tons of crowds. Hopefully our next trip to SoCal will be in the fall when kids are in school.
  22. On 12/30 it was packed. Here's the 1 1/2 hour line for Silver Bullet as an example:
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